"I said, you are too weak."

Qin Tian's face was calm, without any change. He threw out a silver needle wrapped by green energy, and instantly dissipated the spirits of those two Yin ghost stabs into ghost Qi and dissipated them between heaven and earth!

"What?" Wang Qingshan saw this, a pair of ghost eyes immediately stare around, "you, you are not an ordinary person!"

How could that be possible!? Qin Tian is so young that he has the ability to fight against ghosts!?

"I told you that your strength is too weak, but you don't pay attention to it." Qin Tian stood there without even moving his steps.

"Good, good, good! Since you are so big, don't blame me for deceiving the less! " With that, Wang Qingshan sneered, and his ghost was noisy. In the air, hundreds of ghosts became agitated and said, "tear him up for me!"

In a flash, heaven and earth changed color, ghosts and shadows all over the sky attacked Qin Tian one after another!

Qin Tian blew a whistle without heart, "the handwriting is really not small!"

In an instant, the green energy of his body came into the body, and a force of the same origin with the other party would rush out along the will buy, and Qin Tian's whole person was wrapped up in a gray color!

"Ghost?" Wang Qingshan takes a breath!

This Qin Tian, actually in the body concealed two gas!? Is he not afraid of death!?

Even Wang Qingshan knows that when one cultivates, the elixir field in one's body can only hold one kind of power. Once another force appears, it will immediately lead to the collision of two energies. In the light of this, the power of explosion in the elixir field will be lost, and the person will die on the spot!

However, Qin Tian in front of him could switch two kinds of energy perfectly without harming himself. Even the enemy, Wang Qingshan couldn't stop exclaiming!

Qin Tian smiles, he is not afraid that Wang Qingshan knows his secret, because he is destined to be his younger brother's existence!

Qin Tian's body flashed, and his feet gave out a strong explosive force. He kicked out a 1-meter-square-deep hole on the beach, and then the whole person shot up in the air like a shell!

Qin Tian tried to control the breath in his body. With a move, he pulled the two ghosts out of Wang Qingshan's control and was firmly trampled on his feet!

"Is that what flying feels like?"

Qin Tian stepped on two ghosts flying in mid air, feeling the feeling of flying carefully.

This is the move that Chen Lei used to attack Qin Tian when he was fighting Chen Lei. Now Qin Tian uses it. The flexibility of Yin ghost is more flexible than Chen Lei. I don't know how many times!

Seeing Qin Tian fly into the air, hundreds of Yin ghosts quickly turned around and flew toward Qin Tian.


Qin Tian once again waved, not far away, two Yin ghosts were inhaled by him. In an instant, Qin Tian's breath soared again, and there was a layer of black gas around his body!

In a flash, Qin Tian's sense organs have increased dozens of times, and all the ghosts in front of him are like slow motion!


Qin Tian drank a low drink, and five copper coins were thrown out by him. Under the control of ghost, a golden barrier was formed around Qin Tian. The hundreds of ghosts retreated and were covered with gold. In a moment, they were evaporated into endless ghost gas and dissipated between heaven and earth!

"You, what are you?"

Wang Qingshan is so stupid. Although he can control these hundreds of ghosts, he can't do it as easily as Qin Tian. Moreover, looking at Qin Tian, he hasn't even moved his vitality!

"This is called the money of the five emperors." Qin Tian was floating in the air, facing Wang Qingshan with a smile on his face.

"Money from five emperors!"

Wang Qingshan carefully looked at the golden light around Qin Tian's body, and his face showed a look of fear.

This thing, even if he meets, he is absolutely not sure to retreat!

Thinking of this, Wang Qingshan almost without hesitation, turned and landed on the ground!

When Qin Tian looked at it, he was suddenly surprised. The beach below was the place where Wang Qingshan died. Once he entered there, it would be difficult for him to come out again!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian once again urged the money of the five emperors to fall towards the beach!


A burst of light tremor, Wang Qingshan's body died, the location of the instant formation of a golden barrier!

Wang Qingshan's pupil shrank and quickly stabilized himself and flew to one side!

