Chen Qiang looked at Fang Mingyu's more than ten people getting up and coming towards him. He was so scared that he almost urinated. His mouth kept saying, "it's over. I'm going to lose face in front of the goddess today."

Qin Tian listens and laughs helplessly. At this time, he is worried about not being beaten, but losing himself.

However, seeing that he was able to make a start for Li Xinran, Qin Tian also decided to help him, and he also just picked up this group of kids who didn't know the height of heaven and earth!

"Don't talk, come on!" Qin Tian sits aside and looks at a group of students who are ready to attack him. He pokes chunqiang in the back.

Chen Qiang was stabbed by Qin Tian so fiercely, suddenly a spirit of excitement, that group of bad students were scared!

"If you scold the next door, you dare to frighten me! Beat him

Fang Mingyu became angry. With a wave of his hand, a dozen people rushed towards Chen Qiang!

Chen Qiang almost cried out and said to Qin Tian, "you have killed me!"

With that, Chen Qiang turned around and ran towards the back of the classroom!

"Get him for me!"

Fang Mingyu yelled and took the lead in chasing after him along the aisle between the seats!

At this time, a leg silently from under the table into the corridor, just listen to a plop, followed by the howl of a dead pig!

"Ouch Fang Mingyu with a very natural and unrestrained posture, fell a dog to gnaw excrement!

"This brother is Fang Mingyu, isn't he?" Qin Tian stood up and went to the fallen Fang Mingyu and asked.

Fang Mingyu was thrown seven meat and eight vegetables, and quickly got up with a Gulu, "who is going to trip me up?"

As soon as Fang Mingyu opened his mouth, he aroused the laughter of the whole class.

People have already stood beside you, still want to ask!?

At this time, the younger brother next to him, lowered his voice and told him the truth. Fang Mingyu suddenly became ferocious and said to Qin Tianyin: "boy, do you want to meddle in your business?"

"No, no, no, I'm not meddling. The woman on the platform belongs to me. If you tease her, I'll teach you a lesson!" Qin Tian calmly said these words, while saying also looked at Li Xinran.

Li Xinran saw Qin Tian declare himself to be his woman in front of so many people, and immediately blushed.

"Grass, I thought I was shameless enough. I didn't expect you to be more shameless than me!" Fang Mingyu sneered, "don't say I bullied you. I'll give you two choices. First, I'll kneel down and apologize to Lao Tzu immediately. Maybe I can let you go once I'm in a good mood. Second...

before Fang Mingyu's words were said, Qin Tian raised his hand and interrupted him," don't say, I'll choose the second! "

"Well, you want to die!" Fang Mingyu sneered and waved. A dozen people rushed to Qin Tian!

For a while, some timid girls covered their eyes one after another. For fear of trouble, some students left qintian in a hurry.

Chen Qiang looked at Qin Tian to stop the disaster for himself. He was not satisfied. He ran to the gate of the classroom and came around again. He stood with Qin Tian.

"No more running!" Qin Tian raised his eyebrows and asked jokingly.

"It's immoral to leave you here! I'd rather be beaten than do something immoral

Said, Chen Qiang also very firm chest, closely followed then covered his head, squat on the ground, "quickly hold the head squat, so that will not be hit in the face!"

Qin Tian saw a bitter smile and ignored him. He met the more than ten students directly!

Just listen to a bang bang, everyone looks at Qin Tian again!

The scene of a group of people beating Qin Tian didn't happen. On the contrary, it was Fang Mingyu's dozen followers lying on the ground!

What happened just now!?

This is a sentence most students in the classroom ask!

It's so fast that they can't catch it! If you don't pay attention, those people lie on the ground!

Fang Mingyu stood in his place and gulped a mouthful of saliva.

Others did not see, but he saw, this meddlesome with only one hand, he put down a dozen of his younger brothers!

"You... Don't come here. I'm the son of Fang Guangyuan, the vice president of the people's hospital. If you dare to beat me, I promise you won't find a job after graduation..." Fang Mingyu was so scared that his legs all shook.

"Don't worry, I won't beat you. I just want to see if you are scared to pee your pants by me!"

With that, Qin Tian took out a silver needle from his body and deliberately slowed down his action to let everyone see that he inserted the silver needle into Fang Mingyu's body!

"You just peed your pants..."

the voice dropped, and a steaming smell of urine came from his pants.

Chen Qiang has now raised his head and saw Fang Mingyu's wet pants. He immediately pointed to it and laughed, "look, Fang Mingyu peed his pants!"

Fang Mingyu wanted to die. He just felt the heat in his pants. He looked down and saw that he had peed in front of so many people!"Hello, Fang Mingyu, are you sick!? They are so grown-up that they even pee their pants Chen Qiang deliberately opened his voice so that all the students in the classroom could hear what he said.

For a time, the whole classroom is boiling up, looking at the scene with laughter.

Fang Mingyu has offended the whole class to death. At this time, not only did no one speak for him, but all of them were watching.

Li Xinran stood on the platform, covered his mouth and laughed. He scolded Qin Tian as a villain. He let a young man in his twenties pee in public.

"You, it must be you! What did you stab me with just now!? You must have done it Fang Mingyu's face was pale. He wanted to find a place to drill in!

Qin Tian stood in front of him with a straight waist and slowly opened his mouth and said, "you're right. I made the ghost!"

After saying that, Qin Tian took out the silver needle again, "just now I used this silver needle to prick your waterway acupoint and opened your bladder!"

"You!" Fang Mingyu saw Qin Tian and admitted that he was angry. He wanted to start, but when he thought of Qin Tian's means, he immediately put his hand down!

"Let's see!"

With that, Fang Mingyu turned red and rushed to the front door of the classroom.

"Did I let you go?"

Said, Qin Tian a wave of hands, the hand of the pen will fly out, no deviation of the shooting in the classroom door frame, issued a thump muffled sound!

For a moment, the whole classroom was quiet!

All people can't believe looking at Qin Tian, the mind is all a sentence: "this special code is a movie special effect?"

Fang Mingyu looked at the pen which was only a few centimeters away from his nose. He was sweating!

"What do you want?" Fang Mingyu is fierce and insidious. He has been tyrannical in school for such a long time. He has never been so disgraceful as today!

"Apologize to the teacher and the students!" Qin Tian has a solemn voice and sharp eyes.

"What if I don't apologize?" Fang Mingyu is biting his teeth, trying to retain his final dignity!

Qin Tian snorted and took out the silver needle again. "If you don't apologize, I'll let you feel what it's like to feel in your pants."

As soon as Qin Tian's voice fell, people in the whole classroom were lying on the table with a smile. If it was not for this time point, they would be able to fly the roof of the classroom laughing!

Fang Mingyu's face turned green. He turned to look at Li Xinran, bit his teeth and said, "I'm sorry, OK?"

With that, he looked at Qin Tian.

Qin Tian sneered and didn't care whether he was sincere or not. Anyway, what he really wanted was to let him lose face and give him a lesson. Then he looked at the small servants around him who were in a state of confusion and said, "and you, apologize to the teacher!"

"I'm sorry..."

"teacher, we were wrong..."

"I'll never dare again..."

a dozen students apologized to the teacher in a hurry, followed by Fang Mingyu, and a group of people fled the classroom! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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