"However, although Qin Tian is excellent, he also has some shortcomings that others don't know..." Li Xinran said this and suddenly looked at Lin Xiaoyao.

"Ah!? My brother-in-law still has shortcomings! " Lin Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment, but then he felt that he had made a mistake and quickly covered his mouth.

Li Xinran looked at her with a smile, turning Lin Xiaoyao's face red.

"He snores when he sleeps. He doesn't like to take a bath. He is greedy. The main thing is that he farts. He always likes to put it in his bed...

" stop and stop! "

Lin Xiaoyao can't help it when he hears that he likes to fart!

"Sister Xinran, is Qin Tian too disgusting?"

Lin Xiaoyao is full of disgust. How could she allow her man to fart so smelly in the quilt!

Qin Tian looks like a dog. I didn't expect to be so disgusting! Can't bear it, absolutely can't!

"More than that, he..."

"sister Xinran, don't say it!" Lin Xiaoyao quickly raised his hand to interrupt Li Xinran, then gently looked at her, "I think I understand."

"Got it?" Li Xinran was stunned for a moment, and his words were not finished.

"Yes." Lin Xiaoyao's expression appears extremely serious, "I admit, I like Qin Tian a little, but this is really just some appreciation, I can't fall in love with him!"

Especially after listening to Li Xinran's shortcomings of Qin Tian, Lin Xiaoyao found that she couldn't bear it at all!

It's not a sign of loving someone at all.

"And most of all, he's your man. How could I have robbed you! Even if I rob you, I also rob you and take you over

Said, Lin Xiaoyao then a head into Li Xinran's arms, act like a coquettish arch in her body to arch.

Li Xinran saw Lin Xiaoyao jump over this ring of heart knot, also happy with her embrace together.

Leaving aside the two girls frolicking on the bed, Qin Tian came out from his mother-in-law's house and drove Li Xinran's car around. Without saying anything else, he had to find some evil spirits to put into the jade. Otherwise, he couldn't meet Lin Xiaoyao. What's more, he owed Lin Wanru a piece of jade.

Thinking of Lin Wanru, Qin Tian's eyes are somewhat heavy.

Lin Wanru doesn't care about her status and status, but Qin Tian can't really refuse to give her. She has given everything to herself, so she can't treat others unfairly.

However, he had Li Xinran again...

while driving, Qin Tian felt flustered in his head. After shaking twice, he directly drove the car to Songjiang.

Last time he killed Wang Qingshan here, Qin Tian clearly felt that Wang Qingshan burst out a strong resentment. If there was no accident, he would definitely linger in the world and become a devil!

Maybe some people will ask, after death, we should not start from the lowest level of Yin ghosts, and then become evil ghosts!?

Normally speaking, this is true, but some people can't measure it according to common sense. For example, Chiyou in ancient times killed countless evils, was covered with blood, accumulated resentment, and became a generation of demons after death!

Although Wang Qingshan can't be compared with Chiyou, he is also an underground hero in the area. He fought all his life and killed countless people. He was so cowardly when he died. If people like him could not become evil spirits after death, Qin Tian would not believe it!

Soon Qin Tian came to the fourth wharf of Songjiang, where Qin Tian executed Wang Qingshan.

Sure enough, as soon as Qin Tiangang set foot on the beach, he felt a burst of gloomy ghost gas locking himself, and the ghost gas was also full of endless hatred!

"Come out. It's no use hiding." Qin Tian, with his hands in his pocket, looked serious and went straight to the place where Wang Qingshan was killed!

As Qin Tian moves forward, a whirlwind formed by ghost gas gradually rises on the beach. The originally clear starry sky is instantly shielded by a gray, which looks like a cloudy cloud from a distance!

The ghost gas on the beach gradually became violent. A black ghost shadow rose from the ground and floated in the air like a mountain!

"Qin Tian!" Wang Qingshan's evil ghost showed a face with blue face and fangs. When he opened his mouth, he was angry with Qin Tian, "how dare you come to me?"

"What dare you!? I'm curious, why do you all turn into evil spirits and don't go to me for revenge... "

Qin Tian stood in front of Wang Qingshan indifferently, but his lazy casual clothes seemed to be hidden in him.

When Wang Qingshan saw Qin Tian and asked himself, his face was gloomy for a moment. "Thanks to you, I am bound by the ghosts in the Songjiang River. Are you satisfied with what I say?"

Qin Tianwen speech for one Leng, Songjiang there are more powerful than the ghost of ghosts!?

For a time, Qin Tian couldn't believe it. He quickly contacted Li Xiaoshuang in the jade through the identifier in his mind.

"Xiaoshuang, is there a stronger existence in the Songjiang River?"

Qin Tian was a little scared, because he didn't even feel the most basic ghost gas. If it really exists, it can only show that the other party is more than a little stronger than himself!Li Xiaoshuang smelled speech and nodded, "yes, last time I went to chase Erlong here, I felt that there was a water ghost at the bottom of the river."

Qin Tian was shocked when he heard the speech, "then his strength..."

"the peak of evil spirits may have reached the threshold of fierce ghosts, which may break through one day." Li Xiaoshuang said with some emotion.

Although it took only 20 years for her to step into the fierce ghost stage, she did not have the talent to step into the fierce ghost stage because of the help of Qin Tian's immortal formula. If she grew up normally, let alone 20 years, even 200 years, she would not have the talent to step into the fierce ghost stage.

This is the sorrow of the wandering ghosts.

"But why can't I feel his breath?" According to common sense, ghosts in the stage of evil spirits are limited even if they are stronger than themselves. It is absolutely impossible that they can not even feel the breath.

"The water ghost is special in the ghosts. The ghost spirit comes with the river water and naturally goes with the river water. The reason why you can't feel her breath is that her ghost gas flows downstream with the river water."

In fact, what Li Xiaoshuang said is not complete enough. The water ghost can flow the ghost gas with the river water, and can hide the ghost gas with the help of the river water power. Even if the strength is stronger than her, it is still difficult to find her existence!

"Why, you come to me just to stand here in a daze!"

Suddenly, Wang Qingshan opened his mouth.

He has been looking at Qin Tian for several minutes, but he didn't expect to ignore him. He even stood there in a daze and ignored himself to this extent!

Qin Tian is suddenly interrupted in meditation and looks up at Wang Qingshan floating in the air.

"I came to you today to take you in as a little brother, but it seems that you would not like to." Qin Tian said indifferently, and even shrugged his shoulders.

"Take me!? Be a little brother!? Ha ha... "When Wang Qingshan heard the speech, he immediately burst out laughing!


"Now I have stepped into the stage of evil spirits. I am in charge of numerous ghosts. You, as an ordinary person, dare to take me as my younger brother. Are you crazy?"

Wang Qingshan looks at Qin Tian, his hands shake, on the beach, in the river, immediately floating countless ghosts, all standing behind Wang Qingshan!

Qin Tian looked around and nodded gently, "the momentum is not bad, but the strength is lower..."

"the strength is low Wang Qingshan sneered, a pair of ghost eyes full of disdain, "then let me see, you have what ability, dare to say such a thing!"

With a wave of his hand, Wang Qingshan immediately flew out two gray shadows. The target was Qin Tian on the beach!

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