Qin Tian was quite surprised by Gu Yue's generous speech. He thought that Gu Yue could not give up her present glory, so he didn't dare to take risks, but he didn't expect to be so calm!

"Well, go with me," Qin Tian nodded. "By the way, I'll let you see a different world tonight."

Qin Tian finished with a smile, walked toward the weeping willows on the road, and picked a few green leaves.

Gu Yue once heard Qin Tian want to take him to see a different world, suddenly his eyes a bright!

He had known for a long time that Qin Tian was not an ordinary person, but Qin Tian's mysterious feeling made him dare not investigate Qin Tian more, for fear that one careless annoyed Qin Tian, and the gain was not worth the loss.

Gu Yue didn't care to pick the leaves of the willow. She raised her hand to the black suit behind her and waved, "leave a car, you all go back!"

Hearing this, the black suits were stunned and said, "Mr. Gu, the safety of you and Mr. Qin..."

"with Mr. Qin there, where should we consider the safety?" Gu Yue yelled, and the black suit immediately lowered his head. "Take people back and stick to the Qin palace. If I don't come back, ah Huo, you will replace Qin palace for me!"

Gu Yue said to the black suit that bowed her head just now, and a powerful big hand clapped on his shoulder.

The black suit, known as ah Huo, immediately raised his head. His eyes were full of disbelief, "Mr. Gu, you..."

"don't say much!" Gu Yue's face was cold again, and then she whispered to ah Huo: "remember the mission of the Qin palace, rectify the underground order of Songshan, find a suitable opportunity to take the brothers to bleach, and don't live this kind of life with today and no tomorrow..."

this is Gu Yue's plan all the time, but Songshan Mountain is surging, three legs stand, no one gives him this opportunity, but not now In the same way, under the leadership of Qin Tian, the underground forces of the whole Songshan Mountain are gradually unified. If we don't bleach at this time, I'm afraid those masters on the official face will not be able to look down on it!

At that time, Qin palace will usher in the baptism of blood and fire!

Ah Huo clenched his fist tightly and nodded solemnly, "Mr. Gu, we are waiting for you to come back!"

Gu Yue nodded, "go!"

As soon as the voice fell, ah Huo turned around and waved. He took dozens of black suits and left the gate of the hospital one after another.

"I'm done with the rest of the story!" Qin Tian comes over and laughs. He doesn't expect that he makes a test. He is even ready for the future.

However, on second thought, Gu Yue was responsible for her brothers and proved that she did not choose the wrong person.

Gu Yue turned her scarred face with a smile, "they have been with me for so many years, so we can't lose them."

"Well, since all the instructions are finished, let's go."

After Qin Tian finished, he sat on the bus with a smile. Gu Yue sat in the driver's seat very consciously and drove towards the Songjiang No.4 wharf!

At night, the Songjiang River is full of coolness. The wind blows the reeds and makes the sound of Hula and Hula. The black Mercedes Benz drives down from the river bank and stops steadily on the beach. Two figures come out of the car and look at the No.4 wharf.

"Qin... Mr. Qin, is this the right place?" Gu Yue swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and her hair stood up unconsciously.

At the beginning, he threw people into the river at No.4 wharf!

As Qin Tian walked, he slapped the jade on his chest twice. Li Xiaoshuang received instructions and sank to the ground with a whoosh. He followed Qin Tian underground.

Qin Tian tries to cut off the master servant relationship with Li Xiaoshuang, and senses Li Xiaoshuang's existence with green energy. Sure enough, with Qin Tian's current strength, there is no way to detect her existence.

"Great!" Qin Tian couldn't help but exclaimed.

No wonder I haven't met anyone more powerful than myself. Maybe it's someone else's intention to hide their breath!

Gu Yue didn't know what had happened just now. She just heard Qin Tian's exclamation and looked around like a frightened bird.

"Don't look. You can't see it." Said, Qin Tian smile, from the pocket to find a few pieces of roadside picked willow leaves, stained with a little water, then wiped on the eyes of the ancient moon.

