The ghost of the sky roars, the silly eyes that the ancient moon has already seen!

Since Wang Qingshan has served Qin Tian as the main, why should we attack Qin Tian!? This kind of voice is too scary!

For a time, the bright moon was dim, the ghost wind roared, and hundreds of Yin ghosts were like the black clouds pressing the city to Qin heaven!

"Come on!"

Qin Tian laughed loudly. The extreme Yang blade in his hand was horizontal in front of him. He roared low and the knife swept out. A flame that seemed to burn the soul flew out in the direction of long sword waving!

For a time, the place where the sword awn passed, almost without a living, hundreds of Yin ghosts disappeared in half in a moment!

Ghost gas is dense, Yin ghost disappeared and then turned into a little ghost gas into the world!

The ancient moon gulps a mouthful of water! Wang Qingshan is more direct silly eyes! They were all glad they had not been enemies with Qin Tian, otherwise, they didn't know how to die!

The power of a knife is so terrible!

Qin Tian looks at the achievement in front of him, but he laughs with excitement immediately!

I really deserve to devote my mind to creating the extreme Yang blade. This power really can afford its origin!

Yin ghosts are not intelligent, they can only fight under the control of evil spirits. Even if half of them die in a moment, the rest will still go forward!

Qin Tian licked his lips, and the long sword waved again, and the flame sword awn from the extreme sun blade was cut again and passed!

In a moment, the whole sky became quiet!

Two knives, only two knives kill hundreds of Yin ghosts!

Qin Tian fought with ghosts before, Qin Tian was extremely embarrassed to resist the attack of hundreds of ghosts by the charm. This time, with the control of the ghost with the extremely Yang blade, it killed hundreds of ghosts with two knives!

What a power this is!

"Lord... Master is in charge!" Wang Qingshan's face became pale and pale. Even if it was himself, he could not resist the sword!

"Mr Qin is in the power!" Ancient moon also did not show weakness, hurriedly to Qin Tian sent a flattering out!

"Wang Qingshan, go and lead the water ghost out!"

Qin day will extremely Yang blade on the shoulder, the momentum as rainbow command Wang Qingshan!

"Yes, master..." br >

Wang Qingshan agreed with a happy voice, but before he could enter the river, he saw a ghost gas surging on the river!

"Dare to cast wild on my territory, how brave!"

A cool voice came, only to see a white figure rising slowly on the river, ghost gas like a hurricane swept across the river, even the water vapor on the river was blown clean!

Qin Tian heard the sound of the past, only a long hair hanging with water drops, pale face of the afraid of thin women floating on the river, eyes full of anger at Qin Tian!

"You are the water ghost who has bound Wang Qingshan and took his body!" Qin Tian looked at her and asked calmly.

"Oh!? So, you came to come out for him!? "

The ghost sneered and continued, it seems that Qin Tiantian is not in the eye at all!

"I can say that." Qin Tian shrugged his shoulders. "But I would like to put you in my account, and let you serve me!"

Qin Tian did not forget that he promised Lin Xiaoyao and Lin Wanru to hurry up with jade pendant. This water ghost has strong strength and gives Lin Wanru protection of her and winter in jade. It is just fine!

As for linxiaoyao, it is OK to arrange a wangqingshan for her!

"Take me in the account!" The female ghost listened to one of the stupefied, followed by the sharp to the point of the cold laughter, "by your martial arts realm, want me to serve you!? Don't laugh at the dead! "

Followed, there was another laugh like how funny a joke I heard!

Qin Tian listened, but again a Leng!

Me!? Martial arts realm!?

This is the first time Qin Tian heard that someone has divided their strength into the realm!

However, Qin Tian knows that even if he asks more, the other party will not explain it in detail with himself. The only chance to let himself have the opportunity to know these knowledge is to defeat her and make her his own subordinate!

"What, you dare not fight me!" Qin Tian sneered and deliberately aroused her!

