Qin Tian sighed, suppressed the heart of that silk can not bear, slowly opened his mouth: "if I read correctly, you should have experienced an operation in two years, a life-threatening operation."

Qin Tian's voice fell, the classroom suddenly made a exclamation voice!

Gu Xiaomin is the focus of the school, even her deeds have been collated into a book, but never mentioned the operation! For a moment, all the students discussed in a low voice, pointing to Gu Xiaomin one after another.

At the moment, Gu Xiaomin has ignored the guidance of these students, looking at Qin Tian's eyes full of surprise!

Because Qin Tian is not wrong, she did have an operation, even the time point, card is almost perfect!

Gu Xiaomin's identity is somewhat special. The operation was arranged by her parents in person and completed by secret information. No one will know about it except her parents and American doctors!

"Go on

Gu Xiaomin changed from "you" to "you". It's a big mistake! Can get Gu Xiaomin so to call, in the whole medical school also only two people!

"Still talking about it?" Qin Tian frowned, he has said the words on this, difficult not to become she is really ready to let himself say it all!?

"Yes, unless you say it completely, I still don't rule out your suspicion of conjecture."

Gu Xiaomin bit the shell teeth, or decided to listen to Qin Tian's diagnosis.

Qin Tian sighed, "I'm still saying that. You are a girl, and some things are not convenient to be disclosed in front of people. I'll just say one more point. If you still feel dissatisfied, you can come to my hospital and smash my signboard."

Finish saying, Qin Tian then focused on Gu Xiaomin's small abdomen, "your operation position, is here."

Gu Xiaomin followed Qin Tian's eyes to see over, suddenly heart big shock!

Not only did he know that he had surgery, but also the position of the operation was clear!

This person, either has the real ability, or has the evil heart to oneself!

But Gu Xiaomin knew that Qin Tian and himself and even his whole family would not have any relationship. Even when he saw his first act, he didn't even show some strange emotions, so he couldn't have a bad heart for himself, so there was only a little left!

Qin Tian, have true ability!

"Thanks for teacher Qin's guidance, students admire it!"

Finish saying that, Gu Xiaomin then obediently sat on the seat, picked up his pen again, want to record every word Qin Tian said.

With Gu Xiaomin sitting down, the first staircase classroom issued thunderous applause for a long time!

Qin Tian looks at them with a smile. These people are the people who will become the pillar of Chinese medicine in the future. He hopes that these people will learn real skills from him and benefit the whole China!

Next, Qin Tian continued his teaching. The students immersed in the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine did not feel the past of time. Until two o'clock in the afternoon, other teachers came into the classroom, and all the people found that it had been three or four hours!

"Students, let's finish the class." Qin Tian was very happy that he had never taught traditional Chinese medicine in front of so many people.

"Teacher, when is your next class!? We have to come again

"Yes, teacher, and I, I will certainly come to listen!"

"Such a good class and teacher, why didn't the school arrange it early? I'm almost graduating and can't listen to a few classes!"

Qin Tian looked at these students, and his expression on his face was more satisfied. "I will have classes at 10:00 a.m. on every 13th five-year plan, and at jishengtang in front of Xiangshan villa at other times. If any student wants to know more about traditional Chinese medicine, please come to jishengtang to find me."

Qin Tian not only made the class time public, but also told the students where they were attending the clinic.

In the eyes of the students, Qin Tian walked out of the classroom, and not far from the gate, Li Xinran is waving to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian smiles and walks toward Li Xinran. He seems to have forgotten what happened with Lin Wanru last night.

"It seems that Mr. Qin's class is very good." Li Xinran happily follows Qin Tian's side, bouncing and bouncing, full of girlish state.

"It's OK. It's mainly personality." Qin Tian smiles and is not modest.

"Bang!" Li Xinran gave him a white eye, followed him and took his arm.

At this time, behind a small figure to follow up, Qin Tian instinctively look back, but see Gu Xiaomin more holding notebook, standing behind him.

"It's you!" Qin Tian was surprised.

"Mr. Qin, today I have an appointment with Professor Wang to have an experimental class in psychiatry. Tomorrow, in the morning of tomorrow, I will definitely call on him and ask him to give me some guidance."

With that, Gu Xiaomin bowed to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian nodded and helped her up. "I've probably guessed your physical condition. Come to jishengtang tomorrow and I'll cure you!"Gu Xiaomin heard, again surprised, "I, my disease can be cured!"

Experts from the American Association of Western medicine consulted for more than 10 times, and finally came to the conclusion that he could not live to be 25 years old. Qin Tian actually said that his disease could be cured!?

Gu Xiaomin's face is full of shock, under the glasses a pair of beautiful eyes also revealed the desire for life!

Qin Tian, who had already turned around and was ready to leave, immediately turned around and looked at her seriously, saying, "you are a doctor. No matter when you are a doctor, you should believe that there is no disease that can not be cured, only doctors who can't cure disease, and no disease that can't be cured!"

Qin Tian's voice was steady and powerful, and it fell in Gu Xiaomin's ears, like the morning bell and the evening drum. It was as if some barrier had been broken in his heart, and the whole person felt as if he had been awakened!

Gu Xiaomin looked at Qin Tian in shock and bowed to Qin Tian again, "thank you for your advice

Qin Tian nodded and patted Gu Xiaomin on the shoulder and turned away with Li Xinran.

Li Xinran walked while looking at Qin Tian, "I didn't expect that you really have the potential to become a teacher."

Qin Tian indifferent smile, "did not expect it."

Li Xinran hugged Qin Tian's arm tightly and showed a happy smile.

When they arrived at the parking lot and were ready to drive home, a group of people rushed to the parking lot in a fierce manner. The first one was Fang Mingyu, who was tortured by Qin Tian in the morning for urinary incontinence!

At the moment, he is with a group of ferocious, hands carrying steel pipe wooden sticks, straight forward to Qin Tian, for a time, the entire parking lot has been stood strictly!

"It's that boy. Give me a fight. Let's play the problem. Let's take the responsibility of Mingyu." Fang Mingyu's face was ferocious, and his eyes were full of hatred!

It's a shame for me in front of so many people. If I don't clean you up today, how can I get a girl in medical school!?

Fang Mingyu was followed by a man in a sling vest. His muscles were bulging and his vest was bulging.

"Mr. Fang, it's just such a thing!? Up and down, it's only 120 or 30 jin of meat, and you've been cleaned up so badly... "Muscle man smashed his mouth and picked up a cigarette. He looked very disdainful.

"Big brother Fei, don't just laugh at me. Brother, I lost someone in front of him. You have to avenge me!" Fang Mingyu's heart is itching with hatred. I usually invite you to eat and drink. When you start, you still grind and haw!

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