In a moment, the world changed color, and the blood color sword awn seemed to cut the heaven and earth open, and went straight to the long dragon of water color in the air!

Qin Yue looked at the bloody sword awn, picked the eyebrow, gently Yi a sound, the movement on the hand also became a little slow.

However, in her hesitation, Qin day that bloody sword awn has come to dragon!

What a!!

A loud noise, ringing across the whole beach!

See blood color knife awn all but pass, water color dragon is like thin paper general, faucet is cut into two parts instantly!

Oh, whoa!

A sad dragon chant came out of the water color dragon's mouth, and the huge water column disappeared in a flash!

Qin Tian now on the beach, a feeling of weakness by the evacuation of the moment hit!

Just now that knife almost used up all the green energy in his body!

This water ghost, it's so strong!

Qin Tian can not help but secretly praise!

Qin Yue and ghost pocket are also close to the level of fierce ghost strength, but ghost pocket and Qin Yue are different from each other!

Ghost pocket in front of Qin month, I am afraid even the shoe lifting qualification is not!

Qin day big mouth gasp thick, the face is more and more pale!

"Not yet!" Qin Yue looked at the water dragon cut off by Qin Tian without any pain, still standing on the water.

"Give up!" Qin Tian grinned with a stubborn smile. "In my world, Qin Tian said that he didn't admit to lose."

Said, Qin Tian's momentum suddenly changed, originally full of life breath of green energy instantly switched to cold gray ghost gas!

However, Qin Yue did not focus on the changes of Qin Tianqi. At this time, she still stayed in Qin Tiangang's words!

He said, his name is Qin Tian!?

"No wonder, no wonder you know the blade, no wonder you know the derivative skills of the blade! Qin Tian, Qin Tian! "

At this moment, Qin Yue was almost trembling with excitement!

More than 20 years ago, the elder brother was entrusted to death, and Qin Yue came to Songshan with his nephew abandoned by his family.

Originally thought of anonymity, with nephew to live some ordinary people, but did not expect that, just when the boat landed, a group of people in black followed, trying to kill their aunts and nephews!

Qin Yue helpless, had to choose blood war river beach!

But what makes Qin Yue feel powerless is that the other party seems to be very familiar with Qin Yue's martial arts skills, and his or her movements are all restrained by the other party!

Finally, Qin Yue was helpless, chose to abandon himself, save her nephew, let his servants for more than ten years, and escape with her nephew. She was willing to drag the group of black clothes, and died in war and sank the bottom of the river!

And that nephew who was entrusted by her elder brother at the end of the day is called Qin Tian!

In a moment, Qin Yue's eyes toward Qin Tian became more and more soft!

Like, it was so much like him when he was a child!

The two swords were thick and tidy, and their sharp cheeks were like his father!

And in Qin month carefully looked at Qin days of this time, Qin day all over the ghost gas surging, sword like eyes looked up to Qin moon!

But let him surprise is, originally dead Qin Yue, at this moment actually in the face of oneself smile!

Qin Tian is not clear, so, also did not think much, follow the hand, to Wang Qingshan shout: "attach soul!"

Wang Qingshan, who was almost without hesitation, turned into a dark light and flew towards Qin Tianfei!


A slight tremor, Qin Tian body is suddenly covered by black breath, momentum also climbed again!

Qin Yue looks at Qin Tian, and the smile on his face is more and more intense. "Oh!? I learned new martial arts! "

Qin Tian knows how to kill the blade. Qin Yue doesn't feel surprised at all. After all, it is Qin family. