Lin Wanru didn't expect that this would be the question that Dongdong asked Qin Tian. After hearing this, she immediately looked ugly.

Because she knew that Qin Tian couldn't be his father...

just as Lin Wanru wanted to change the topic of winter and winter, Qin Tian touched his head and said happily, "yes, but we can only call him dad when we are three people. When there are outsiders, we can't

After hearing this, Dongdong asked Qin Tian with his head askew: "why can't we have outsiders?"

"Because I haven't married your mother yet." Qin Tian smiles.

After hearing this, Dongdong suddenly realized, "I know. I will call your father when there is no one else."

With that, Dongdong happily ran around the table, and every time he ran to Qin Tian, he would shout a word of dad excitedly, and Qin Tian answered with a smile.

Lin Wanru looks at Qin Tian, and her beautiful eyes are moist again.

She didn't expect that Qin Tian would agree to such a request, which was equivalent to indirectly admitting her relationship with herself. Only when there was no one else, they were Dongdong's father and mother...

after breakfast, Qin Tian pricked Dongdong again to ensure that his body would not leave the root of disease. He stayed at Lin Wan's home until more than 10 o'clock, Qin Tian's phone rang 。

"Mr. Qin, this is the Academic Affairs Office of the medical college. I'd like to inform you that there is a traditional Chinese medicine class every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:30 a.m. in the first step classroom of the school. Don't forget it!"

The voice is a young voice of a girl, should be here work study students, Qin Tian nodded and agreed to hang up the phone.

"Something?" Lin Wanru looks at Qin Tian.

"Well, I promised the president Guan of the medical college to be a teacher in the medical school and teach the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine." Qin Tian nodded and looked at Lin Wanru apologetically.

Just got the body of others, should have been a good companion to her.

"Then you go and go. It's almost nine o'clock. You can get ready to go to school early!" Lin Wanru gently and considerate smile, "I'm ok, as long as you have time to see me... And Dongdong, it's OK."

Lin Wanru half realized that Dongdong had been listening to her conversation with Qin Tian, and suddenly her pretty face turned red again.

Love a person is not to tie him around, not to mention their relationship with Qin Tian can not even see light, she can not take this to tie Qin Tian.

What she wants to do is more considerate than Li Xinran and more sensible than Li Xinran, so that Qin Tian can think of herself when she needs a woman most.

Qin Tian nodded and looked at Lin Wanru apologetically again. Then he went out and rushed to the medical college.

A little more than nine o'clock, Qin Tian took the textbook from the academic affairs office and came to the first step classroom. Because he came earlier, the people in the classroom were still sparse. Qin Tian looked at the time and thought that there should be a class before him, so he simply found a seat and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, a 20-year-old student sat beside him and said, "classmate, are you new here?"

Qin Tian was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled, "yes, new comer."

"Hey, I've only taken this course for a week. My name is Chen Qiang. How about you?" Chen Qiang said this to Qin Tian enthusiastically. It seems that he is familiar with himself.

Qin Tian smiles and doesn't say that he is a teacher, "my name is Qin Tian."

"Hey, brother, you are also running to the teacher of this course!" Chen Qiang eyebrows a pick, jokingly said.

"Teacher!" Qin Tian was slightly stunned.

"Brother, don't pretend. Who doesn't know that this course is taught by Li Xinran, the school flower teacher of our school. It's not only you, but more than half of the students here come to learn after the teacher!" Chen Qiang's face showed boundless yearning, as if Li Xinran was the goddess in his heart.

Qin Tian was stunned and couldn't believe his eyes widened. "You said this class was Li Xinran's?"

"Oh, brother, you're acting like that!" Chen Qiang exaggerated pointing at Qin Tian, can see Qin Tian is really surprised, Chen Qiang also widened his eyes, "you really don't know!"

Qin Tian smiles bitterly and nods. Originally, he wanted to digest what happened last night and find a chance to face Li Xinran. However, she met her class when she came to medical school for the first time.

For a time, Qin Tian's guilt became more and more strong.

With the approach of class time, more and more people are in the classroom.

Qin Tian sat in his seat and carefully observed the situation of the people in the classroom. As Chen Qiang said, it was more men than women. I'm afraid they came to class to see Li Xinran!

For a time, Qin Tian actually became upset!

My wife, why should I show you!?

Finally, it was time for class. A woman in a gray lecturer's dress came in slowly. At the moment of seeing her, the whole classroom was quiet!

It's really Li Xinran!Li Xinran seems to have seen Qin Tian, surprised and smiling at Qin Tian.

"Hello, Hello, brother. Do you see that Mr. Li is smiling at me!" Chen Qiang pulls Qin Tian in a hurry, and his excited body trembles.

Qin Tian gave a perfunctory smile and continued to look up at Lin Wanru.

"Many new students have come to class today. I'd like to introduce myself again. My name is Li Xinran. I'm a surgeon, and I'm also a lecturer in surgery in our school."

With that, Li Xinran picked up the chalk and wrote down his name on the blackboard.

"Oh, Hello, teacher, your words are so beautiful, just like you!" At this time, sitting in the front row of a dirty boy stood up, picked up his voice and yelled out this, immediately attracted a roar of laughter!

Li Xinran's face was gloomy and said to the student seriously, "please sit down. This is the classroom. Please abide by the most basic discipline in the classroom."

"Teacher, don't be so serious. Do you have time after class!? I'll buy you coffee

Qin Tian also looked at the student. He was young and had earrings on his ears. From his words and deeds, he should be a rich second generation dandy. If he didn't study hard, he would like to soak up his sister.

Li Xinran saw that he couldn't help it. He simply ignored him. He opened the PPT and said to the microphone, "Now class."

"What's the class? What's the meaning of class? Why don't we go out and play with me? Let's go to bed! That's much more interesting than class! "

With that, a dozen students who followed the guy showed a look of indecency, followed by a cry.

Most of the people who come to class here are Li Xinran's fans. According to common sense, if someone offends Li Xinran, someone will stand up!

Sure enough, Chen Qiang, sitting by Qin Tian's side, was already shaking with anger. He suddenly stood up from his seat!

"Hello, Fang Mingyu, I've been patient with you for a long time. Are you a special person, even the teacher dares to molest?" Chen Qiang's voice is straight and round, like thunder in the silent classroom!

As soon as Chen Qiang called Fang Mingyu's ear stud man, someone yelled in the back, slowly turned around, "who specially code the crotch is not clamped, you are exposed!? You are in charge of Laozi's affairs! "

Fang Mingyu has already put down his cruel words, saying that if anyone dares to interfere with his molestation of Li Xinran, he will not get along with anyone. At this moment, Chen Qiang openly defies his authority, which makes him feel extremely angry!

"You... You don't go to school well and disturb class discipline, but you can't!" Chen Qiang's voice gradually weakened.

Qin Tian looked at him carefully, and his legs under the table began to shake. It was just a moment of anger when he stood up and stood up for Li Xinran.

However, even so, it is enough to get Qin Tian's appreciation.

"Disturbing classroom discipline!" Fang Mingyu sneered, "I'll show you today what's disturbing classroom discipline!"

With that, Fang Mingyu was surrounded by a few gangsters, who immediately stood up. All of them were those who didn't study well with him. In order to find a good job out of school in the future, they joined Fang Mingyu.

Fang Mingyu's family is extraordinary. His father, Fang Guangyuan, is the vice president of the Municipal People's hospital. With this relationship, Fang Mingyu sleeps a lot of girls in the graduation class.

Therefore, people know that Fang Mingyu molested the teacher, and few dare to stand up against him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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