Taking back the flesh has become Wang Qingshan's obsession. Even if he is willing to let go of his hatred and recognize Qin Tian as the master, he still can't leave here with ease.

"Her strength is not something you can fight against." Qin Tian smiles slightly, the bottom of his eyes ignited a trace of turbulent war.

"Qin Tian, don't be impulsive. With your strength now, you are not her opponent!"

In the jade on her chest, Li Xiaoshuang made a voice in a hurry to stop her, because she felt that Qin Tian didn't seem to want to use her strength to fight against water ghosts. If that was the case, Qin Tian would definitely die!

At the beginning, the strength of ghost pocket was also wireless approaching the fierce ghost stage. It was almost effortless to fight Qin Tian. If it was not for Li Xiaoshuang's advanced stage, Qin Tian would have died there!

"Don't worry, I won't be so impulsive." Qin Tian said calmly to Li Xiaoshuang in her brain, "but I really want to try where my limit is. This female ghost has been infinitely close to the stage of fierce ghost. It is a good grindstone. I'm going to try it with her..."

"no way!" Li Xiaoshuang immediately refused, "unless you promise me that I will come out of the jade and stay by your side!"

"Er..." Qin Tian scratched his head after hearing the speech, "but in this way, it won't play an experimental role..."

to be honest, Qin Tian is going to use Li Xiaoshuang as the last card. After all, he is not stupid and will not really let himself take his life to test.

But Li Xiaoshuang is a real fierce ghost level master. Once Li Xiaoshuang stands beside him, where can the ghost in the water let go of fighting with herself!?

What a test!

"I will hide my breath and hide in one side, so that she won't find it..." Li Xiaoshuang saw Qin Tian's tone loose, and was not so anxious. "With my strength, as long as I don't want to be found by her, she can't find it!"

Although there is only a small gap between the top of the fierce ghost level and the evil ghost peak, the strength is really different. It is normal for Li Xiaoshuang to have this confidence.

"Well, that's up to you." Qin Tian said with a smile, "but today I can't fight with her. I have to prepare and come back tomorrow."

Li Xiaoshuang was stunned and nodded after hearing the speech. After all, in her opinion, there is no big difference between today and tomorrow.

Wang Qingshan looked at Qin Tian and didn't understand why Qin Tian was always in a daze, even if he was in a daze. The expression on his face would smile and frown, just as if he were communicating with others.

After a while, Qin Tian opened his eyes and wore a satisfied smile on his face.

"Wang Qingshan, I'll come back tomorrow. When you try to seduce the ghost, I'll deal with her!" Qin Tian is extremely confident.

Wang Qingshan was slightly stunned, "you, can you really deal with her?"

Don't wait for yourself to lead her up, you turn your head and run, and then you will have bad luck!

"Don't worry, she can't run as long as I do it!" Qin Tian laughs.

Wang Qingshan looked at Qin Tian, his heart straight drum, but do not know why, the heart always has a intuition to let him believe Qin Tian.

Wang Qingshan deserves to be an underground hero. He gritted his teeth and stomped his feet. He decided to gamble with Qin Tian. Anyway, he was a dead man. Even if he lost, he couldn't beat him. He was scared!

"Well, it's a deal. We'll see you at 10 o'clock tomorrow night." Wang Qingshan insisted.

"I'll be with you."

With that, Wang Qingshan disappeared on the beach, and Qin Tian turned and drove away from the No. 4 wharf.

In the car, Qin Tian dials Gu Yue's phone. Gu Yue is already lying on the bed and ready to go to bed. Seeing that the phone is from Qin Tian, she sits up in a hurry!

"Mr. Qin!" Gu Yue said respectfully.

"Lao Gu, how are my knives progressing?"

Gu Yue was startled. Qin Tian just told him about the Dao in the afternoon. Unexpectedly, he came to ask him so quickly. He quickly replied, "Mr. Qin, please don't worry. When I left from the hospital, I've already sent someone to the slaughterhouse. It's estimated that one or two thousand livestock can be killed in the whole afternoon."

