The woman knelt down in front of Qin Tian!

"Mr. Qin, I don't know Taishan. I'm a dog's eye. Please let me go. If I'm really banned, I'll be finished!"

As the woman spoke, she could no longer care about her dignity. Her head banged on the ground!

To tell you the truth, Qin Tian was startled. He didn't expect that the woman who had been so arrogant just now admitted her mistake and apologized, even knelt down in front of him!

However, there must be something hateful about the poor person. If she was not arrogant and arrogant and didn't even have a doorkeeper on her mouth, how could she end up like this!?

The woman in white is also regretful. She never dreamed that she would kneel on the ground one day and ask for help!

"You offended my lover, not me. I didn't forgive you. Ask her!" Qin Tian looks at kneeling on the ground constantly kowtow the woman in white, hum a, the tone is still very bad.

With her attitude towards Li Xinran at the beginning, even if she was killed, Qin Tian didn't think it was too much!

As soon as the woman listened to Qin Tian's words, she immediately looked at Li Xinran with complicated eyes. It seemed that she did not expect that she would apologize to the woman who was selling goods all over the place.

Heaven is good at reincarnation. Who can be spared by heaven!

The woman was full of bitterness and bitterness. She knelt down in front of Li Xinran when she turned her knee. Raising her hand was a big mouth fan on her face!

"I was wrong, please forgive me!" The woman in white finished this sentence, and immediately burst into tears, and it was that heartbreaking cry, without any affectation!

When people around saw the virtue of women, some gloated and some said that they deserved it. Most of them were so happy that they applauded them secretly!

"If I had known that, why should I have done it in the first place?" Li Xinran looked at her, sighed a little, then turned to look at Qin Tian and said, "forget it, she didn't do me any harm. It won't ruin her business because of an unpleasant event..."

there is no deep hatred, just because the other party is careful and indomitable and teaches a lesson. There is no need to force people to the dead end.

Qin Tian seems to have expected Li Xinran to say so, but it's not strange. She laughed at her indifferently, "you said forget it."

The sudden doting made Li Xinran face red, raised his eyes and swept around. Many doctors and nurses secretly laughed.

"Thank you, thank you!" The woman kneeling on the ground heard that Qin Tian and Li Xinran were willing to let go of themselves, and immediately had a feeling of being reborn, and they were busy thanking them.

"Master Qin..." although Qiu Yunlin knew that it was not appropriate to make a sound at this time, he still called Qin Tian gently.

You two are in love with each other. What should I do with you!? Let her off or not!?

Qin Tian looked at Qiu Yunlin at once, and suddenly realized, "well, forget it, but I still hope you can carefully choose partners for the reconstruction of antique street. If there are some deficiencies in virtue, you'd better not mix them up."

In a word, Qin Tian immediately excluded the woman in white. She did not want to participate in the reconstruction of antique street!

The woman in white gave a bitter smile. It was better to lose this business than to lose all business.

The storm in the hospital dissipated, and Li Xinran drove home with Qin Tian.

As soon as he entered the door, Lin Xiaoyao was helping Wang Qin recover. He stood up against the sofa!

"Mom, you can stand up!" Li Xinran is excited to look at Wang Qin, full of disbelief!

Half a month later, Wang Qin recovered from a comminuted fracture to a stage where he could support something. If he put it in his usual time, no one would dare to think of it!

Wang Qin was holding the sofa attentively. Seeing her daughter and her son-in-law coming in, she immediately laughed happily, "thanks to Qin Tian. If it wasn't for him, my legs might have been lost!"

"Aunt Wang, you are partial!" Lin Xiaoyao is holding Wang Qin. Seeing Wang Qin's high evaluation of Qin Tian, he immediately turns his lips. "It's my elder sister Xinran and I who take care of you. What does it have to do with him?"

Li Xinran and Wang Qin listened and laughed one after another, "yes, yes, that is, Xiaoyao is the most intimate and Xiaoyao has made the greatest contribution!"

Wang qinchong pats Xiaoyao's arm with a smile in her eyes.

"That's about it!" Lin Xiaoyao Ao Ao Ao toward Qin Tian a Yang chin, eyes full of provocation.

"Brother in law, where's my jade?"

said he had as like as two peas of jade as Li Xinran, but he did not think that Qin Tian had disappeared for two or three days without seeing a ghost.

Qin Tian listened, the corner of his mouth unconsciously grinned, "that what, mom, I suddenly think of something else, today let Xinran live at home, I will come back to live again."

With that, Qin Tiantou did not return and ran away.

"Coward!" Lin Xiaoyao looked at Qin Tian's back and murmured softly.

After taking a bath in the evening, Li Xinran was lying in bed reading. Lin Xiaoyao changed her pajamas. Her hair was wet and hung in front of her. She threw herself on Li Xinran and dallied in front of her chest.The two daughters, like sisters, had already taken a bath together. Li Xinran knew exactly which piece of meat Lin Xiaoyao felt!

"Don't believe it, brother-in-law!" Lin Xiaoyao shrugged helplessly, his face seemed to hang a trace of loss.

Li Xinran looks at Lin Xiaoyao and closes the book.

"Xiao Yao." Li Xinran called her gently.

Lin Xiaoyao also looked up at her.

"Do you like Qin Tian?"

This problem has been hidden in Li Xinran's heart for a long time. She and Lin Xiaoyao are in love with each other, and what they think in each other's mind never needs to be mentioned. What's Lin Xiaoyao's attitude towards Qin Tian for such a long time is clear. The reason why Li Xinran has not mentioned it is because she thinks that Lin Xiaoyao is no longer boring and will not rob a man with herself.

But recently, I don't know what happened. Maybe Qin Tian is so excellent that Li Xinran can't be as confident as before. She actually began to guard against every woman Qin Tian met, including Lin Xiaoyao, which made Li Xinran feel a sense of crisis. She was afraid that she would not be compared with them and be abandoned by Qin Tian.

Lin Xiaoyao suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Xinran, as if he had never thought Li Xinran would ask such a question.

"I like my brother-in-law!"

In just a moment, Lin Xiaoyao's brain made up for the bits and pieces that might happen after he and Qin Tian were together. Especially when he thought of some pictures that were not called dirty, Li Xinran appeared, and the three people were actually in bed at the same time...

LIN Xiaoyao shook his head and did not let himself think about it any more. His pretty face turned red with shame!

"Xinran sister, forget it, brother-in-law or leave you alone, I can't bear it!"

Lin Xiaoyao didn't know how. When Li Xinran asked her this, she immediately blushed and her heart began to panic. Even she began to doubt whether she had feelings for Qin Tian.

But when I think about it, I can't wait to be with him when I like a person. But I don't have this idea at all. Even if I force naobu to join Qin Tian, I can't think of it. I like it!?

Li Xinran looked at her appearance, a smile, "in fact, even if you like Qin Tian, I won't blame you."

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoyao's face beeped the dog's expression, "really or not!"

My best friend likes her man, but she says she doesn't mind!?

Li Xinran didn't answer Xiaoyao, but looked out of the window with her legs in her arms. "In fact, I'm afraid other women like Qin Tian..."

Lin Xiaoyao gave her a look and said that you didn't mind.

But Lin Xiaoyao did not interrupt Li Xinran, because she knew that Xinran must have something to say.

"Qin Tian is upright, warm and sincere, understands medical skills, has medical products, can eliminate the strong and help the weak, and even has some skills that ordinary people can't imagine. No matter what point of view, Qin Tian is a very suitable husband candidate..."

Li Xinran said, his face was filled with a happy smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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