In the photo, a man in summer is wearing a black windbreaker, bulging in his arms and wearing a pair of sunglasses. However, it can be seen at a glance that this man is not others. It is Lin Wanru's ex boyfriend, Prince Cong!

Some time ago, Wang Zicong almost delayed Zhang Yuhang's illness and killed him because he wanted to occupy Qin Tian's credit. He was taken away by the police for investigation. He was just released yesterday.

But when he came out, the Health Bureau revoked his medical certificate, and the hospital expelled him, and he was never allowed to practice medicine.

Wang Zicong had been studying medicine for nearly 30 years, but at last he became a disabled man. As a family of doctors, Wang's family could not tolerate such a thing, so he was expelled from the family immediately!

The homeless and hopeless Prince Cong thinks more and more cowardly. He simply blames Lin Wanru for all his faults!

If it was not for her, she would not have offended Qin Tian, would not have wanted to occupy his credit, and would not have been jailed for it!

Everything, all to blame Lin Wanru, he wants to revenge her!

"Prince Cong?" Qin Tian came to have a look and immediately frowned.

Ding Hanxue didn't expect that Qin Tian was also there. She was stunned for a moment and then looked at Lin Wanru. Her face suddenly became dim.

"Sniper, take aim, sniper!"

Ding Hanxue pressed some walkie talkies in his ear, and the snipers lurking in the opposite building instantly transmitted the picture.

At the moment, at the window of the kindergarten middle class, a man in a windbreaker, with a hat and a stubble beard in his hand, with a knife in his hand, is standing on a teacher's neck. His angle is very good. The teacher's body just blocks his body, only half of his head is exposed to observe the police's movement!

"Once again, is it Prince Cong?" Ding Hanxue points to the man on the computer and asks seriously!

"It's him, it's him. This person has stayed in my mind for so many years. If I admit that I'm wrong, no one will recognize him wrong!" Lin Wanru trembled. She knew that Wang Zicong hijacked the kindergarten for the purpose of winter and winter!

At this time, another police car stopped on the road, Ding Jianguo a cat waist, from the car will drill out!

"Who are the robbers? Have you found out?" As soon as Ding Jianguo got out of the car, he asked Ding Hanxue.

"Report to the director general. It's Prince Cong who was released from the detention center a few days ago." Ding Hanxue hastily reports to Ding Jianguo that there is no father daughter mood mixed in it.

"Asshole!" Ding Jianguo secretly scolded, then picked up Ding Hanxue's walkie talkie and pressed the call button, "negotiation experts in place, psychological intervention, strive to let the robbers surrender; snipers are all in place, once there is an opportunity, do not ask for instructions, immediately kill the robbers, repeat, do not ask for instructions, immediately kill the robbers!"

Ding Jianguo angrily put down the walkie talkie and looked at Wang Zicong from a distance!

this is a whole class of children. If something goes wrong, what kind of face should he face the parents of these children!

At this time, several armed police soldiers holding explosion-proof shields passed through the gate and walked blatantly towards the teaching building. Behind the shield was a middle-aged man in a black suit, who was the negotiation expert in Ding Jianguo's mouth!

"Wang Zicong, you have also been surrounded. Even if you hurt these children, you still can't escape from the law. Surrender quickly. You must trust the country and treat you leniently."

"Don't try to follow me! Today I come here for one purpose. If you don't follow my instructions, I'll kill a child every few minutes! " Wang Zicong looks ferocious. He seems to know that a sniper is aiming at him and has been hiding behind the child.

When the negotiation expert heard that Prince Cong wanted to kill the child, he quickly raised his hand, "don't be impulsive. We can talk about any conditions you have. Never hurt the children. Once you hurt them, you will have no way back!"

"No nonsense! I want to see Lin Wanru. I'll have a car ready in ten minutes. I'll also have an automatic rifle and 200 bullets! " Wang Zicong's eyes were red and his voice was hoarse. He was obviously in a state of near madness!

The negotiator scolded him a hundred times when he heard it!

It's not difficult to see Lin Wanru. As long as you find someone and call for cooperation, it's not a big problem. The car is OK. But if you find an automatic rifle, you need 200 rounds of bullets. Who can satisfy you!? Which leader is so crazy!?

