"We have a relationship with you, Mr. Fang. If you call me a brother, I will give you a breath!" "Said, the muscle man called big brother puffed out a cigarette, and waved his hand at the younger brother behind him." he has been prepared, and he finished early and finished work early. The father-in-law is waiting for us to have tea! "

Big fly a Hello, the 30-40 mixed son called to ring Qin Tian in the middle.

Fangmingyu heard Dafei just now, and scolded her mother, and helped me to fight a stand and even give me an afternoon tea!

But fangmingyu doesn't care, as long as Qin Tian is cleaned up, what is a afternoon tea counted!?

"Fangmingyu!" Li Xinran saw that someone was looking for Qin Tian trouble, and hurriedly stood before playing Qin, pointing to fangmingyu and yelling, "here is school, what do you want to do!"

"What do I want to do!? What do you say I want to do!? I want to do you! " Fangmingyu spits a mouthful of phlegm on the ground, and his face shows a dirty smile.

"You! You bastard! " Li Xinran Qi chest one after another, take out the cell phone to alarm.

Qin Tian looked at it and hurriedly grabbed her dial finger. "Why, you want to save this bunch of muddle!"

What are you kidding? How do the police do with them when they come!? Fangmingyu dare to flirt with his wife, that is death!

The strong man, known as big brother, picked up his eyebrows when he heard Qin Tian's words. "Oh, I didn't see it. I was a little bit brave..." br >

and the big brother walked towards Qin Tian, and the mixed people around Qin Tian also gave way with a sneer.

"Brothers, big guy, I don't know how much force my baby, how many fists can I fight!"

Dafei stood in front of Qin Tian, a smoke circle spit out, just spray on Qin Tian's face.

Qin Tian smiled and didn't speak, and looked at him quietly and pretended to force.

"Ha ha ha, big brother, you are a boxer. I promise this kid can't even carry a blow!"

"It seems that we don't need to take our hand today. This boy dares to provoke big brother!"

"Big brother, let the brothers open their eyes!"

A group of little muddles were crying out with steel pipe sticks.

This big flying brother, named zhangdafei, used to fight black boxing. He was called "xiaozhangfei". Later, a boxing coach found that he took it to fight. The boy was also innocent of his hard work. With a fight method that was not afraid of death, he mixed up a famous hall in boxing. Unfortunately, he still didn't forget to mix with these small muddles after boxing Together, especially the school, it seems to have become his territory.

Fang Mingyu and he are friends on the wine table, and they do not respect him much. So today, when Fang Mingyu says hello, he comes.

Zhang Dafei showed his strength in front of the younger brothers. He stood in front of Qin Tian, stared at Qin Tian, slowly took off his vest and revealed the muscles like gold stone inside!

"Boy, don't you say I bully you, as long as you can resist my three punches, today is not just you, even this chick, I put it!" Zhang Dafei moved his wrist two times and waited for Qin Tian to reply.

Qin Tian smiled a little, "three boxing!? Less, or how about ten boxing!? You can move me in ten, even if you win. "

Qin Tian's words, the mixed mixed in the presence was stunned, followed by a burst of laughter.

"I'm afraid it's not crazy, boy!"

"Big brother, you scared the children out of order!"

"Boy, as soon as big brother's fist goes down, a cow will hit him. You dare to say ten boxing on your small body!"

Fangmingyu is smiling, even breathless, "boy, if you can carry ten big Feige boxing, I will run around the playground naked to show you!"

"It's a word." Qin Tian smiled at him, as if he had seen him undressed and left loser, running around the playground.

Zhang Dafei has never been so despised by people. He immediately feels his dignity has been provoked by Qin Tian. He puts his fist in front of Qin Tian and says to him maliciously: "since you find death, don't blame me for being polite. If you really hit a problem, don't say big brother bully you!"

Qin Tian looked at him calmly, "rest assured, I am still in good health."

"Arrogance and ignorance!"

Zhang Dafei finished, fist clenched, body bow is a hook, hit Qin Tian heart!


A dull sound of bone sour is heard from Qin Tian's heart nest!

Fang Mingyu saw this scene, and a sneer appeared on his face, "please pretend to force you. I will see how you still dress this time!"

A group of mixed people also opened their eyes to Qin Tian, almost can not wait to see Qin Tian was hit by the dead fire scene!

But in the next second, let everyone surprise jaw thing appeared!

Qin Tian was not only knocked down by big brother, but also stood in place like a nobody else, even the smile on his face, did not reduce a point!For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded!

Zhang Dafei can't believe looking at his fist. Is it because he played too much with women this period of time, and his hands are soft!?

Fang Mingyu is also stunned. Cancan smiles and says to Zhang Dafei, "brother Dafei, you don't have to let him, exert yourself!"

Qin Tian heard Fang Mingyu's words, a pair of eyes became sharp, scared Fang Mingyu a thrill.

"That's right. Don't let me do it, force it!" Qin Tian nodded and continued to smile to Zhang Dafei.

Although Qin Tian's body is not very strong, he has green energy, which can even block bullets, let alone his fist made of meat!

Zhang Dafei is flushed by Qin Tian. He takes back his fist and makes a fist again. The target is still Qin Tian's heart!

He does not believe that Qin Tian can use the same position to fight against his two fists!

However, he was disappointed. His fist fell on Qin Tian's body, just like hitting cotton. He couldn't use half his strength at all!

Zhang Dafei's eyes turned red, and he hit seven fists in succession, all smashing on Qin Tian's heart!

However, to everyone's surprise, Qin Tian resists Zhang Dafei's nine fists, and his body is still!

Zhang Dafei is like a joke, waving his fist in front of Qin Tian!

Qin Tian looked at Zhang Dafei with a light smile, "remind you, you still have the last punch."

Face, naked face!

Zhang Dafei's teeth are itching, but he can't find a reply to Qin Tian!

"Big Feige, you can't lose. If you lose, I'll run around the playground..." Fang Mingyu wanted to die. It's disgraceful to pee pants in the classroom today. If you run naked, you'll be famous!

Zhang Dafei didn't care about Fang Mingyu at all now. His eyes looked at Qin Tian like a hungry wolf. "You forced me. Don't regret it!"

"Don't worry, I never regret what Qin Tian said."


Zhang Dafei roared, his right fist suddenly pulled back, and his body also swung 90 degrees. Unexpectedly, he wanted to take advantage of inertia to make the last punch!

Qin Tian looked at him with a smile and didn't pay attention to him at all!

This scene in Zhang Dafei's eyes, immediately became a provocation, huge fist suddenly waved out, the target turned into Qin Tian's head!

People who have seen the boxing match know that the front is concentrated on the temple, and 80% of them are to be Ko. Zhang Dafei makes such a move to a person, which makes it clear that he is going to fight hard!

The smile on Qin Tian's face gradually solidified. If Zhang Dafei continued to hit his abdomen, he could also think that Zhang Dafei didn't want to seriously hurt ordinary people.

But he didn't expect that Zhang Dafei had a black hand on ordinary people under the stimulation!

If this blow is hit on the head of ordinary people, Qin Tian has no doubt that he will definitely have a concussion and even die on the spot!

Qin Tian's face sank and he snorted coldly. The green energy attached to his body surface instantly became violent!

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