In the evening, in order to express his gratitude to Qin Tian, Jiao Cheng specially set up a table in xiaosichuan at the gate of the school. Except the brothers who stayed on duty at the school did not come, all the others arrived.

"Xiao Jie, pour a cup for your brother Qin." Jiao Cheng tells Jiao Jie to pour wine to Qin Tian. On the one hand, he expresses his gratitude. On the other hand, he expresses his sincerity. "Xiao Qin, I don't want to thank you for your great kindness. Although I don't have much use for me, I'll at least have the strength. I'll never refuse if I'm told to go to the mountain of swords and the sea of fire!"

Finish saying that, three or three cups, full of a glass of wine, Yang neck to drink in.

"Brother Jiao said it early." Qin Tian tasted the wine in the glass and said with a smile, "you may owe me more and more."

Jiao Cheng is stunned for a moment. "Xiao Qin, what you said is..."

"brother Jiao has a lot of old injuries?" Qin Tian's eyes are burning, and there is a strange light in his eyes.

"Ah? Brother Qin, are you so divine that you can see the injury on Jiao team through your clothes At this time, a security brother came over with wine and put his arm around Jiao Cheng's shoulder. "We used to be soldiers in the coke team. The injuries on our bodies are more than one. You will see when we go to take a bath together later!"

Only those who have experienced the test of blood and fire can possess the murderous spirit released before Jiao Cheng. Indeed, Jiao Cheng has a past that he does not want to mention with others!

"It's all old and bad. I've been used to it for more than ten years." Jiao Cheng smiles bitterly for a while, but he doesn't deny it. There is a trace of sadness in his eyes.

If it wasn't for these old injuries, why would he have become a security guard, and why would he have been bullied by some black and Taoist scumbags? For so many years, his injuries hurt when it rains, and he can't do any heavy work. Although he seems to be very tall and strong, only he knows that he is no different from the disabled!

Thinking of this, Jiao Cheng lifts his neck and drinks the wine in the glass again.

"What if I could fix your old wound?" Qin Tian laughs.

"What... What?" Jiao Cheng thought he had heard something wrong. His excited hands trembled. "Do you really have a way to cure my injury?"

"Yes, yes, but it's a bit of a pain." Qin Tian said.

"Bitter?" Jiao Cheng shakes his head. "For so many years, I haven't tasted any bitterness. As long as you don't die, you can toss about at will."

Jiao Cheng's words are full of heroism, and those years of gunfire come to mind again.

Even in his eyes, life and death have long been indifferent, if not for his wife and daughter, I am afraid that as early as the day of retirement, he would have chosen to stay away from the world.

"Well, in that case, I will treat elder brother Jiao today." Qin Tian laughs.

"Now... Now?" Focal range is a little excited.

Qin Tian stretched out his hand and began to press on Jiao Cheng, looking for the old wounds hidden in his body. Who knows that just before he started, the door of the box was pushed open, and four or five people in police uniform burst in.

"Qin Tian? You are suspected of gathering people to make trouble and maliciously destroy other people's property. Come with us. " A middle-aged man with triangular eyes took out his ID card and shook it for a while.

"Gathering people to make trouble?" Qin Tian Leng for a moment, immediately thought of today in the college gate to clean up Zhang long.

Needless to say, looking at this posture, it's Zhang Longbao's police officer. Can't you make a mistake? Does this grandson have a little sense of black Tao's role? But I chose to call the police. What a shame.

"What are you doing? Who gathered to make trouble? We were just keeping order... "

seeing that the triangle eye wanted to catch Qin Tian, the security guards of a box stopped working, Hula stood up and confronted the police.

"Don't be impulsive Qin Tian stood up in a hurry, and he was not afraid. Anyway, he had a good reason. He had to go to the bureau to make it clear.

But what Qin Tian doesn't know is that this triangle eye is the back of Zhang long. After being hit by the car, Zhang long called him and asked him to catch Qin Tian and clean up!

Without any resistance, Qin Tian followed them to the police car, and soon came to the sub Bureau. He was held in the interrogation chair and handcuffed.

Before long, triangle eye came in with a few young people and sat down opposite him.

"Are you Qin Tian? Today, at the front gate of Songshan Medical College, 20 outstanding citizens were hit and one of their cars was destroyed, right? " The triangle eye opened his eyes and told lies, but his eyelids did not lift.

"Yes, I did it, but they first..."

"don't talk nonsense, just answer yes or no Triangle eye a beat the table, coldly interrupted Qin Tian.