For a moment, Wang Qingshan was in a cold sweat!

If it wasn't for stopping in time, I'm afraid the end would not be much better than those ghosts!

"You, what do you want?" Wang Qingshan roared at Qin Tian, "it's not enough for you to force me to death when I'm alive. Don't you want to let me go when I'm dead?"

The resentment in his tone made Qin Tian one of the stagnant. He didn't expect that Wang Qingshan had such a big resentment against himself.

For a time, Qin Tian stopped in the air.

"You have done all kinds of evils in your life. Even if you have your own power, you are still making money by forcing the good for prostitutes. This is unkind to you. Your brother Erlong does all kinds of evil, but you don't restrain it. This is your injustice." Qin Tian looked at Wang Qingshan and said, "you are such a cruel and unjust person. Even if you are killed, you are just doing evil by yourself. Where did you come from? You were forced to die by me!"Qin Tian's tone was calm and his comments were pertinent. Wang Qingshan didn't even have the courage to refute.

"Well, even if I can't live because of my own sin, I will become a ghost. Can't you let me go!? What else do you want me to do? "

Wang Qingshan has been speechless, such as Qin Tian, why do you always have to live with yourself!?

Qin Tian hears the speech and ponders for a while. He seems to have no reason to force him to become his younger brother.

The reason why they collected ghost bag and a da'er-a-san was that they came to the door and started first. No one could say anything after they had collected them.

But this time is not the same, he is to take the initiative to subdue Wang Qingshan, which has some suspicion of bullying others.

Qin Tian, who has been following the principle of obedience to nature and following cause and effect, hesitated for a while.

"You, you let me go, I have become a ghost, let me live safely!" Wang Qingshan's tone has already lost the previous Ao Jiao, all quickly beg Qin Tian.

Qin Tian thought for a long time before he finally looked up at Wang Qingshan.

"If I promise you to teach you a way to practice, will you give me the Lord?"

This is the idea that Qin Tian thought for a long time.

Since we can't arrest him for nothing, we should exchange them equally. You give you the Dharma formula, you think I am the Lord, and no one will suffer.

"Practice... Practice Dharma formula!" Wang Qingshan is a little bit forced to be a ghost, and he has to practice Dharma formula!?

Qin Tian didn't bother to explain more, so the immortal formula started to work in an instant. The ghost gas suddenly turned into a vortex and fell down towards Qin Tian, which was countless times faster than Wang Qingshan's natural absorption!

"This... It's impossible!" Wang Qingshan couldn't believe it. He looked more and more ugly.

"As long as you are willing to serve me as Lord and serve me, I am willing to teach you this dharma formula."

Qin Tian threw out his olive branch again.

At the moment, Wang Qingshan was still immersed in the shock just now. When he heard Qin Tian say that he would teach him this formula, he immediately grew up!

"You say, you say you want to teach it to me!" Wang Qingshan can't believe it!

You can't kill me if you have your own strength!

"Give me the gift of the Lord

Qin Tian has no choice but to repeat it again. You just want to do a good job and give me the conditions to skip it directly!

Hearing this, Wang Qingshan was stunned for a moment, and then he bowed his head to consider it!

Qin Tian didn't worry. He stepped on two ghosts and floated in the air.

For a long time, Wang Qingshan looked up at him.

"If I'm willing to take you as the Lord, you will really teach me this cultivation method?" Wang Qingshan's face is cautious. Now Qin Tian is a victim, he is a fish. He doesn't dare to bet!

"I can swear." Qin Tian was very serious. "If you are willing to take me as the Lord, I promise that I will teach you the Dharma formula and never enslave and oppress you!"

Finish saying, between heaven and earth, there is a wave from Qin Tian side.

"Now you believe it!" Qin Tian looks at Wang Qingshan. If he doesn't agree, he has no way.

Wang Qingshan looked at Qin Tian and nodded seriously, but he became embarrassed again.

"But I still can't recognize you. My body is still in the hands of that girl under the water. If I don't come back more, I won't be reconciled!"

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