For a moment, the whole classroom burst into thunderous applause.

Li Xinran looked at Qin Tian, who drove away the bad students for himself. His beautiful eyes were full of little stars.

"Brother... Brother, look, Mr. Li is smiling at me again!" Chen Qiang's bones are nearly crisp, looking at Li Xinran's eyes as if drunk.

"If you don't believe it, smile at you and rush to kiss it!" Qin Tian instigates Chen Qiang. Many students also hear Qin Tian's words and wait for Chen Qiang to rush up.

Chen Qiang blushed, "I dare not, this is a teacher!"

With that, Chen Qiang sat back to his seat like a dog in the corner.

"Look at me

Finish saying, Qin Tian in the public's full view, toward Li Xinran!

Just now Qin Tian and Chen Qiang's conversation did not lower their voice, and Li Xinran naturally heard it. At this time, seeing Qin Tian coming towards him, he suddenly blushed with shame, and his heart fluttered. While nervous, he had so much expectation!

"Beauty, be my girlfriend!"

Qin Tian stood in front of Li Xinran and said this sentence, which made all the students grow up and look at Qin Tian in disbelief!

"Hold the grass, this man is really kind!"

"Don't promise, Miss Li is my dream goddess!"

"Don't force me to go to the theatre. It's time for you in the morning."

Some of the boys stamped their feet, some were angry, and even some were ready to fight with Qin Tian!

But in the next moment, Li Xinran gently nodded his head, unexpectedly accompanied Qin Tian to perform down!

Qin Tian took advantage of the situation to lift Li Xinran's chin, in the front of the classroom, openly kiss Li Xinran's red lips!

"Hold the grass! Don't stop me, I'll kill him

"I'll fight with you!"

"My goddess! I've been humped by other pigs

For a moment, the whole classroom was filled with the sound of broken young men's hearts!

"You... You go back to class!" Li Xinran took a long time to remove his lips, a pretty face blushing incomparably.

Qin Tian licked and licked his lips, which just returned to his seat in the public's gaze.

Chen Qiang has been stunned. He regrets that he didn't listen to Qin Tian's words and hold Li Xinran. If he does, maybe the goddess will be his own!

What Qin Tian doesn't know is that just at the moment when Qin Tian kisses Li Xinran, countless students have released their circle of friends. At this moment, the whole campus is shocked by him!

"Goddess teacher Li Xinran has been captured by anonymous!"

A message also dominated the headlines on the campus network!

Of course, some people pay attention to these gossip, while others don't. suddenly, a female student stands up in the classroom and asks Qin Tian in a loud voice: "this classmate, did you use acupuncture of traditional Chinese medicine to deal with Fang Mingyu just now?"

The female student's name is Gu Xiaomin. She is a senior student. This is the last time she comes to listen to Li Xinran's class before graduation. However, before the class starts, she is able to see the unique skills of acupuncture and moxibustion!

Most of the people in the classroom know Gu Xiaomin, the talented woman who won the national scholarship for four consecutive years is almost every student's goal!

For a moment, the whole classroom was quiet again.

Qin Tian smile, slowly stood up, "I am not your classmate, I am like Mr. Li is here to class, if you are interested, next class I will in my traditional Chinese medicine class, for you to talk about acupuncture in detail."

People did not expect that Qin Tian would say this, and immediately caused a sensation again!

"Wu Ming Shi is not a student, but a teacher of traditional Chinese medicine in the school. At 10:30 in the first class classroom!"

The news on the school's website is updated again, and many students' circle of friends has also published it again!

Gu Xiaomin was also stunned for a moment, but in the twinkling of an eye, he calmed down and said to Qin Tian, "thank you, I will listen carefully to the next class!"

With that, Gu Xiaomin sat back in his seat.

Seeing that the class was gradually stabilized, Li Xinran coughed twice into the microphone, "OK, this teacher's name is Qin Tian. He is a teacher of traditional Chinese medicine, and he is also a traditional Chinese medicine teacher. If you are interested, you can stay and continue the class..."

with that, Li Xinran started his own course.

Chen Qiang sat beside Qin Tian and gently poked Qin Tian's arm, "brother, you are really a teacher!? Didn't you deceive everyone? "

Qin Tian tiny smile, "if false change!"

Chen Qiang smell speech immediately excited up, "too cow! I must learn traditional Chinese medicine from you, just like you just did. Who dares to show your hair with me in the future, I will let them pee their pants directly! "

Qin Tian began to listen to Chen Qiang to learn traditional Chinese medicine from himself, but when he heard Chen Qiang's purpose, his smile on his face became stiff.

"The purpose of learning Chinese medicine is to serve the world. If you have a bad mind, you'd better not learn from me."Qin Tian's tone and eyes are very serious, Chen Qiang saw this scene a little bit stunned, then he was ashamed to sit upright and nodded.

He is used to being so careless that no one has ever spoken to him so seriously.

Qin Tian seemed to see this and patted him on the shoulder. "You have good mental skills. If you want to learn Chinese medicine from me, I'm willing to teach you."

Not to mention anything else, with his just ability to stand up for Li Xinran, and to come back to stand beside himself when he knew he would be beaten, Qin Tian was willing to accept Chen Qiang!

Hearing the speech, Chen Qiang looked up at Qin Tian in a hurry. "I'm more than 20 years old. Is it time to learn Chinese medicine?"

"In time! As long as you follow me, I will make you a famous Chinese medicine doctor! " Qin Tian was serious.

After hearing this, Chen Qiang scratched his head and said to himself that you are not a teacher of traditional Chinese medicine, but also built me into a famous Chinese medicine doctor, which is a bit big.

But it doesn't matter, Chen Qiang doesn't care, because he feels that Qin Tian is definitely not an ordinary person.

Li Xinran's class soon finished, after handing Qin Tian a look of seeking more happiness from himself, he left the classroom like a flight.

Qin Tian was a little confused, but still took the textbook to the platform.

After a while, Qin Tian finally understood the meaning of Li Xinran's eyes!

Almost no one left the classroom, but the crowd at the door kept pouring in. Five minutes before class, the ladder classroom was already full of people, and even many people were still standing behind the classroom waiting for Qin Tian to lecture!

It's not only Qin Tian who is forced to listen to Qin Tian's lecture outside the classroom at the moment. The caring people who wanted to listen to Qin Tian's lecture secretly are also surprised!

Qin Tian's traditional Chinese medicine is so popular with students!?

At this moment, caring for the people even has some doubts about life! I have taught most of my life, but I have never had so many students!

But he did not know that the real purpose of these students came here was not to listen to the class, but to see how capable the guy who had taken away the beauty teacher's heart!

Caring people didn't like to come in and walked away in silence. Soon the class bell rang.

Qin Tian stood on the platform with a smile on his face and without a microphone. He directly put the green energy into his voice. He opened his mouth to the whole classroom and said, "I know that the purpose of your coming here today may not be to listen to my traditional Chinese medicine class, but it doesn't matter. Since you are here, I will make you gain something."

With that, Qin Tian picked up the chalk and wrote two big words on the blackboard.

"Qin Tian!"

"This man is Qin Tian!"

"How could Qin Tian be so young?"

"Qin Tian is my idol. Did you hear about the traffic accident a few days ago?"!? The miracle doctor of traditional Chinese medicine who rushed to save people and bring the dead back to life is actually him? "

For a moment, the whole classroom was a sensation!

Qin Tian's name has long been deeply imprinted in their minds!

It is the highest pursuit and honor of a doctor! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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