Gu Xiaomin a listen, nearly fainted in the past, such pain, unexpectedly has not entered the play!?

Qin Tian didn't know what Gu Xiaomin was thinking and didn't give her time to prepare. The green energy went into her body along the silver needle and wrapped the two pieces of ice blue very gently, just like a pair of warm hands, slowly melting the ice crystal!

"ah!" Gu Xiaomin can't help it any longer, and her body has a tendency to twist in the hospital bed.

"If you want to die, move on!" Qin Tian's voice is cold and has no emotion. She still keeps her eyes closed and controls the green energy entering her body!

Sure enough, Gu Xiaomin heard the sound, and her twisting body gradually calmed down, as if she was struggling with all her strength to stop shaking!

Qin Tian's forehead sweat more and more thick up, efforts to control the green energy, Gu Xiaomin's body of ice blue liquid out of the body!

Sure enough, a few seconds later, a blue liquid came out along the silver needle, exposed to the air, emitting a very cold breath!


Qin Tian drank, 36 silver needles flew into the air, followed Qin Tian's right hand, several silver needles were caught in his hands again!

"Five Dragon needle!"

Holding his breath in his mouth, Qin Tian instantly concentrated the green energy on the silver needle, and suddenly plunged into Gu Xiaomin's abdomen!

In an instant, Gu Xiaomin's body was frozen and melted by Qin Tian, and the empty organ cells were instantly filled with green energy sent by the five dragon needle!

A warm current full of life breath instantly flowed all over Gu Xiaomin's body!

"This is... How can it be so comfortable..." Gu Xiaomin couldn't believe it and looked at Qin Tian. Qin Tian was sweating and his face was already very pale!

Five Dragon needle, life and death of human flesh and white bone, is Qin Tian real pressure box bottom unique skill!

More than ten seconds later, Qin Tian resolutely took back his hands!

Slowly gasping for breath, Qin Tian couldn't help but be happy!

Fortunately, Gu Xiaomin just lacks a few cells on the local organs. If he loses two legs like Wang Qin, I'm afraid he will lose his life again!

However, even if only a few cells, still exhausted the green energy in the Qin celestial body, almost had to use vitality to supplement!

Gu Xiaomin was lying on the bed. Her whole body was already soaked with sweat. Dew like sweat hung on her crystal skin. She actually showed a morbid beauty.

Qin Tian breathed heavily and looked very ugly.

"Qin said," every time I get rid of weakness, I'll take ten percent of my body's strength to recover. "

With that, Qin Tian struggled to get up and walked out toward the outside.

According to Qin Tian's expectation, Gu Xiaomin has to lie down for at least two hours in order to make the body adapt to the growing cells.

With his weak body, Qin Tian came to the dark cabinet of the medicine cabinet. With a slight pull, a hidden refrigerator appeared in front of him.

"It seems that ginseng is not enough to eat..."

with a bitter smile, Qin Tian reluctantly pulled a long beard from the man, melted it with the only trace of green energy in his body, and inhaled it into his body along the meridians!

In just a moment, the medicinal liquid made of ginseng was transformed into aura and rushed to the elixir field of qintian at an unimaginable speed!


A burst of light tremor, the aura in the elixir field instantly recovered more than 30%!

Qin Tian laughed bitterly again. If it wasn't for fighting with the water ghost at night, Qin Tiancai couldn't bear to be so cruel.

Such precious ginseng is not enough to save people. How can they be willing to recover their aura.

He put the ginseng back in the cold room, and Qin Tian sat down on his knees in the clinic hall and began to meditate in the sunshine.

I don't know how long it took Gu Xiaomin to recover her strength. She got up and dressed and walked out of the inner hall.

"Teacher Qin..." Gu Xiaomin gently called Qin Tian for fear of disturbing him.

"Wake up Qin Tian did not look back, still closed his eyes, "I know you have many questions, but there are some things you can't understand. Maybe you should go to the hospital for an examination. At least the modern medical equipment will tell you the result of what we just did."

Gu Xiaomin hears the speech and blushes.

Indeed, what she thought was to go to the hospital for a physical examination immediately!

"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry, I don't believe you..."

"if I care, I won't save you." Qin Tian sat on the ground, smile, still did not open his eyes, "go, check your body, dispel your last doubt, maybe next time you will more firmly endure this pain!"

Gu Xiaomin listens to Qin Tian's words, and is shameless!

She didn't expect Qin Tian to be so open-minded!

"Teacher, I will go to the hospital right away. If it is true as you said, I will regard you as my teacher all my life!"

With that, Gu Xiaomin's eyes turned red and left the hospital.Qin Tian listens to Gu Xiaomin's footsteps and smiles again.

Just now, Qin Tian made a phone call with caring people. To his surprise, Gu Xiaomin was a rare genius!

Gu Xiaomin took part in the national college entrance examination at the age of 14 and was admitted to the Department of physics of Qinghua University. To everyone's surprise, Gu Xiaomin took only one year to complete four years of college credits. After being recommended by the University, she entered the master's degree program for five years. She carried out physics experiments with the top physics professors in China. However, Gu Xiaomin once again surprised everyone. She actually only used three In two years, I finished my doctoral dissertation and became the youngest doctor of quantum mechanics in China!

Then Tian envies the talented person. When she has finished all this, she disappears in the country and returns to China only a few months later.

After returning home, Gu Xiaomin unexpectedly faded out of the public's sight, and gave up the research of quantum mechanics. He suddenly chose to enter Huaxia Medical University. In two years, he completed the medical education that ordinary students need to take eight years to complete, and successfully got a master's degree in medicine.

Caring people and Qin Tian said these words in an incredible tone, but Qin Tian did not tell Gu Xiaomin what happened.

However, Gu Xiaomin still did not find any way to cure her body. Later, she met an old man begging in the imperial capital. She was kind-hearted and bought some steamed stuffed buns for the old man. Unexpectedly, the old man took out some tortoise shells and divined for her in front of her. He told her all her life experiences and finally pointed out a bright way for her to come to Songshan mountain Take a chance. If you are lucky, you will meet the noble person of her life!

Qin Tian sits on the ground, rubbing his nose, wondering whether he is Gu Xiaomin's nobleman.

With Gu Xiaomin's talent, if he can become his own disciple, perhaps, Chinese medicine is really expected to revive China!

Qin Tian sits in the hospital and recovers green energy. Gu Xiaomin rushes all the way to the first people's Hospital of Songshan city. After hanging the number, he goes straight to the oncology department!

"Doctor, what's the result of my examination?"

Gu Xiaomin nervous even breathing is not smooth, nervous staring at the doctor for their own examination.

With the report in his hand, the doctor pushed the glasses on his face with embarrassment, "this... May be that I didn't take a clear picture just now, or... You can do it again..."

GU Xiaomin took a cold breath and said, "is it... Is it 10% less?"

"Yes..." the doctor heard the speech, more and more embarrassed, thinking that it was time to clean up these interns, but the film was taken so absurdly!

It was only a few days before Gu Xiaomin came to check. The cancer cells were reduced by nearly 10%. Even if it is chemotherapy, it is impossible to have such a good effect! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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