The sniper was focusing on Prince Cong when a voice suddenly came from his side. He was so scared that he almost threw the gun out!

"You... Who are you?" The sniper's face suddenly, the muzzle of the gun is aimed at Qin Tian!

"Don't worry about who I am. I'm familiar with director Ding. Now give me the gun and I'll snipe!" Qin Tiansi does not worry that the other party will shoot him, with his ability, even if the bullet out of the gun, he can still escape!

"You want to grab a gun, you don't want to die..."

the sniper looked at Qin Tian fiercely, but before he finished his words, Qin Tian grabbed the sniper gun and didn't even respond to it!

The sniper is stupid. It's a big crime to lose the gun. If you are found, you will be sentenced!

Thinking of this, the sniper's eyes are red, just ready to take out the pistol to fight with Qin Tian, Qin Tian will throw out a certificate and fall in front of the sniper!

"Storm special team... You're a special soldier!" Sniper a look, immediately widened his eyes, hanging a heart also put down.

If it's a special soldier, that's another thing. Sniper's skill must be better than yourself!

What he didn't know was that Qin Tian had never touched a sniper gun before!

Qin Tian stroked the long-distance killing weapon in his hand, and a trace free smile hung up in his mouth!

Because just now, there was a little sound in his brain, and the green energy re - engraving was over!

Not only the perfect reproduction of the sniper's posture and sniping skills, green energy is also perfect for him in mind!

It can be said that Qin Tian's sniper ability has reached the ranks of the world's top snipers!

This time, Qin Tian also found some conditions to trigger the ability to reproduce, that is, to send out a learning signal in his mind. Once a certain critical value is exceeded, the ability will automatically turn on!

Wang Zicong held Dongdong in his arms, his face was full of cruelty. Just after killing the female teacher, he could have grabbed the child beside him and blocked him in front of him in time, but he didn't, but he carefully identified and turned it, and then he pulled Dongdong in front of him!

Seeing her son's tearful face, Lin Wanru's heart was torn up!

She tightly grasped Ding Jianguo and cried: "please help my son, help my son! I'll give you whatever you want

Songshan city's business women have completely lost their manners! Ding Jianguo's heart is not sad and angry!?

I'm sad that as a policeman, I can't protect these children. I'm angry that the robbers are so heartless!

At this time, Wang Zicong's mood has been seriously out of control. He holds Dongdong in front of him, reveals only half of his face, and shouts loudly to the downstairs: "Lin Wanru! I know you're watching! If it wasn't for you, I would not have been reduced to this level! Today, I want you to watch your son die

"Die!! Ha ha ha... "

the sound of crazy laughter rippled back and forth in the sky of kindergarten. The crazy Prince Cong suddenly waved his dagger and stabbed in the winter!


A blood spatter from Dongdong's body, Lin Wanru's hysterical cry makes him faint!

Just at this time, a gun shot, awakened everyone!

A 7.62 mm sniper bullet whirled from Dongdong's waving arms at high speed and hit Prince Cong's neck!

Great force broke his cervical vertebra in an instant! Even if he instinctively wants to pull the lead of the explosive, he can't pull it anymore!

The gunshot was an order. A few men in plain clothes built the bridge with their bare hands and threw their teammates on the second floor. In an instant, they picked up the injured Dongdong!

See this scene, ambush in the kindergarten gate on both sides of the special police also immediately rushed in, very fast and incomparably toward the teaching building opened the assault, let a person produce the CS sense of seeing instantly!

Jiao Cheng holds Dongdong in his arms, and a few others begin to examine the other children.

A moment later, the special police team appeared in the classroom. A special combat team member reached out and made a gesture to show that everything was going well. The walkie talkie also sent a report from the leader of the commando team: "report, the robber was killed on the spot, the child was slightly injured, and the female teacher was seriously injured. He needs to be sent to the hospital immediately!"

Hearing the report, Ding Jianguo's heart was finally released, and Ding Hanxue was relieved!

