Lin Wanru's hands trembled, but she didn't hesitate. Her posture of being at a high position all the year round showed her best at this moment. She immediately signed her name on the consent form. The doctor then returned to the rescue room and continued to rescue Dongdong!

Looking at the doctor leave, Lin Wan as powerless to sit against the wall, tears blurred her eyes.

She's not a doctor, but she knows what a broken renal artery means! Once the operation fails, Dongdong will die on the spot, or even lose a kidney!

If that's the case, winter's life will be ruined!

At this time, the door of the operating room on the other side was also opened, and the nurse pushed the wounded out and said, "the wound is not deep, it has been sutured, there is no life-threatening, so the family members will come and transfer to the general ward!"

Hearing the nurse's words, the family members of the woman teacher on the bench made a joyful voice and surrounded her to leave the corridor.

Lin Wanru squatted on the wall, facing the empty white wall, she felt very lonely and cold!

At this time, there was a sound of burping and burping at the end of the corridor. Lin Wanru turned her head and looked in the direction of the sound. She saw a thin figure walking slowly towards the operating room.

For a moment, Lin Wanru did not know where the strength came from. She stood up and rushed at him.

Qin Tian looked at Lin Wanru, who was crying all over his face. A heart softened slowly. He raised his hand and stroked her messy hair and held her gently.

"Winter and winter will be fine with me." Qin Tian's voice is a little hoarse.

Lin Wanru looked up at him, a pair of beautiful eyes full of hope wings, "can you really cure him?"

Qin Tian looked at her, firmly nodded, "wait for me."

With that, Qin Tian put her on the seat beside her and walked straight to the operating room.

Outsiders are not allowed to enter the operating room at will. But Qin Tian rescued Qiu Yunlin, who lost his heart beat, two days ago. In the people's Hospital, it seems like a myth. The guard nurse saw that Qin Tian came over, but did not even stop him. He directly found a set of green sterilized surgical clothes and led him to the operating room!

Lin Wanru looks at Qin Tian who goes in. She doesn't know why. As long as he is there, she seems to have nothing to worry about. A hanging heart is finally released.

However, the tense mood suddenly relaxed. Under the ups and downs, Lin Wanru, who had been stimulated, suddenly closed her eyes and fainted!

There was a nurse nearby, and she was rushed to the ward...

the doctor had injected Dongdong with anesthetics, and the doctor in charge of the operation also picked up the scalpel and was ready to start the operation.

But at this time, a burst of rapid footsteps from the outside, Qin Tian, under the guidance of nurses, finally came to the operating table!

The doctor in charge of the operation is no other than Deng Wenxiang, who claimed to be a member of the American Western Medicine Association!

When Deng Wenxiang saw Qin Tian, he frowned slightly. But when he thought that the operation was related to the child's life, he did not hesitate to give Qin Tian the position of the main knife!

Qin Tian looked at him gratefully, nodded at him, took out a needle bag behind him, and then pricked down the major acupoints in winter and winter abdomen!

The operation lasted more than an hour, and the green energy in Qin celestial body was transmitted to Dongdong's body without reservation.

Thanks to the softness of the meridians of children, there is no loss in the transmission. Almost all the green energy acts on the renal artery in winter and winter!

Under the control of Qin Tian, the strong repair ability of green energy has been fully developed. Soon, the nurse in charge of monitoring the instrument nearby yelled out in surprise: "the value is normal... The bleeding in renal area has stopped!"

"It's amazing!"

"How can we cure the rupture of renal artery with only a few silver needles!? Incredible

"I'm going to learn Chinese medicine, too!"

A group of doctors and nurses standing on one side to look at Qin Tian's eyes full of worship!

If there was luck in saving Qiu Yunlin before, then this time he had to break the renal artery with a few silver needles, which really proved the strength of Qin Tian!

Deng Wenxiang stood aside, his eyes staring at him. For the first time, he doubted his status as a member of the American Western Medicine Association.

I have learned western medicine for half my life, but I can't compare with several silver needles of traditional Chinese medicine! What I used to regard as dross has hit my face again and again!

