Qin Tian listened to what these students said and couldn't help being stunned.

Have you been so famous!?

He didn't care whether he was famous or not. Anyway, the enthusiasm of these students for learning was real. He just took advantage of this momentum to teach a class on his own and let them gain something.

Qin Tian coughed twice, and the whole classroom was quiet.

"I just promised Gu Xiaomin that we will have acupuncture in our traditional Chinese medicine class today." Qin Tian smiles and takes a look at the female students who are sitting in the front row seriously taking notes.

Gu Xiaomin pushed his glasses, his face unchanged, as if waiting for Qin Tian to say something nutritious.

Qin Tian looked at her and couldn't help feeling despised. He had no doubt that if he didn't speak well, the girl would immediately get up and leave.

"First, let's talk about the origin of acupuncture." Qin Tian said, then opened a picture, which is the ancient people working layer broken body surface and blood scene.

"Acupuncture, acupuncture and moxibustion. Acupuncture is to prick a filiform needle into a certain acupoint of the patient's body, using twirling and lifting and inserting acupuncture techniques to treat diseases; moxibustion is to fumigate the skin with burning moxa velvet according to certain points, and use heat stimulation to treat the disease; and what we modern people call acupuncture and moxibustion mostly refers to acupuncture. "

With that, Qin Tian took out the needle bag he had taken with him, and took out a silver needle. "The needle was first seen in the Huangdi Neijing more than 2000 years ago." Huangdi Neijing "said," Zang Han is full of diseases, and its treatment is suitable for Moxibustion ". It refers to moxibustion, which describes the shape of nine needles in detail, and describes the theory and technology of acupuncture and moxibustion in large numbers."

"In ancient times, people were accidentally bumped by some sharp and hard objects, such as stones and thorns, to a certain part of the body surface, resulting in unexpected pain relief. The ancients began to consciously use some sharp stones to stab some parts of the body or artificially pierce the body to make it bleed, so as to relieve the pain

"As a result, the ancients began to consciously use some sharp stones to stimulate these body parts. This is the earliest needle tool - Bian stone!"

"Mr. Qin, we all know what you said as medical students. Can you say something useful to us!? For example, the principle of acupuncture and moxibustion, or the means of treatment. " Gu Xiaomin mercilessly interrupts Qin Tian and doesn't see him as a miracle doctor.

Qin Tian glances at the college students sitting there. His expression is almost the same as Gu Xiaomin, as if he had already known these things.

"Well, what do you want to know?" With that, Qin Tian closed the book and was too lazy to follow the book.

At this time, a male student stood up from behind, raised his hand high, "teacher, today so many students come, you simply don't talk about theory, I think you'd better show a hand, first let us know whether Chinese medicine is true or false!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"Teacher, show me your skill!"

"You can't show it, you can't see a doctor!"

With that male student taking the lead, many students in the back all nodded in agreement!

No matter how nice it is, these theoretical courses are just as good as if they are prepared for a person who is not a doctor!

"This student's suggestion is very good!" Qin Tian smiles and he can see that if he doesn't show his hands today, these students won't let themselves have a good class. Only by suppressing them, can their traditional Chinese medicine be based in the medical school. "Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to watching, listening, asking and touching, so today I'll show you the inspection and treatment."

"Teacher, why don't you just treat me as a patient and see what's wrong with me?" The male classmate who just gave advice to Qin Tian didn't sit down at all. He patted his chest and asked Qin Tian.

"You are in good health, but because you always like to eat some aphrodisiac food, your body Yang Qi is not sparse and your energy is too high. Even a lot of exercise every day can not reduce your spirit..."

"ha ha ha..." a burst of laughter, especially when hearing the word "strong Yang", many students looked at him.

The boy's big face is red, obviously all was said by Qin Tian.

"What should I do, teacher?" The boy asked with a red face.

Qin Tian said with a smile, "you don't have to eat so much aphrodisiac food at your age. In addition, you should find a girlfriend."

With that, he let the boy sit down and burst out a burst of laughter in the classroom.

"Teacher, look at me!"

At this time, not far from qintian, a strong boy stood up and looked at how his height was more than 1.9 meters!

"Your health is also very good, but your liver may have some small problems, usually stay up late to drink a bar!? Young people should pay attention to the law of life. When they have time, they can go to my hospital and have a look. I'll give you a prescription, which can be cured in three days. "

The boy sat down contentedly again.

This time, there was no laughter in the classroom. Instead, the whole class applauded.Because they knew that Qin Tian could see the internal medicine problems of the two students only by inspection. This is a disease that can be seen only by blood test in western medicine!

As the so-called laymen watch the fun, the experts look at the door, these medical students, naturally can see Qin Tian is true or false!

"Teacher, look at me!"

In the classroom, Gu Xiaomin pushed her glasses and stood up arrogantly.

To tell you the truth, she doesn't believe Qin Tian has such a great ability. In her eyes, the two boys just now were just two trusts Qin Tian was looking for.

If he really has the ability, then tell me my physical condition!

Qin Tian takes a look at her unexpectedly. After thinking about it, he understands Gu Xiaomin's meaning, and then nods to her seriously.

"You do have some problems with your body. If you want to have a diagnosis and treatment, I welcome you to my clinic, Jisheng Tang." Qin Tian looks at the serious girl seriously and signals her to sit down.

"Mr. Qin, if you really want to convince people of your medical skills, I suggest that you'd better tell me my problems in class, otherwise, with my appeal, you can't have classes in medical school in the future."

Gu Xiaomin, as the winner of the national scholarship for four consecutive years, has an unimaginable appeal in school. Once she identifies a doctor or teacher who is incompetent, there will be no students willing to follow.

Today, of course, it's the same thing today. Once Qin Tian can't tell Gu Xiaomin's physical problems, the students behind him and their circle of friends will destroy Qin Tian for nothing!

Qin Tian is not stupid, naturally can also hear the meaning of Gu Xiaomin's words!

However, Qin Tian still shook his head, "you are a girl, some problems are not convenient to talk about in front of others. I suggest that you still come to me..."

"no need!" Gu Xiaomin refused Qin Tian without hesitation. "Mr. Qin, I am a student who is about to leave the campus for internship, and I am also destined to become a doctor in the future. I know my body, I will not mind becoming a learning case for my classmates, and I won't be afraid of being a doctor. Mr. Qin, you can say it directly!"

It's not the first time that Gu Xiaomin and his teacher have been calling each other. For a while, the needle can be heard in the huge staircase classroom. It seems that everyone is waiting for Qin Tian's answer.

Qin Tian is a little surprised. He is not only surprised by Gu Xiaomin's seriousness in learning, but also at her dedication to medicine. Even if she publishes her privacy, he is not willing to let students follow the wrong teacher!

Such a person is undoubtedly the most suitable for becoming a doctor!

Qin Tian nodded and looked at her with great appreciation, "I understand. In this case, I will talk about your physical condition."

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