When Qin Tian began to examine her pulse, the green energy had been swimming in her body for a week, and many systems around the uterus had been contaminated with cancer cells, which had reached a point where surgery could not be continued.

But fortunately, her doctors are highly skilled and strictly control the cancer cells in the initial position, which does not allow the cancer cells to continue to spread, so that Gu Xiaomin's life can be extended.

However, although it is still optimistic at present, according to Qin Tian's idea, according to the current means of treating cancer in the world, it will last for five years at most. After five years, the cancer cells will spread rapidly in one night, and Gu Xiaomin's body will be helpless!

Gu Xiaomin looks at Qin Tian with a look of hope, waiting for Qin Tian's answer.

"I know it's a bit crazy to say that, but that's what it is." Qin Tian said with a smile, "maybe only I can cure your disease!"

"Thank you, thank you..." Gu Xiaomin smell speech, excited almost fainted in the past, mouth only left the words of thanks to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian laughs and doesn't speak. He gets up slowly and takes Gu Xiaomin to the inner hall. He points to the bed in the inner hall and says to Gu Xiaomin, "take off your clothes and lie down."

Gu Xiaomin smelled the words, and her pretty face was slightly red. Fortunately, she was also a medical student. She knew that sometimes she had to take off her clothes, so she took them off almost without hesitation.

Just when she was ready to take off her clothes, Qin Tian stopped her in a hurry.

"This, these two don't need to take off..." Qin Tian's face sweated down.

Gu Xiaomin listen, originally red cheek, appear more and more clear.

Gu Xiaomin height of 1.58 meters, is a relatively small type, wearing clothes is not obvious, to the clothes after it is exquisite.

Qin Tian looked at the girl who had only taken off her clothes, and was in a state of mind.

"You, you lie down well..." Qin Tian swallows saliva, the eye dare not look at her again.

Gu Xiaomin even the last operation was done by a female doctor. It can be said that it was the first time for Gu Xiaomin to show himself in front of a man. After hesitating for a while, he forced to bear the shame in his heart and lay down on the hospital bed with his eyes closed.

Qin Tian slowly exhaled a breath, and the ghost gas in his body was slowly running out. A cool moment swept the whole body's meridians.

Sitting in front of Gu Xiaomin, Qin Tian looks at Gu Xiaomin's abdomen carefully. There is a scar that is not too obvious here. Needless to say, it must have been left when the uterus was removed last time.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian couldn't help sighing. If the girl had met her earlier, if she had this ability earlier, maybe she would not have become like this.

For women, no uterus, just like a man without a kidney, not only can't have children, old fast, even life will be greatly reduced!

"Qin, teacher Qin, if you want me to cooperate, you can say it directly..."

GU Xiaomin has not felt Qin Tian's action for a long time, so he takes the initiative to speak, hoping to ease his embarrassment.

Sure enough, Qin Tian was pulled back to reality by Gu Xiaomin's voice, and then nodded to Gu Xiaomin and said, "next, I will give you needles. You can relax and feel the changes of your body carefully. Once there is unbearable pain, you must tell me immediately!"

Although cancer cells are not healthy, they are still part of Gu Xiaomin's body. If you attack them, Gu Xiaomin will not be very comfortable.

"Don't worry, Mr. Qin. I can't tell you some things, but please understand that I still have a mission that can't be slackened. I have a reason to live. So please don't be merciful to me. I can bear any pain."

Gu Xiaomin lying in the hospital bed, said this time is full of peace, obviously this idea has been deeply rooted in her heart!

Qin Tian was a little surprised that a girl should have this kind of consciousness.

However, since Gu Xiaomin didn't want to say it, Qin Tian didn't need to think about it any more. He took up the silver needle and pricked it towards Gu Xiaomin's lower abdomen!

Qin Tian used the finest and softest filiform needle. If he changed to a traditional Chinese Medicine, he could not easily pierce the acupoints.

Surrounded by green energy, Qin Tian's right hand three pinch needle fingers trembled slightly, and the silver needle went into Gu Xiaomin's body along her skin!

In the same way, Qin Tian tied 36 silver needles in Gu Xiaomin's abdomen! If there are people who know how to learn xuanshu, they will be surprised and can't close their mouths!

Because Qin Tian's thirty-six silver needles are facing the thirty-six acupoints of the human body, which is extremely accurate in setting out the formation of the congenital eight trigrams of 36 Tiangang!

This is a true killing formation!

Qin Tian's right hand turned into his palm. He brushed the 36 silver needles in the air. A soft breath was sent to Gu Xiaomin's body along the silver needles. The green energy was like a silk thread in Qin Tian's hands!

"Gu Xiaomin, what do you feel?"

Under the traction of the green silk thread, silver needles can be kneaded, twisted, or vibrated. Each needle and silver needle has its unique function!

Gu Xiaomin's chin trembled slightly, and his whole body exuded a sense of coldness, and even his breath was filled with mist."Mr. Qin, I'm so cold..."

GU Xiaomin forced himself not to tremble, but felt the chill passing from the silver needle, as if the whole body were frozen.

Although she trusted Qin Tian's medical skills incomparably, she still grasped the sheets nervously.

Qin Tian nodded, "cold is only the first step. Next, I will completely freeze some cancer cells in your body..."

low temperature will definitely kill the life touched.

This means that the normal cells close to the low temperature will also be injured, and the pain will come as scheduled!

"Qin... Teacher Qin, you, you come, I can, I can hold back!" Gu Xiaomin is cold even chin shiver up, speak also become stuttering up!

"Think of your mission. Since you have a reason to live, you must survive every ordeal." Qin Tian controls his voice with green energy, just like brainwashing, and forcibly sends it into Gu Xiaomin's ears. Gu Xiaomin, who had lost some fighting spirit, once again strengthened his confidence!

"Thank you, thank you..." Gu Xiaomin finally opened his eyes and looked at Qin Tian gratefully.

"I'm going to start!"

With that, Qin Tian accelerated the operation of green energy. Thirty six silver needles flashed green light one after another. Cold breath appeared in Gu Xiaomin's body, as if he had wisdom. All of them rushed towards those frightening cells!


As if there was a sound, a piece of flesh and blood with different colors from the human body instantly turned into ice blue!


Gu Xiaomin uttered a low cry, followed closely and then bit his lips tightly!

Pain, with endless cold pain, this pain almost hit the soul!

"This is about five percent of the cancer cells in your body, and at this level of pain, you have to go through at least 20 more times!" Qin Tian said quietly on his mouth, and the sweat on his forehead gradually appeared.

Thirty six silver needles, each of which consumes energy in his body at all times!

"I... I can bear it!" Gu Xiaomin stubbornly bit his lips, eyes incomparably firm!

Qin Tian smiles, the green energy on his hand is rich in a moment, followed by a light sound, and another piece of cancer cell is completely frozen by him!

Because of the previous experience, Gu Xiaomin did not even hum this time, but the clenched lips became more and more white!

"Frozen here, next, to officially start..." Qin Tian said, exhaled a breath.

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