Jiao Cheng looks at this scene and feels bitter. After all, Qin Tian is involved.

The steel pipe man was sweating and biting his teeth. He squeezed out a sentence from his teeth, "do you dare to play with me?"

"That's right, it's playing with you!" Qin Tian sneered and kicked him in the chest. The steel pipe man flew out before he could even shout. His body of 1.8 meters fell heavily to 3 meters away. He turned two somersaults in succession to stabilize his body.

The steel pipe man howled two times in pain. He got up and spat out a mouthful of blood. Hysterically, he called to Qin Tian: "kill him for me!"

Long Ge, who is not far away, looks at each other coldly and doesn't care. It seems that the life and death of these bastards have nothing to do with him.

Around the steel pipe, a group of gangsters depicting dragon painting style saw that the steel pipe man was beaten into this pair of forced style, and they took out the guys in their hands, including steel pipes, short sticks, and even blades with cold light, and rushed towards Qin Tian one after another!

However, after they rushed to the front, they found that Qin Tian had disappeared!

"Over here!"

Qin Tian's voice came from behind the Huns, which appeared in the opposite direction!

"What a powerful body method!" When Jiao Cheng sees this scene, his pupil shrinks. Obviously, he has a strong understanding of the way of fighting.


At the moment when a Hun turned around, Qin Tian slapped him in the face, and the little hunk fell down. He rolled his eyes and passed out.

A slap in the face, a fool who fights all the year round. Is this a person?

A group of gangsters were frightened by Qin Tian's means, and they started to retreat one after another.

"A bunch of rubbish, I don't need useless people!" At this time, Zhang long next to Mercedes Benz S-class opened his mouth.

Zhang long is one of his parents who can't live without him. Thinking of this, he shouts one after another, concealing his fear with his voice, and rushes towards Qin Tian.

But at this time, a group of men in security clothes gathered at the school gate, and the brothers Qin Tian called through the walkie talkie arrived!

"Hold the grass, someone wants to do Xiaoqin! Come on, brothers

I don't know who called, and dozens of security guards rushed up in an instant!

You know, each of them has more or less some old diseases and injuries. Xiao Qin treats him these days, but he is in love with adults. At this time, seeing Qin Tian being beaten, he rushes forward one after another!

In less than ten minutes, twenty or so gangsters at the gate of the medical school were all lying on the ground.

Zhang long looked at the situation in front of him. A fat face turned pale and turned to leave.

"Hey, that fat man, who doesn't even fart, wants to run like this?" The fly is sharp eyed and sees Zhang Long ready to slip away.

"Run? You don't know what running is Zhang Long saw that he was found, gritted his teeth and turned around. "Laozi is standing here. What can you do with me? Zhang long didn't start swearing, and I didn't start hitting people. Would you dare to move your grandfather?

Zhang long is fierce, but also has a good idea of Qin Tian. They dare not do anything to him.

After all, it is a group of bitter ha ha. No one can beat people in the day and night in order to make a bad breath. When the anger is out, no one can afford the price.

Jiao Cheng stops all the people who want to go forward. After handing Jiao Jie to his brothers for protection, he walks to Zhang long alone.

"Zhang long, I can tell you clearly that my daughter can't marry you. You'd better die this heart. If not, I will let you pay the price!"

With that, Jiao Cheng's body burst out in an instant. With a startling momentum, Zhang Long nearly fell to the ground!

Qin Tian saw this scene, showing an incredible look in his eyes - this Jiao Cheng, actually deep hidden!

Others may not be able to see the momentum of Jiao Cheng's body, but Qin Tian is very clear. This is a real murderous spirit!

The murderous spirit can only appear on people who have really carried their lives!

"Move your car, the school is a clean place, don't dirty the school land!" Jiao Cheng forbeared.

Zhang long is actually afraid, but he has been mixed up with Hei Dao for a long time. He has already honed his body and is not defeated. He stands in front of Jiao Cheng with his teeth clenched and shouts: "Shaote, code, frighten me. What can you do with me? I just don't move the car! "

"You Jiao Cheng is choked by Zhang long.

As a security guard, he really can't.

For a while, the scene fell into embarrassment, and a group of security brothers showed a reluctant look. This society actually made such scum developed, but the real honest people could only look at the door!?

"Well, after all, it's just a security guard. I don't dare to work hard with others."

"Yes, no one dares."

"Come on, bear with it. Don't lose your job because of impulse."Sighs came from the crowd, all ready to soften.

"Are you sure you won't move?"

While the crowd was still, a lazy voice came from behind. Qin Tian, smiling, went to Jiaocheng and handed him a look of "give it to me.".

"Don't move! I won't move if I kill you! How can you do to me

Seeing that the public can't help him, Zhang Long's spirit rises again!

"Don't move..." Qin Tian sneered. He picked up the steel pipe that the gangsters had dropped from the ground, rushed to the side of the car, swung the steel pipe round and smashed it on the roof of the car!

"Bang!" A startling sound, the roof of the roof sink more than half a foot of the pit!

"You... What are you doing? Are you crazy? " Zhang long was scared to run away.

"Xiao Qin, don't be impulsive. We can't afford to pay for this car." Jiaocheng is also scared.

You know, there are hundreds of thousands of cars!

Qin Tian looked back and said with a smile, "brothers, do you want to try the taste of smashing a luxury car? Today, brother, I'll treat you, and we'll have a good time! "

Said, a shudder from the Li family money box, a crash, 800, 000 Chinese dollars fell on the ground!

"I bought this car!"

Say, Qin Tian is a stick again, the roof of Big Ben is smashed thoroughly flat go down!

When they saw Qin Tian shaking the Chinese coins on the ground, their faces were shocked. Just now they were still persuading them to bear a breath, and in the blink of an eye, they threw out 800000 yuan!

This is the real hidden ah! What is extravagance?! It's called extravagance!

Especially at this time, he is wearing a security suit and looks like a loser...

Zhang Long's face has turned into a pig's liver color. How can he not understand that a bad security guard can throw out 800000!

And the security guard is too generous, isn't it? If you throw away 800000 people who don't even blink at one time, there are not many people in the whole Pine Mountain!

Qin Tian's heart is churning at the moment!

It's a pity that the 800000 yuan I just got was thinking of buying a few square meters of small shops for my parents, so that they would not have to push a car to sell pancakes on the street, but I didn't expect to spend it on the fat man.

This account can't be finished!

"Cao, I'll follow Xiao Qin today! I'll smash it first. You can do whatever you want

I don't know who yelled. A group of security guards picked up the guys and rushed to the Mercedes Benz S-class. In less than 10 minutes, a shining car turned into a pile of scrap iron, which was lifted up and thrown into the grass on one side!

"Take the money, go away!"

Qin Tian's roar made Zhang Long crawl and run out for more than ten meters.

"Boy, I remember you!" Zhang Longtou doesn't run back. How embarrassed are you!

"Go away, make trouble in our school, sooner or later. Die. You!"

"That's right, our school has the best security guards. Next time you come back, it's not so easy to let you go!"

The onlookers spat at Zhang Long's escape direction and burst into thunderous applause at Qin Tian and others.

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