For a while, Deng Wenxiang began to examine the gap between Chinese and Western medicine again! Only this time, he was thinking about how much western medicine was inferior to traditional Chinese medicine!

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin!" When Lin Wanru, who was in a daze, heard someone calling herself, she opened her eyes and saw that it was Xiao Ya!

It is said that Lin Wanru is in a coma and has no one to take care of. Xiao Ya rushes to the hospital at the first time.

Lin Wan Ru took a long breath and tried to hold back the uneasiness in her heart and asked Xiao Ya, "what's the matter with winter and winter?"

Xiao Ya saw Lin Wanru wake up, also relieved, and said with a smile: "don't worry, general manager Lin, winter has been out of danger!""Really?" Lin Wanru, who was still weak, immediately got up from the hospital bed. Before she could even put on her shoes, she jumped out of the bed and rushed to the emergency ward!

Far away, Lin Wanru hears a burst of laughter and suddenly pushes the door open. The scene inside makes Lin Wanru blush!

There are two beds in the ward. One of them is her son. The little guy's face has been restored to ruddy. If there was not an infusion tube nearby to deliver liquid to his body, she would even suspect that Dongdong was just asleep.

Another bed, Qin Tian quietly lying on the top, the fatigue brought by the operation let him can not help but sleep in the past.

Seeing this scene, Lin Wanru tears like rain!

At this time, the ward round nurse came over and looked at Lin Wanru and asked, "are you the mother of the child?"!? You're really good enough. The child didn't show up when he had such a big accident. If his father hadn't been here all the time, how cool the child would have been! "

Lin Wanru didn't feel angry when she was scolded by the nurse. On the contrary, when she heard that they regarded Qin Tian as the father of the child, she was still a little pleased.

"Nurse, what's the matter with the child?"

"Sign it." The nurse handed her a hospital form, "children's recovery ability is strong, as long as the hospital observation for a few days, no major problems can be discharged."

Lin Wanru took up her pen and signed on the admission form. The nurse looked at the child's condition and turned away.

"Are you awake?" Lying in bed, Qin Tian opens his eyes and looks at Lin Wanru with a smile.

"Yes." Lin Wanru nodded gently.

Qin Tianyi Gulu gets up from the bed and pats the position beside him. Lin Wanru sits down.

"Dong Dong's body is no problem. If you give him another injection tomorrow morning, it will be the same as before."

Qin Tian looked at the infusion bottle hanging on the hospital bed and looked very disdainful.

But for Lin Wanru's fear, he would not have let the nurse give him the infusion from the beginning.

"Do you want another injection tomorrow morning?" Lin Wanru looked at the time, and it was more than 10 o'clock in the evening. "I'm sorry to keep you busy so late..."

"do you need to say that again?" Qin Tian slightly smile, "another ten minutes, I will send you home, the hospital this place, stay affect the mood."

Lin Wanru did not doubt what Qin Tian said. Since he said he could go home, there would be no problem.

"Then please take us home." With that, Lin Wanru's pretty face turned a little red. Suddenly, a bold idea appeared in her mind!

Ten minutes later.

Avoiding the doctors and nurses who patrol the room, Qin Tian holds the still sleepy winter. Lin Wanru drives the car, and the three slip out of the hospital.

Lin Wanru lives in Jingsheng Haoting, one of the few rich areas in Songshan city. As soon as she got off the bus, Qin Tian wanted to give Lin Wanru winter, but Lin Wanru shook her head.

"It's been a long day. I'm out of strength."

Lin Wanru's face showed a trace of fatigue, Qin Tian saw in the eyes, also did not think much, holding the child then followed Lin Wanru up the elevator.

Lin Wanru's house is very large. It is a 300 square meter flat floor mansion. Once inside the house, Qin Tian was attracted by the decoration of the house.

A piece of cement gray and ice blue mix and match, let a person first impression then feel a clean and neat style, unexpectedly with Lin Wanru strange match.

Qin Tian gently put the child on his bed, before leaving again will a wisp of green energy into his body.

Lin Wanru looks at Qin Tian, who enters the room of Dongdong. She pours a glass of water for him. After hesitation, she throws a white pill into the water. In less than 10 seconds, the white pill actually melts away! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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