Gu Yue specially ordered his men to take the knives to different slaughterhouses. Each time, only one knife was used. All afternoon, even pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese could kill more than one or two thousand!

"No, it's too late. I'll use a knife tomorrow night. In any case, I'll make a knife that kills more than 10000 people!"

"Tomorrow night!" Gu Yue was stunned for a moment, but once she bit her teeth, she immediately said to Qin Tian, "don't worry, I will make one for you before tomorrow night."

"Then I'll wait for your good news."

Finish saying that, Qin Tian hang up the phone, Gu Yue sat on the bed hesitated for a while, then called his five Tangkou men.

"Take all the farms near Songshan and count the number of male animals. If it can exceed 10000, buy those male animals immediately, regardless of the price!" The old moon has a gloomy face.

Qin Tian said that the best one could only kill male animals. Gu Yue did not forget that if there was no accident, Qin Tian's own knife would be that one.If you want to do it, you have to be the best. Gu Yue doesn't believe it. There are so many farms in Songshan, such as chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cattle and sheep, you can't even come up with 10000 yuan!

In this way, the whole breeding industry of Songshan was a sensation overnight, and countless male animals were taken away at high prices overnight!

The people of the Qin palace ran around without saying that the next morning, Qin Tian came to the hospital early.

"Miss Qin!" Gu Xiaomin pushed his glasses on his face and called Qin Tian with great respect.

Qin Tianzheng is thinking about beating female ghosts at night, and is startled by Gu Xiaomin who suddenly appears.

"Mr. Qin, yesterday you said that you asked me to come to you..." Gu Xiaomin looked at Qin Tian who was scared by himself, and shrugged helplessly.

"Er..." Qin Tian was slightly stunned. He also remembered what he said at school yesterday. He quickly opened the door of the medical center and said to Gu Xiaomin, "come in. Although I can understand your physical condition, it's better to cut the pulse."

Gu Xiaomin chose western medicine as her research direction because of her disappointment with traditional Chinese medicine. She couldn't understand that traditional Chinese medicine could treat people with only a few fingers. In her opinion, it was a total act of deceiving the ignorant public!

However, Qin Tian's appearance has perfectly reversed her view on traditional Chinese medicine!

You know, your disease was diagnosed by tens of millions of instruments and tens of thousands of dollars an hour by a team of doctors. Unexpectedly, it was not as good as his glimpse of himself!

What a wonderful medical treatment!

Gu Xiaomin couldn't sleep all night. Her mind was full of miraculous events about traditional Chinese medicine. Until dawn, she could not wait to get up and wait at the gate of qintian's hospital!

"Sit down." Qin Tian points to the stool beside the table with a smile and pushes the pillow in front of her, indicating that she will put her hand up.

Put a pulse pillow on the wrist, Qin Tian's left hand is naturally placed on Gu Xiaomin's pulse, three fingers switch back and forth, constantly feeling the change of Gu Xiaomin's pulse.

Gu Xiaomin, as a student of medical school, immediately got up and put all his attention on his wrist.

Qin Tian sat in his seat and opened his eyes for a long time. He exclaimed at Gu Xiaomin and said, "I didn't expect that your doctor could control your condition so well."

All cancer cells are concentrated in the original location, almost no extra spread!

"Mr. Qin, you said that my body is still saved. Is that true?" Gu Xiaomin is excited to look at Qin Tian. It can be said that Qin Tian is her only hope.

Because, she wants to live!

Two years ago in a physical examination, Gu Xiaomin found that he had cervical cancer, and has developed to the mid-term, without surgery, his life will not live for more than half a year.

In that case, Gu Xiaomin's parents took her to the United States and invited the most cutting-edge medical team. However, Gu Xiaomin could not change the fate of removing the entire uterus!

As an incomplete woman, Gu Xiaomin has felt that life is not like death for many times, but the mission she carries makes her have to move on.

Until a few months later, in a reexamination, the doctor found that the cancer cells had already spread to other parts of the body, even if the treatment will not change Gu Xiaomin's death fate, the only thing to do is to try to control the spread of cancer cells, let Gu Xiaomin live a few more days.

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