"Yes." Qin Tian nodded to admit.

"Now these people are in the hospital, nine are slightly injured, six are seriously injured, and five have broken bones. They are still unconscious and may be in danger at any time."

"No way!" Before leaving, Qin Tian can see, in addition to the steel tube man broken ribs more serious, other people at most are some skin trauma.

"It's impossible if you say it's impossible? Would you like to see the hospital's diagnosis? " The voice of triangle eye is very shocking in the interrogation room, and the timid one may be really scared by him.Seeing this, Qin Tiancai found something wrong.

"Boy, I tell you, now people say they want to sue you, and once convicted, go in for at least three years." Triangle eye deliberately put pressure on Qin Tian.

After that, the tone became soft again. "However, the other party can't bear to ruin your future as long as you agree to persuade Jiao Jie to marry Zhang long. The other party is willing to stop investigating this matter."

"Stupid. Force." Qin Tian sneered, "then you go to sue me."

Triangle eye said these words, Qin Tian finally confirmed the relationship between him and Zhang long, the feelings of the two grandsons are a group.

"Boy, don't toast and don't eat, and you'll be punished!" With that, the triangle eye winked at the young man next to him. The young man moved out a stack of books from the corner and took a metal softball bat.

I've never eaten pork, and I've seen a pig run. I put a book on my chest and hit it with a baseball bat. If I don't have three sticks, I'm absolutely shocked to vomit blood. Even if I let the forensic examination, I can't find out any reason.

These scum don't have to do such bad things at first sight!

"Boy, I'll ask you for the last time. Do you want to persuade Jiao Jie to marry Zhang long The triangle eye rolled up his sleeves and hit the stack of books with a baseball bat.

"You'd better take care of yourself first. If you don't let me go, you will not be able to keep this official uniform when you come to Ding Ju later." Qin Tian has a smile and no fear.

The head of the Public Security Bureau of Songshan city is confused in this system. No one has to know him.

"Do you know Ding Ju?" Triangle eye looks at Qin Tian carefully, trying to see the clue from his look and distinguish the true from the false.

"Anyway, it's a good relationship." Qin Tian laughs.

"Fart! You're a bad security guard, and you've got a good relationship with us in the fourth round! "

Before catching him, Zhang long told him that this boy is a doorkeeper, he has no money, no background and is a loser!

"Believe it or not, he will come later."

"Shao te, you are a three-year-old boy!"

Triangle eye licked his lips, the face leakage fierce light, copy the baseball bat ready to hit Qin Tian.

Who knows, as soon as his softball bat was lifted up, the door of the interrogation room was kicked open, and a line of armed police with live ammunition rushed in, and the muzzle of the gun pointed at his head!

Before the triangle eye responded, two armed police officers rushed up and knocked him down.

"Brother Qin, are you ok?" Ding Jianguo came to Qin Tiansong in a hurry, apologizing, "I'm late. You've been wronged."

Qin Tian looks at the full room of armed police, the corners of his mouth straight pumping, as for moving such a big fight?

It turns out that Qin Tian left his mobile phone to Jiao Cheng when he was about to leave. Ding Jianguo and Qin Tian made an appointment to treat the disease in the evening. Naturally, Qin Tian would call Qin Tian. In this way, Jiao Cheng would tell Ding Jianguo what happened to him, and help would come.

The triangular eye was pressed on the ground, his forehead was sweating and his body was shaking with fear. He knew that he was going to die.

The director of the General Administration of the people's Republic of China is still the leader of the police force for dozens of years, but he didn't expect to be the leader of the police team for several decades.

Zhang long, Zhang long, you've killed Lao Tzu. Who is a smelly security guard sitting on the interrogation chair? This is clearly a Buddha!

Triangle eyes want to cry without tears, can only in the heart of Zhang long 18 generations of ancestors are scolded.

"Abuse of power, scum of the police, arrest him!" Ding Jianguo was full of anger.

Triangle eye lost his public office in such a muddle headed way. When he responded, it was too late to repent.

At the moment, in a night club in Songshan City, Zhang long is lying on the body of a woman who is exposed to violence, drinking wine and waiting patiently for the good news of triangle eyes.

Seems to have seen Jiao Jietuo. Naked clothes. Clothes lying on their own bed, can not help laughing.

Suddenly, a phone ring, he can't wait to pick up.

"No, it's a boat wreck A little brother stood at the door of the sub Bureau, watching with his own eyes that the triangle eye was caught. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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