Qiu Yunlin's words like a heavy bomb exploded among people. How grateful is Qiu Yunlin to Qin Tian!?

Qin Tian shook his head again after hearing the speech, "the doctor hung the pot to help the world and save people's lives. Originally, I shouldn't have charged you so much to help me rebuild the antique street. However, I don't want to go against the law of heaven. That's why I asked you to help me. The reconstruction of the antique street has far exceeded the share of the consultation fee I've collected, so I can't charge you any more!"

Qin Tian said, deliberately biting the way of heaven and the cycle of cause and effect, secretly reminding Qiu Yunlin that you have experienced the state of soul being detached. You should understand that there are forces in the world that we don't know at all. Changing them by force will only bring you bad luck.

After listening to Qin Tian's words, Qiu Yunlin understood it after a little deliberation. He said to Qin Tian in a hurry: "master Qin, it's because I'm not careful. We don't mention the shares, we don't mention them!"

With that, he asked the staff to take the agreement back, for fear that Qin Tian would blame him in general.

After chatting with Qiu Yunlin for a while, Qiu Yunlin's secretary went back to the ward. Qin Tian drew the reconstruction plan of the Antique Street on the map, and asked the Secretary to show it to the construction unit. At that time, he produced a design drawing for Qin Tian. Several people left the ward.

"Do you know how much my shoes cost!? Can you afford it? "

At this time, a sharp cry came from the hall on the first floor. A woman in white was pointing at Li Xinran with a grim face!

The woman called, all the patients and doctors in the hall were looking at Li Xinran!

Li Xinran heard the speech and frowned.

I just want things to think of trance, accidentally stepped on this woman's feet, did not expect that the other side was crazy, generally pointing to himself to curse!

"Miss, I have already apologized to you. If you are not satisfied, I can compensate you for your shoes. Is it too unreasonable for you to be so unreasonable?"

Li Xinran's face was gloomy, obviously never thought that someone would be so unreasonable!

Qin Tian was surprised to see this woman. Isn't that woman who just came out of the room next to Qiu Yunlin's ward!? What does she smoke!?

"I'm too much!? Pay for my shoes! " The woman sneered, "do you know how much my shoes cost?"!? Even if you are sold to the club to sleep with others, you can't afford the shoes... "

" pa! "

The woman's voice did not fall, a crisp slap in the face from the woman's upload out!

"Who do you want to send to the club to sleep with?"

Qin Tian appeared in the hall like the voice from Jiuyou!

For a moment, the air seemed to condense, and the temperature of the whole hall on the first floor dropped by three points!

"You, you dare to hit me!" The woman in white covered her face and looked at Qin Tian in disbelief, "do you know who I am!? How dare you hit me

Said, a woman raised her hand, a slap will face Qin Tian fan in the past!


Another crisp sound, the woman's hand has not reached half, Qin Tian another slap fell on the woman's face!

"I don't care who you are. If you insult my woman, I will be rude to you!"

Qin Tian is cold with a face, there is no trace of emotion in the tone!

Stepping on one's feet was just a small matter. I'm sorry or I'll pay you a pair of shoes at most. I didn't expect that the woman in front of me was so unreasonable and even humiliated Li Xinran. This is absolutely unacceptable to Qin Tian!

"You're welcome!? What a nice one! You're welcome The woman's eyes were red, and it was obvious that she had never been wronged before. Then she cried hysterically behind her, "come on! Can't you see that I'm beaten? "

In a flash, more than a dozen bodyguards in suits rushed to the woman's side, looking at the posture, there is a trend to abolish Qin Tian!

"Give me his hands Woman's face is ferocious!

He slapped himself two times, then he gave up his two hands!

Hearing this, a dozen bodyguards in suits immediately rushed to Qin Tian. Their momentum was as graceful as a tiger descending the mountain with boundless murderous spirit, as if Qin Tian could be devoured alive in the next second!

For a moment, all the people present were dumbfounded!

These people can be professional bodyguards, strong, ruthless! It's a pity that such a tall and straight young man can't bear such an impulse!?

Qin Tian looked at these black suits, and his face became colder and colder. With the sound of hum, Qin Tian's body turned like a ghost and rushed out. He shuttled through the crowd like lightning. Every time he passed by, his fist would attack once. In a blink of an eye, Qin Tian passed through the whole crowd of black suits!

Puff, puff...

the black suits fell to the ground before they even snorted!

At this moment, all the people are in the same place!"Just now, was it my eyesight?"!? This young man actually put down a dozen professional bodyguards in a blink of an eye! "

"It's so powerful that I don't even see how he moves his hand!"

"This woman is going to have bad luck. It seems that she has been bullied all the year round. This time, she is expected to kick the iron plate!"

Surrounded by the crowd, Qin Tian went straight to the woman!

The woman has been completely muddled at the moment. She has been relying on this group of bodyguards for a long time. She doesn't know how many people against her. But she didn't expect that on her first day in Songshan, the bodyguard was beaten down!

"You... You don't come here. I'm Qiu Yunlin. I'm a VIP invited by Qiu Yunlin. If you dare to move me, I promise you won't have good fruit to eat!"

She saw Qin Tian just now when she came down from upstairs. He also went to see Qiu Yunlin. No accident, the purpose should be to make money from Qiu Yunlin just like herself!

Moving out of Qiu Yunlin at this time will certainly scare him!

On hearing that she had something to do with Qiu Yunlin, the onlookers stopped talking and looked at the woman in surprise.

In this hospital, who has not heard of Qiu Yunlin!

Even the Secretary of the municipal Party committee and the mayor are very polite to him. We can see how much weight this man has!

As soon as the woman saw how useful she was to move out of Qiu Yunlin, she immediately got up and pointed to the doctor and nurse who had just pointed out to her. She bit her teeth and said, "you dare to laugh at me. Do you know what the relationship between Qiu and the people of Songshan municipal Party committee is?"!? As long as I call, you'll all be laid off! "

On hearing this, people around him shrunk back for fear of being seen by this woman.

"Oh!? Since you have such a good relationship with Mr. Qiu, you should fight one! I'd like to see how you can get these people laid off! " Qin Tian wanted to clean her up and let her go, but she didn't expect to take this to pretend to be forced!

As the so-called heavenly sin can still be forgiven, self sin can not live, since she is so shameless, she said that she would have to teach her a lesson!

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