Qin Tian gently closed the door and backed out, just met Lin Wanru, who was carrying water.

"Don't you sit down for a while?" Lin Wanru looks at Qin Tian with water.

Originally, Qin Tian was ready to leave immediately. After all, it was not appropriate to be a lonely man or a widow in the middle of the night. But when he saw the water in Lin Wanru's hand, he couldn't bear to leave like this.

"Sit down for a while." Lin Wanru pointed to the sofa and handed the water to Qin Tian.

To tell you the truth, after being busy for such a long time, Qin Tian's thirsty throat smoked and drank it without hesitation.

Sitting on the sofa, Qin Tian was a little embarrassed. Lin Wanru did not speak, and she was not easy to find a topic. She simply put the water cup on the tea table and said to Lin Wanru, "well, it's late, I should go back..."

however, as soon as he was half up, a sense of powerlessness suddenly attacked him and made Qin Tian fall back on the sofa!

After that, Qin Tian felt dizzy. He raised his hand and pointed to Lin Wanru, "you... Drugged..."

with that, Qin Tian fainted on the sofa!

Lin Wanru gasped violently, her whole body was sweating.

When her grandfather Lu Bingqian gave her this pill, she didn't think that she actually used it for Qin Tian.

Thinking of this, Lin Wanru gave a bitter smile and helped Qin Tian into the room.

Looking at Qin Tian, who is lying in bed with her eyes closed, Lin Wan goes into the bathroom with her pretty face and gently biting her lips.

The water is constantly washing Lin Wanru's body, two straight thighs tightly clip together, as if struggling with something, for a long time, finally put on a bath towel back to the bedroom.

Lin Wanru stood by the bed, looking at Qin Tian's tough face, she couldn't help reaching out and stroking it.

"It would be nice if you could only have me as a woman..."

as she said this, Lin Wanru untied Qin Tian's buttons and pulled all his burdens away.

Lin Wanru blushed. This was the first time she saw a man like this.

After hesitating for a long time, Lin Wanru finally untied the bath towel...

in her coma, Qin Tian only felt a bright figure on her body, but she didn't know why, but she couldn't wake up.


in the morning, the sun shone down the window on the bed in the room. Qin Tian shook his head twice and suddenly opened his eyes!

A burst of warm fragrance nephrite, Qin Tian turned his head to see Lin Wan Ru sleeping soundly on his arm!

Then Qin Tian opened the quilt and saw a bright red on the white sheet! Needless to say, Qin Tian also knows what happened yesterday!

In a flash, Qin Tian's face looked ugly.

"Don't worry, I won't depend on you."

Suddenly, a cold voice came from the side. Lin Wan Ru opened her eyes and sat up slowly. She covered her chest with a quilt and lifted her hair behind her ears with great rationality.

Qin Tian looked at her, his eyes full of incomprehension.

"Why?" Qin Tian asked softly, "don't you feel aggrieved?"

He has already had a lover, it is impossible to give her the life she deserves.

When Lin Wanru saw Qin Tian asking her, she immediately turned red. "I only know that I like you. For more than 20 years, there has never been a man who can make me give up everything to like, only you..."

"but I can't give you the life you want...

" but you don't know what I want! " Lin Wanru raised her voice in an instant, interrupted Qin Tian's words, and then gently stroked Qin Tian's arm. "I just want to be a woman around you. As long as you have me in your heart, I don't care if you can see the light..."

"but is it really worth it Qin Tian gave a bitter smile.

"As long as it's you, it's worth it!"

With that, Lin Wanru leans forward and kisses Qin Tian's mouth gently, and the quilt on her chest slides down with her.

"Hold me..." Lin Wanru suddenly said to Qin Tian.

Lin Wanru's eyes are blurred and her breath is like blue. This poor woman needs a broad shoulder and warm arms.

If you choose to leave at this time, it is the most cruel thing to her!

Qin Tian hesitated for a moment, and then he hugged Lin Wanru without hesitation!

Slender waist, slightly shaking body, scattered hair, such a full of flexibility and temptation of women in the arms, Qin Tian no response is impossible!

After a long time, Qin Tian lay on the bed, touched the two rows of small teeth imprinted by Lin Wanru on his shoulder, and let out a bitter smile.

This time, I can't depend on it any more.

From the bathroom came the sound of water. Li Wanru came out of the bathroom in her nightdress. Her hair was wet, her neck was long and her face was full of satisfaction. She gave Qin Tian a smile. "If you're tired, take a rest. I'll make breakfast for you."After that, Lin Wanru walked out of the room directly. Qin Tian got out of bed and walked into the bathroom to find out that Lin Wanru had already prepared her toiletries, and even her briefs were properly prepared.

Out of the room, Dongdong has been sitting on the seat with a spoon to eat. Seeing Qin Tian come out, he turned his head and cried happily, "Uncle flying man is early!"

Qin Tian's old face was red, and he replied, "early."

In my heart, I feel embarrassed to sleep my mother.

Time is not big, Lin Wan Ru came out with a big plate full of eggs, milk and bread.

In front of winter and winter, there is an egg, a piece of bread and a cup of milk, while in front of Qin Tian, there are four eggs and a large cup of milk.

"Mom, why does uncle flying man have so many eggs?" Dongdong is puzzled.

Lin Wanru blushed and took a look at Qin Tian. Then she said to Dongdong: "uncle worked at night and was a little tired, so I should eat more eggs."

"What's your uncle doing, so tired?"

Qin Tian heard, just drink a mouthful of milk, nearly spray out.

"I was injured yesterday. My uncle saved you. Of course, I was very tired." Lin Wanru blushes and patiently explains to Dongdong.

Finally, after finishing the meal, Dongdong pesters Qin Tian to look at the atlas with him. Finally, when he turns to a picture, Dongdong cries happily.

"Do you know what kind of animal this is?" Qin Tian points to the alpaca in the picture and asks Dongdong.

Dongdong cried happily: "I know, I know, this animal is called Grass Mud Horse!"

Lin Wanru, who is doing the dishes at the same time, turns red. Qin Tian also smiles awkwardly.

"No shouting in winter and winter. This animal is called alpaca, and grass mud horse is not allowed..."

"no, this is grass mud horse!"

Lin Wanru gave him a bitter smile and had to change the topic. "You told me just now. If you have something to say to Uncle Feiren, what do you want to say?"

Dongdong remembered this and turned to Qin Tian, "uncle, can I call you dad?"

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