"The criminals are crazy. To avoid innocent casualties, I suggest that the commandos act." Special police chief said.

"The terrain is not suitable for kindergartens. Commandos can't enter without the criminal's notice. In case of his mania, the hostages will be killed or injured." Criminal Police Detachment elder Liu said.

"Lao Liu, what can you do?" Ding Jianguo asked.

"Find someone to pass for Lin Wanru and kill the criminals." Liu said confidently.

One side of Ding Hanxue also stepped forward: "Ding Bureau, I go!"

Now Ding Hanxue is already a famous police officer of the criminal police detachment. Although she is the daughter of the director, her professional level is absolutely not to be said. She dares to play with her life at critical moments and can fight a tough battle. When it comes to Ding Hanxue, she is not dissatisfied!Ding Jianguo frowned and thought for a while, and finally made up his mind and said, "Xiaoxue, have you learned how to defuse explosives?"

"Don't worry, I'll cooperate with you at the local border Bureau when I do mine clearance." Ding Hanxue replied with pride.

"The robber is in a state of madness now. Your gun is too small. Use mine!" Said, Ding Jianguo from the waist to take a heavy 92 style handed to her.

Ding Hanxue took the gun, skillfully withdrew the cartridge clip and looked at the remaining bullets. The standard 9mm warhead, with a crash, pushed the bullet again and loaded it. He said to Ding Jianguo, "don't worry, D Bureau, and ensure the completion of the task."

The negotiation expert over there called out with a trumpet: "Prince Cong, don't be impulsive. Lin Wanru will be here soon. She will go into the kindergarten and have an interview with you."

Ding Hanxue quickly ran to the back, pulled Li Wanru into the car, changed his clothes, and then sneaked to the rear, waiting for orders!

Ding Hanxue made a OK gesture to the negotiator. The negotiator immediately called out to the upstairs, "Prince Cong, you can see clearly that Lin Wan has come. She will go now!"

Ding Hanxue in full view of the public slowly toward the kindergarten, this moment, everyone's heart is hanging up!

Everything goes well. Once there is a slight mistake, the robbers will commit murder and even detonate bombs. By then, everything will be over.

All people's hopes are pinned on Ding Hanxue. Only Qin Tian, who is surrounded by the crowd, says something bad secretly!

Who is Wang Zicong!? He is Lin Wanru's ex boyfriend. He knows Lin Wanru like the palm of his hand. Lin Wanru's figure has long been printed in his mind!

Although Ding Hanxue's figure is not bad, but it belongs to that kind of body-building type, and Lin Wanru are not the same type, even Qin Tian can distinguish, let alone Wang Zicong!?

Sure enough, when Ding Hanxue was just halfway there, Wang Zicong screamed hysterically: "you lie to me! She is not Lin Wanru! "

Then I saw a hand stretched out to the hostage's chest and pricked it one by one. The blood gushed out. All of them gave a cry of surprise. Even many young mothers fainted on the spot!

The teacher fell down, but Wang Zicong was still not exposed to the gun!

Three seconds later, a little boy appeared in the window, whining, sniveling and tears streaming. Lin Wanru in the police car screamed and fainted!

The one who was taken hostage by Wang Zicong was just after his fifth birthday!

The anxious Ding Jianguo asked through the walkie talkie, "why didn't you shoot just now? Why not shoot! If you don't have this level, please tell me earlier. I'll change players

The snipers are also very aggrieved. The robbers are too cunning to give them a chance to shoot. Now he is holding the little boy as a hostage. The head of the child is shaking, and the sniper can't aim at it.

At this time, all of us did not notice that on the wall of the side of the teaching building, several figures quietly turned into the kindergarten!

Qin Tian took a look from afar, and a smile hung from the corner of his mouth.

Those who come are not others, but Jiao Cheng and those security captains!

Then, taking advantage of people's ignorance, Qin Tian also disappeared in the crowd.

Qin Tian slowly drilled into the residential building opposite the kindergarten, and soon found a sniper facing Wang Zicong.

"Give me the gun!" Qin Tian squats in the window mouth, the tone can not be questioned to reach out to the sniper. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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