At the same time, he laughs at Qin Dayun for his investment.

"Secretary Zheng, mayor Zhou, now that I've come back from the dead, I don't want to talk about any more scenes, so I'll talk to you about it!"

With that, Qiu Yunlin waved to the secretary. The secretary came quickly with an agreement in his hand. Qin Tian could see clearly that it was the secretary who came out of the next room just now.

"This is the sincerity brought to me by Bianjing city next door. As long as I am willing to invest there, the land and tax will be reduced by half."

With that, Qiu Yunlin asked his secretary to pass the document to Zheng Dakang.

Zheng Dakang and Zhou Zaiyun looked at each other, and their faces became ugly. They quickly took over the documents and looked at them carefully.

Time is not long, two people face like water.

Bianjing city has hardly been able to make money by offering such favorable conditions as reducing the price of land and tax by half. Lu Feng is determined to win over Qiu Yunlin.

Zheng Dakang and Zhou Zaiyun looked at each other again and saw the heaviness from each other's eyes.

Immediately, Zheng Dakang handed the document back to Qiu Yunlin's secretary, and slowly opened his mouth: "Mr. Qiu, to tell you the truth, Songshan does not have the economic strength to exempt you from half of the expenses. Our bottom line is only to reduce by one-third. If Bianjing really gives you such conditions, even if you choose Bianjing, we will not be able to do so I won't blame you! "

Qiu Yunlin was a businessman, not a philanthropist. He couldn't have come to Songshan instead of leaving Bianjing as favorable as Bianjing.

It seems that Songshan will lose to Bianjing again this time.

For a moment, the people of Songshan municipal Party committee sighed one after another.

But at this time, Qiu Yunlin smiles and takes over the agreement. He only listens to two clicks, and then he tears it to pieces!

"Mr. Qiu, this is..."

ZHENG Dakang's eyes brightened, and a glimmer of hope was kindled in his gray eyes!

"Bianjing's conditions are excellent, but they are not related to me! I've decided to invest in Songshan! "

Qiu Yunlin's face is full of smile, and the people next to him are also smiling, looking at Zheng Dakang and others, as if the result had been decided for a long time.

Zheng Dakang and Zhou Zaiyun were excited and trembled. "Mr. Qiu, what you said is true!"

Qiu Yunlin laughs, "I've torn all my documents. Can't I make a fake one?"

Zheng Dakang pressed down his excitement and said to Qiu Yunlin, "on behalf of hundreds of thousands of people in Songshan, thank you!"

"Thank you!" Qiu Yunlin was stunned for a moment and then laughed. "I think you should thank Master Qin. If he hadn't brought me back to life, maybe I would not have considered matsushan for this investment."

On hearing the speech, they all looked at Qin Tian one after another, which made Qin Tian feel embarrassed.

"Xiaoqin, I said that as long as this investment promotion is successful, I will remember your first achievement. In the future, no matter what you want, as long as you do not violate the will of the party and the people, I will certainly meet you!"

"Yes! It must be satisfied! " Zhou Zaiyun also said categorically.

Qin Tian smiles, "I don't have any extra ideas. It's still the antique street thing..."

"master Qin, I've already told my secretary about this matter, and the construction unit has already contacted well, and soon there will be engineering teams and engineers stationed. Just tell us your design intention, we Qiu's group will satisfy master Qin!"

Qiu Yunlin had heard Qin Tian talk about rebuilding the antique street before. As soon as he woke up, he told his secretary to contact Party B's unit, hoping to finish the work for Qin Tian as soon as possible!

Qin Tian was a little surprised, but in a flash he relaxed.

The reason is that he broke the gate of heaven and changed Fengshui into fruit; he managed Qiu Yunlin because he rebuilt antique street for himself.

He didn't expect that the two things would get entangled together.

Originally, Qin Tian wanted to bear the fruit brought by breaking the gate of heaven. But now, it seems that he doesn't have to be so persistent. Sometimes, accepting the other party's good intentions generously may not be a bad thing.

"In this case, it's thanks to Mr. Qiu!" Qin Tian smiles.

Qin Tian is a life-saving grace to Qiu Yunlin. Qiu Yunlin is trying to repay Qin Tian. When Qin Tian agreed to this matter, he immediately burst into a happy laugh and said to the Secretary, "hurry up, hurry up the construction unit and let them enter the site as soon as possible. No matter how much money is spent, it must be done well."

"Don't worry, Mr. Qiu. I'll send someone to urge him immediately." The Secretary smiles and immediately turns out of the ward.

Qiu Yunlin said these words, turned and looked at Qin Tian. If there was no Qin Tian, he would have been born again. This would have been the hell palace!

Zheng Dakang and Zhou Zaiyun looked very calm on their faces, but their hearts were full of joy. Thanks to Qin Tian, Qiu Yunlin was able to invest in Songshan. This is not only a good thing to benefit the people, but also an extremely important political achievement in their future!"Mr. Qiu, we won't disturb you today..." Zheng Dakang said and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, Secretary Zheng! Today, I have one more thing for you to witness! " Qiu Yunlin laughed and waved to the staff behind him. A white document was handed to Qiu Yunlin. "This is a share transfer agreement. Master Qin, please have a look at it."

Qin Tian took over the document with some doubts. On the first page, it was written that "Party A Qiu's group, Party B Qin Tian, Party A intends to transfer 10% of the group company's shares to Party B".

Zheng Dakang and Zhou Zaiyun behind him are all surprised!

Even though they are such big people, they can't help but gasp at such an agreement!

Hundreds of billions of property of the big consortium, actually want to transfer 10% of the shares to Qin Tian, what is this concept!?

Qin Tian looked at the above content, his face was calm. Although he did not know what Qiu's group meant, he also knew that this 10% was an astronomical number.

"Mr. Qiu, you build the antique street for me. This is enough for your consultation fee. I can't ask for anything else!" Qin Tian is indifferent to smile, as if what he refuses is just an ordinary thing.

When they heard the words, they all showed a surprised look!

Qin Tian turned away tens of billions of property!?

"Mr. Qin, is it that Qiu is not sincere enough and gives less?" Qiu Yunlin's Lu Qianmo, who was smearing his own ointment, struggled to sit up and said, "if so, Mr. Qin, you can ask for as much as you want, as long as it does not exceed my controlling right." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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