"Afraid!" Unexpectedly, the ghost immediately stopped laughing when she heard the words, and a pair of white eyes were immediately fixed on Qin Tian. "I Qin Yue doesn't know what to fear!"

Qin Yue!?

Qin Tian heard the name, did not know how, actually produced a familiar feeling, as if had heard the general.

Not too tight to follow Qin Tian shook his head twice.

How can this water ghost cultivate to the realm of approaching the fierce ghost, at least after decades of death, how can he be familiar with it!?

Then Qin Tian Long Dao a horizontal, toward Qin month shout, "since so, then fight!"All of a sudden, Qin Tian's body rose to the sky with a sense of war. Under Qin Tian's deliberate release of green energy, it was wrapped in his body like a flame!

"Looking for death!" Qin Yue's low roar, ghost gas burst out in an instant, suddenly appeared on the river like a blade of ripple!

"Die for me!"

Just listen to Qin Yue's low roar, the blade like water lines suddenly soar into the sky and shoot towards Qin Tian suddenly!

Qin Tian a look, immediately pupil shrinks!

This water ghost actually controls the river water by ghost gas, and compresses the river water into sharp blades to attack. It's really a good means!

Qin Tian didn't hesitate. His body retreated, and the long sword kept waving forward. A lot of Yang fire knives were slashed out and collided with the water blade in mid air!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of explosions came, there were countless spilled energy in the mid air, dissipated in the air with the river wind!


A burst of sound of water, the scattered water blade turned into countless drops of water on the beach, Qin Tian fell all over the body!

Wang Qingshan and Gu Yue are watching the battle not far away. They can't believe it in their eyes!

Qin Tian's strength has been so strong that he can fight with the ghosts who are close to the level of fierce ghosts. How brave is it!?

Gu Yue is even more surprised!

Qin Tian, who looks soft and weak, not only dominates in the underground world, but also in metaphysics!

"Oh!? Jiyang killing life blade! " Qin Yue sneered. You are a little smart, but what's the use? You are still just a mole ant in front of the strength comparison that can't be crossed! "

Qin Tian wiped the river water on his face and took a step forward with a knife in both hands, "what about mole ants?"!? Ants can also kill a thousand Li dike

"Well, let's see if you ants have such a long life. Kill the dike of thousands of miles!"

After that, Qin Yue didn't hesitate, and it was a ghost gas condensation. A water column connecting heaven and earth appeared on the river. She waved her hands, and the water column that connected heaven and earth instantly twisted. I don't know how to do it. The water column turned into a water dragon and circled in the air!

"Ding!" Qin Tian's mind in a light ring!

Advanced martial arts: Water Dragon strike, reprint begins!

Followed by a progress bar in Qin Tian's mind!

Qin Tian felt the hint and took a breath of cold air!

This water devil, how can you learn martial arts!

Needless to say, she was definitely a top player in her life!

For a moment, Qin Tian became more and more determined to put her into the account!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian raised his hand and bit on his finger, and a centimeter sized triangular mouth appeared on it!

Qin Tian raised his hand and drew a long line of blood from his surrender to the tail on the Jiyang blade. In a moment, the Jiyang blade, which was originally emitting the smell of fire, instantly became blood red, and the upper breath became more intense!

"Oh! Sacrifice the sword with blood Qin Yue's eyes gradually emerged a trace of complex look, "I didn't expect you, a little martial arts master, to know so many things! It seems that I despise you

With a wave of her right hand, the water color dragon hovering in the air suddenly fell, and the car sized faucet suddenly opened its mouth and bit Qin Tian!

"I sacrifice heaven and earth with my blood, and cast my soul with the extremely Yang battle blade!"

With Qin Tian's roar, the green energy in his body seems to be out of control, and the extreme Yang blade suddenly glows. With Qin Tian's sudden swing, a bloody blade with a length of more than 10 meters roars away in front of the water dragon! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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