At this time, Lin Wanru slowly woke up and struggled to look at the teaching building at the first time, shouting: "where's my son?"!? Winter

When Ding Hanxue looked at her, she immediately helped her and said softly, "the robber has been killed, the child is OK..."

Ding Hanxue stroked Lin Wanru's back repeatedly, and felt that Lin Wanru's body was very tense, and then relaxed at once!

After everything was cleared up, Ding Jianguo looked at the snipers hidden in the residential building behind him and burst out laughing, "who fired the gun just now?"!? You've done a good job. When you go back, you must give a big commendation

Lin Wanru and Ding Hanxue look up at the residential building.

On the windowsill of the window on the sixth floor of the residential building, a man in casual clothes held a gun muzzle with both hands, and a 85 type sniper rifle with a trace of green smoke rising. One foot stepped on the edge of the windowsill and was standing there with a smile on his face, showing an incomparable image of a tough man!Besides Qin Tian, who can he be!?

Almost all the people present noticed the existence of Qin Tian. For a moment, thunderous applause broke out!

"How many skills does this kid have?"

Medical skills, geomancy, metaphysics, fighting skills, gambling stones, up to now, the ability to snipe is so outstanding! Even if he started learning from his mother's womb, he wouldn't have such a great ability!?

Ding Jianguo's face is full of surprise, looking at Qin Tian's eyes are full of disbelief.

"It's him again..." Ding Hanxue's heart is full of five flavors.

Since last time Qin Tian said that he wanted to be a bully of the underground forces, Ding Hanxue advised himself to keep a distance from Qin Tian. He was a soldier, but he would become a bandit!

But Lin Wanru is different, looking at Qin Tian's eyes are full of dependence, clapping hands, a pair of beautiful eyes will be submerged by tears!

Qin Tian sheepishly scratched his head, as if he realized that he was playing a little too handsome. As soon as he turned around, he jumped down from the window sill and threw the gun to the sniper.

"Sir, sir!" The sniper saw Qin Tian turn around and leave, and quickly followed up with a face of worship, "Sir, you are really a member of the storm special team!"

"You see it!? Don't ask what you shouldn't know! Have you forgotten the confidentiality regulations? " Qin Tianhu raised his face and yelled.

Just now this sniper didn't want to give his gun to himself. If Qin Tian didn't act rough, he would not have been able to live in winter!

The sniper was scolded by Qin Tian inexplicably. Standing in the same place and watching Qin Tian leave, the worship in his eyes did not decrease because of Qin Tian's yelling. Instead, he became out of control!

Upstairs in the kindergarten, Wang Zicong's body is lying on all fours. His neck is broken by sniper bullets. Only a trace of skin is attached to the edge. If Qin Tian hadn't hit the lower angle, I'm afraid even his head would have been destroyed!

The medical staff had arrived on the second floor. Although the bleeding was serious, the female teacher did not pierce the vital point. After emergency treatment, she woke up and was carried to the ambulance by the doctor.

And Dongdong, was Prince Cong a knife, at the moment is pale, coma in the past!

Lin Wanru watched Dongdong, who was held down by the doctor from the second floor, and jumped into the ambulance in a hurry!

Two police motorcycles opened the road, and the sharp sirens rang through the whole street! All the vehicles along the road saw this scene, they all stopped and gave in. The ambulance sped all the way to the first people's Hospital, and the two wounded were sent to the rescue room!

Lin Wanru, with two feet and one soft, sat at the door of the emergency room, praying that her son was only suffering from skin injury, and never let anything happen!

But it was just something to be afraid of. The door of the rescue room was pushed open with a bang. A doctor, covered with blood, rushed out and cried anxiously, "who is the patient's parent?"

As soon as Lin Wan Ru heard, her head hummed, she stood up and said, "I am the mother of the child..."

"the left renal artery of the child is ruptured, and now it needs surgery! This is the operation consent form, you sign it! " Gasping for breath, the doctor said anxiously. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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