Dongdong led Qin Tian and looked at his classmates with great pride and exclaimed: "do you know this time!? My father is not only handsome, he can fly! He's a superman

Qin Tian almost fell to the ground.

Lin Wanru looked at him, covered her mouth and chuckled.

Since the last time Qin Tian rode a bicycle to save Dongdong, he has always been a flying man in Dongdong's heart!

"You brag

"Ha ha, no one can fly!"

"That's it

A group of children roared with laughter, and Dongdong also made a big red face, "if you don't believe it, my father can fly anyway!"

With that, he twisted his proud little body and sat down on the "birthday throne" that teachers had prepared for him.

After a short time, two couriers carried a huge cake to the classroom. When the children saw such a big cake, they seemed to forget about "flying" and surrounded them one after another.

Until more than one o'clock in the afternoon, the children need a lunch break. Qin Tian and Lin Wanru leave the kindergarten.

"Thank you..." Lin Wanru sat in the car and said softly.

Qin Tianzheng was looking out of the window and suddenly heard Lin Wanru's thanks. He was stunned and said, "thank you for what?"

"Thank you for not saying that you are not Dongdong's father..." Lin Wanru said this, and her pretty face hung up a little red.

She is Dongdong's mother, and Qin Tian becomes Dongdong's father again. The relationship between the two people is not... Thinking of this, Lin Wanru's face becomes more and more ruddy.

Qin Tian seemed to realize this, pretended to cough and said vaguely, "little things, all little things..."

two people sat in the car and instantly fell into silence.

"Well, why don't I drive..." for a long time, Qin Tiancai finally broke the silence.

Lin Wanru was stunned for a moment. She didn't know what Qin Tian was going to do. However, since he said it, she still pulled her car to the side of the road and spared the co driver.

"I want to give you something to choose."

With that, Qin Tian started the car.

Lin Wanru felt a little uneasy, but she was in a high position all the year round. She was not good at psychological quality. She soon calmed down when Qin Tian wanted to give her something.

Time is not long, red BMW will stop at the door of the family jewelry, Qin Tian is familiar with the way to find the female shop manager who was promoted because of himself.

"Mr. Qin, long time no see! What can I do for you? " It is still that kind of warm service attitude, in addition to seeing Qin Tian's female companion change a little surprised, other did not reveal any improper.

"Well, choose a jade. It's better to carry it with you."

It happened that today, Lin Xiaoyao was promised to "transform" her jade. One sheep was also driven, and two sheep were released. So Lin Wanru could have one.

"Yes, Mr. Qin. It happens that Gu Da Shao has brought in a batch of jade. The texture is perfect, which is more in line with the lady's temperament. I'll take you to have a look."

Said, the female store manager then took Qin Tian and Lin Wanru to a counter, several pieces of white jade are lying quietly inside.

The moment Qin Tian saw the jade, he silently raised his thumb to the female store manager!

Isn't it in line with Lin Wanru's temperament? It's just like Lin Wanru's cold temperament!

"All right, that's it!"

Qin Tian clapped the board on the spot, and Lin Wanru laughed bitterly at one side. Didn't he say that he would let me choose it!?

However, Lin Wanru doesn't care what she gives her. She only cares about the people who send them.

Holding the jade in his hand, Qin Tian didn't give it to Lin Wanru directly. Instead, he said to her, "I'll keep this jade for you for the time being. When the time comes, I'll give it to you."

Finish saying, Qin Tian then carried into the pocket.

Lin Wanru stares at him. He is happy with himself. When can he send him back!?

Just then, Lin Wanru's mobile phone rang.

"General manager Lin, there's something wrong with the kindergarten. A madman comes in and kidnaps the children. Dongdong is also in it!"

Hearing this, Lin Wanru's body immediately became soft. If Qin Tian didn't hold her, she would fall to the ground immediately!

"What's the matter?" Qin Tian asked anxiously.

"Kindergarten into the kidnapper, winter in it..." words did not finish, Lin Wanru's tears fell down, do not know what to think of, the body earned, then stood up, toward the door of the car will rush past!

"You wait for me!"

Qin Tian explained with the female store manager, jade money back to calculate, quickly followed Lin Wanru rushed out!

Qin Tian grabs Lin Wanru, pushes her into the co pilot, and then sits in the driver's seat.

"Don't panic! Everything has me

With that, Qin Tian started the car and rushed towards the kindergarten!Lin Wanru sits on the co pilot and looks at Qin Tian, who is full of determination. She doesn't know why. A sense of security rises from the bottom of her heart. It's like Qin Tian is there. She doesn't have to be afraid of anything.

Looking back on so many years, Lin Wanru, no matter what happened to her, was she fighting against it. How could she have such a shoulder to protect herself from the wind and rain!?

Qin Tian didn't notice the change of Lin Wanru's expression. While driving, he took out his mobile phone and called Jiao Cheng!

"Brother Jiao, he Miaomiao kindergarten was robbed. How many people do you come here? Keep a low profile!"

When Jiao Cheng hears this, he doesn't say a word. The veterans are on duty, so he brings several team leaders to the kindergarten!

Lin Wan Ru's face was pale, her lips were tight, and Qin Tian did not speak.

At the moment, he was almost robbed by the accident of Shangdong.

Soon the red BMW came to the gate of the kindergarten, but at the moment, the warning line is dense at the gate of the kindergarten, more than a dozen police cars are parked on the road, and they can't get into the kindergarten gate any more!

At the sight of Lin Wanru's arrival, the kindergarten director ran to her side in a hurry. "Mr. Lin, you're here at last..."

Lin Wanru, regardless of her messy hair, growled: "what's going on?"!? When I turn around, why don't I go in

The kindergarten president's face is extremely ugly, but still patiently explained to Lin Wanru.

It turned out that at three o'clock in the afternoon, a young man came to the gate of the kindergarten and said he would pick up the child.

The guard asked him to show his pick-up card when he saw that he was a stranger. Unexpectedly, what this man took out of his pocket was not a transfer card, but a dagger. Suddenly, he stabbed the security guard in the stomach, and the security guard died on the spot!

Another security guard was very scared and quickly hid in the guard room. This man took the opportunity to rush into the kindergarten and abducted all the middle class students and teachers who were still in class!

The security guard immediately called the police. In less than five minutes, the police car came to the gate of the kindergarten. The security guard of the kindergarten said that it seemed that there were more than a dozen columnar objects tied together in the man's bag, as well as red and green wires, which were most likely explosives. The police did not dare to act rashly. They immediately activated the emergency plan and sent special police, armed police and negotiation experts to block the road and evacuate The masses, this allows the kindergarten to inform parents!

After listening to the director's words, Lin Wanru rushes towards the gate of the kindergarten like a madman!

A police officer, who was familiar with the car, said, "she came by the side of a car."

Ding Hanxue, as a criminal policeman in Songshan police field, naturally knows Lin Wanru, the female president of the police. She doesn't say those crooked words. She says to Lin Wanru: "the robbers have explosives on them. Although I know you are worried about your son, we can't let you go in like this. Calm down and trust us!"

Lin Wanru met Ding Hanxue, shaking her body and asked her, "what can I do?"

Ding Hanxue nodded and pulled out a screenshot from the monitor. "Do you know this man?"

When Lin Wanru saw the photo, she immediately gasped, "it's him!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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