In a flash, Gu Yue only felt her eyes were clear and bright. She immediately searched for the ghost shadow as she did in the ghost film.

But to his disappointment, there were no quiet ghosts around except the river breeze.

"Mr. Qin... Doesn't seem to work..." Gu Yue followed Qin Tian, looking around and mumbling.


Qin Tian smiles, his right hand suddenly flies into the air, and a green energy is shot into the ground by him!

At the moment, the place where they stood was the place where Wang Qingshan's body fell. In a flash, a ghost with a blue face and fangs flew up from the ground!

"Wang Qingshan!" As soon as Gu Yue saw the man in front of him, he immediately took out a pistol of. 38 from his arms and roared at him fiercely: "you are not dead yet!"Wang Qingshan looked at Gu Yue and snorted scornfully, "although I don't have a long life, I don't seem to envy you at all, because if I want to kill you now, I don't even need to wave!"

With that, Wang Qingshan shrugged his shoulders with an air of ridicule.

"Fart your mother's dog!" Gu Yue clenched her teeth and squeezed out the sentence, "Mr. Qin, let me kill this son of a bitch!"

Qin Tian gave a bitter smile and pressed down the gun in his hand, "Lao Gu, don't worry, take a good look at what he is different from before."

Gu Yue was about to continue to say that Qin Tian let himself shoot him, and his eyes aimed at Wang Qingshan's legs.

Wang Qingshan is not even on the ground!

This discovery, scared Gu Yue to take a cold breath, not easy to relax God!

Yes, Wang Qingshan died in Qin Tian's hands for a long time. Even the news has been reported. There can be no fake. Then there is only one possibility for Wang Qingshan, that is, ghost!

Thinking of this, Gu Yue soon stabilized her mood, took the pistol back to her arms and fixed her eyes on Wang Qingshan.

"I'm not afraid of you when I'm alive. Can't Gu Yue be afraid of you when I'm dead?" Only in a moment, Gu Yue recovered her mind, and her eyes to Wang Qingshan also brought a silk of human flame!

As the saying goes, "people are afraid of ghosts for three points, and ghosts fear people for seven points." as long as you eliminate the fear of ghosts from the bottom of your heart, you will have a fire of Yang.

Although I dare not say that the ghost with Yang fire can't help him, at least the ordinary ghost will not provoke him.

Ancient moon is such a state at the moment!

Wang Qingshan looked at the ancient moon and was stunned for a moment. Then he said with a wry smile: "no wonder Qin Tian will choose you..."

"OK, let's stop talking about the old friends. It's time to get down to business!"

Qin Tian took advantage of their chatting to depict a few charms on the ground, and the money of the five emperors was also buried in the soil by him.

"Wang Qingshan, call out all the ghosts around here!" Qin Tian ordered.

"Yes, master!" Wang Qingshan changed his former address and called Qin Tian his master.

Guyue smell speech, the face showed a surprised look, Qin Tian is not Wang Qingshan's killing enemy!? How a twinkling of an eye became the master!?

It seems that Qin Tian and Wang Qingshan have no intention to explain to him. They can only see that Wang Qingshan's ghost flashes, and countless Black Ghosts rise on the river and the ground!

Gu Yue saw the dense black shadows in the sky, and immediately gulped a mouthful of saliva, because he saw a lot of familiar faces from inside, all of whom he let people drown in the river!

"Master, are you ready?" Wang Qingshan's ghost Qi rises and asks Qin Tian seriously.

Qin Tian indifferent a smile, casually took out the extremely Yang blade behind him, roared, "come on!"

Qin Tian injected the green energy into the extreme Yang blade. In a moment, he seemed to be ignited a red flame and released a burst of Yang Qi!

"Jiyang killing blade is worthy of its reputation."

Qin Tian looked at the sword in his hand, which was full of incomparable fighting spirit!

"Then my subordinates will be presumptuous

Hearing Wang Qingshan's low roar, the ghost gas overflowed, and hundreds of Yin ghosts around him rushed to Qin Tian with an irresistible momentum!

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