"God Qin, no way. We will be unlucky in this way!"

At this time, someone recognized Qin Tian and shouted quickly. I was afraid that this woman really had something to do with qiuyunlin, and let her lose her job!

"Yes, God Qin, you can't just take care of your own anger and harm us!"

"God Qin, are you not a pit for us!"

A crowd of doctors and nurses were panicked. Qin Tian was not in this hospital. Naturally, there was nothing wrong with them. They were not the same. They also expected to live this job!

Don't say that the municipal Party committee spoke for qiuyunlin, even if it was a small head in the hospital, they can roll the floor and roll!

"You all entered your own position after the national formal examination. Can't you think about the truth of what she said!" Qin Tian took a cold look at the people in the scene, and they were worried about their IQ. "I know the king Yan under me. I will call him to take all of you away. Do you believe it?"

With Qin Tian's drinking, the doctors and nurses were instantly mute and could not find the point to refute Qin Tian.

Qin Tian glanced at the doctors and nurses, and then he left her eyes on the woman. He said coldly, "you fight, I will wait for you!"

The woman listened, the expression on her face changed immediately!

I came from Bianjing city next door. The purpose is to talk to qiuyunlin about a business. I hope to climb up the relationship with Qiu group on the recommendation of secretary Lu Feng of Bianjing city. I didn't expect to come here all day, even Qiu Yunlin didn't see her face. The Secretary and his subordinates met a lot. Don't say that Qiu Yunlin called him. Even if he called his secretary If you say, no one has to bird yourself!

"I... I don't know you well. Today, I'm unlucky. Just let you go!" The woman snorted coldly, and she didn't stay or stay in the same place.

The doctors and nurses around me can't hear what they mean when they hear it!? Immediately, he sneered and spitted at her.

Qin Tian hum coldly, "can't you contact qiuyunlin!"!? If so, I'll contact him for you! "

The woman immediately glanced at her mouth and said, "by you, a local man with all the goods, she should know Qiu Zong!"

The woman heard Qin Tian actually said that she knew qiuyunlin, and he called, and immediately sneered.

Even if she came from the border to talk about business, she only got the Secretary's phone. Why could he get Qiu Yunlin's phone call by a local guy!?

"So I'll ask Qiu Yunlin if I, a local like me, really doesn't qualify for his phone call."

Qin Tian sneered, took out the mobile phone and dialed the number Qiu Yunlin left to himself, and opened the mobile phone hands-free!

At this time, Qiu Yunlin's ward.

The Secretary picked up the phone next to him, and respectfully delivered it to Qin Tian, and said to Qiu Yunlin, "Mr. Qiu, Mr. Qin's phone!"

Qiu Yunlin just applied the medicine. He heard that it was Qin Tian's call. He guled up and took over his mobile phone. "Master Qin, how could I call again just after leaving!"!? Is there any order!? "

the mobile phone voice came as like as two peas. The woman had heard Qiu Yunlin's voice across the door, almost the same as Qin Tian's cell phone.

Qin Tian glanced at the woman with a white face and said to the phone, "nothing to tell, just want to ask you a question!"

Qin Tian's tone is extremely overbearing, as if Qiu Yunlin was not in the eyes of the general!

"Ask! You asked! I promise you nothing! " Qiu Yunlin listened to Qin Tian's tone, and suddenly he was a little flustered, and quickly catered to Qin Tian.

Qiu Yunlin's low attitude let everyone in the scene be stunned, who can think, Qiu Yunlin actually in Qin days before such humble!?

"Someone said, I this countryman is not qualified to have your phone..." Qin Tian's tone is extremely cold.

"Fart the bitch's dog!" Qiu Yunlin's eyes are red. Qin Tian is a real great man. His ability to climb up with Qin Tianpan has been a creation of his life. Some people dare to say this kind of words!

"Master Qin, don't be angry. You can rest assured that once you find out who said this, I will do it strictly! I, I picked his skin! "

At the end of the day, Qiu Yunlin almost roared out!

At this moment, the woman is a face of pale!

I didn't expect that the peasant knew qiuyunlin, and listened to Qiu Yunlin's respect for him!

Thinking of this, the heart of the woman jumped to her throat, and she shivered uncontrollably!

"Master Qin, wait a moment, I'll be down!" Qiu Yunlin said more angry, hurriedly ordered Secretary to arrange a person to push wheelchair to take himself downstairs!

Qin Tian listened to the phone, so it didn't matter if he hung up and waited for Qiu Yunlin to go downstairs!

Time is not big, Qiu Yunlin, with the help of secretary, came out of the elevator and walked straight to Qin Tian!"Master Qin!" Qiu Yunlin appears extremely anxious, has been urging the Secretary to push quickly.

Qin Tian saw Qiu Yunlin come out and pointed to the woman. "Do you know this woman?"

"She!? Who is she? I haven't seen it at all

When Qiu Yunlin saw the woman's face, he was disgusted for no reason. He even dared to use his own name to offend people like Qin Tian, not to mention that he did not know her. Even if he really knew her, he would not know her after all!

The Secretary standing behind him was startled to see the woman, and quickly bent down to stick it to Qiu Yunlin's ear. "Mr. Qiu, this is the representative of the construction unit from Bianjing. Today, it's for the project of building antique street!"

As soon as Qiu Yunlin listened, he raised his hand and slapped the Secretary, "asshole! Why do you have to tell me about such an important thing now? "

Then Qiu Yunlin quickly turned around and looked at Qin Tian, "master Qin, this man came to discuss the reconstruction of antique street with my secretary. I really saw her for the first time. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing to do with her. Don't worry. I immediately ask my subordinates to terminate the contract with her and say hello to people in the same industry. I will never cooperate with her any more !”

A woman heard, immediately feel two eyes a black, almost did not fall on the ground!

What do you mean by Qiu Yunlin!? This is clearly to kill themselves in the whole industry!

With the status of Qiu's group, say a word, who dare not give face!?

If you can't get the project and make no money, your company will definitely declare bankruptcy within half a year! In this way, it would have killed her!

Thinking of this, the woman no longer pretended to be cold and rushed to Qiu Yunlin. "Mr. Qiu, Mr. Qiu, please, you can't do this. I know it's wrong..."

"hum!" Qiu Yunlin didn't even look at her and closed his eyes directly!

When the woman saw it, she was completely flustered, and suddenly realized that Qiu Yunlin was waiting for the young man to talk. She simply turned around and rushed to Qin Tian!

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