Qin Tian wanted to carry forward traditional Chinese medicine. He had already decided to teach when caring for the people. Unfortunately, at such a critical moment, Zhang Youwei was forced to expel himself from the security team under external pressure, and the matter was over.

The reason why the caring people mentioned this matter again is because of the great incident in Songshan city yesterday - the serial traffic accident!

It may not be clear to the outside world, but the whole medical community in Songshan has gone crazy. A young Chinese doctor has been running back and forth in major hospitals, saving patients from fire and water, and even bringing the dead back to life!

Especially in the heart of medical students, Qin Tian is regarded as an idol! Caring for the people has brought up the issue of setting up the course of traditional Chinese medicine again!

"Professor Guan, I'm willing to accept it!" Qin Tian replied with a smile.

"Good, good!" When Qin Tian agreed, he clapped his hands on the table. "In this way, this semester will soon be over. You will have a few symbolic classes every week. Next semester, I will offer you traditional Chinese medicine so that more students can take it as an elective course and carry forward traditional Chinese medicine."

Qin Tian thought about it for a moment. He just wanted to open a medical center. He didn't have much time. He could fill in the blank with a few sections a week. He simply replied, "well, thank you very much for this matter."

"I thank you so much!" Caring for the people, happy laughter, with Qin Tian such a miracle in traditional Chinese medicine, let alone set up traditional Chinese medicine, in a few years, even if the establishment of Chinese medicine department is absolutely not a problem!

"Let's make a deal. I'll let the Academic Affairs Office arrange the course for you. How about starting tomorrow?" He asked Qin Tian in a tone of solicitude for civil consultation.

Qin Tian thought about it, then nodded, "yes!"

"Well, when the academic affairs office has arranged, I'll ask the corresponding teacher to call you!"

After chatting with caring people about the school's students for a while, Qin Tiancai hung up his phone, but as soon as he hung up, he found that several unanswered tips on his mobile phone had been called in during the time when he was calling caring people.

In Qin Tian daze at this time, the phone rang again, Qin Tian almost no hesitation, then ordered to answer.

"Qin Tian!" A cold voice came from the other end of the telephone.

"Wanru Qin Tian listened to a tiny Zheng, it was Lin Wanru!

"Why, surprised!" Lin Wanru chuckled at the other end of the phone.

People who know her all know that Lin Wanru is like an iceberg of ten thousand years. Even if she gives others a good face, it's hard to see, let alone laugh!

"No, how can ah, I don't have your phone..." Qin Tian said with a guilty heart.

Lin Wanru didn't care. She continued to smile: "do you remember what I told you last time?"!? Today is Dongdong's birthday... "

Qin Tian immediately patted his thighs. I said that Lin Wanru would call me. Last week, when I saw someone else, she promised to accompany him for his birthday this week.

"I don't forget. I must remember. Where are you!? I'll come over now... "Qin Tian was going to the hospital. Suddenly, he remembered that he didn't have a car. He was flustered.

"I'm at the gate of your hospital now. I didn't answer your phone call just now, so I came straight here... Do you mind?" Lin Wanru has never been so active in treating a person, and she doesn't know whether she is doing well or not.

"Don't mind. You wait for me for a moment. I'll be right here."

With that, Qin Tian hung up the phone and ran toward the hospital.

At the moment, a red BMW 730 is standing in front of the medical center. Lin Wan Ru sits in the driver's seat with a smile and a small head stretches out from behind.

"Mom, is uncle flying coming?"

Dongdong hears Lin Wanru calling Qin Tian and asks Lin Wanru eagerly.

"Of course, he likes winter best." Lin Wanru's gentle smile is full of motherhood.

"Then... Mom, let uncle flying man be my father, so that the children in the kindergarten won't say that I don't have a father..." Dongdong is a bit sad, but also has some expectations. The eyes looking at Lin Wanru are full of hope.

Lin Wanru hears the speech, and suddenly feels in her heart. As soon as she wants to explain something, she sees Qin Tian appear on the street corner not far away.

Qin Tian ran to the door of the community. He saw Lin Wan Ru sitting in the car and came over in a hurry.

"Where are we going?" Qin Tian rudely opened the door, a fart. Shares into the back seat, the next winter asked.

At first, Dongdong didn't react, but when he saw clearly that the visitor was Qin Tian, he immediately hugged his neck happily, "Uncle flying man!"

Qin Tian hugs him happily, and her eyes are full of love. Lin Wanru smiles when she sees that they are so compatible. As soon as she steps on the gas pedal, the car slowly drives out.

"Uncle flying man, I have made an appointment with the children in kindergarten. Today, my birthday will be spent with you at school! And I want them to know that I have a father tooWinter and winter said this words very serious, listen to Qin Tian a moment of heartache.

Then Qin Tian said, "OK, we will go to kindergarten. Uncle will order you a big cake now, and we can share it with children later."

Said, Qin Tian took out his cell phone, opened the X-Group take-out, "come on, we will choose together!"

Lin Wanru from the mirror to see the two people sitting in the back carefully choosing cake, I don't know why, unexpectedly suddenly soft, this three people together travel feeling, seems to be... Also good!

Because it was early morning, a high-class car was parked on the road at the gate of the bilingual kindergarten.

This kindergarten is a famous private bilingual kindergarten in Songshan city. It has strong teachers and first-class hardware and software. No kindergarten can be found in Songshan city to be comparable to it, even the first kindergarten in Songshan city.

Of course, under such conditions, tuition fees are not expensive, but even so, the rich people still rush to break their heads and send their children in, which is called "not lose on the starting line".

In the early morning, parents came to send their children. There were luxury private cars like BMW Benz, or occasionally a few small cars. Most of them were shopping cars for nannies in their homes, and they took the burden of sending children by the way.

Lin Wanru's car unexpectedly entered the kindergarten, asked her before she told herself that the kindergarten had her shares.

The kindergarten is located well, just on the edge of the city, but it has not yet reached the suburbs. The surrounding greening and urban facilities are complete. Apart from several children's supplies stores across the road, there is basically no shop. Apart from the peak period of receiving and delivering children, there are not many vehicles passing by, which is very difficult to get quiet in the noise.

Lin Wanru and qintian take their children down from the car. They are very happy to lead them in winter and winter, and they walk towards the door of kindergarten.

"Mr. Lin, you are here!"

A teacher like woman was standing at the door of the teaching building. She saw Qin Tian at the moment, and she also glanced up and down strangely.

"It's winter and winter's birthday. We'll bring him to live with our classmates!" Lin Wanru said calmly, deliberately did not introduce Qin Tian.

Actually, it is not that she doesn't want to introduce, but really don't know how to introduce. The son hopes to have a father in the morning, which has always been her heart pain.

Simply, let them all misunderstand, Qin Tian as winter father.

"OK, the Dean has something to do today, but she has already told the teachers in the class, and the classroom is arranged, and will give winter and winter a memorable birthday!"

Qin Tian looked at the woman in front of her, and he could not help but sigh. He was worthy of being a senior kindergarten. The teacher kept a very friendly smile all the time. Needless to say, he must be a teacher who attracted the children's love.

As soon as they entered the classroom, many children saw Qin Tian.

"Is this man your father in winter and winter?"

"Oh, it's so handsome!"

"His mother is more beautiful!"

A group of children milk voice and milk gas pointing to Qin Tian and Lin Wanru, not many times they laugh into a group.

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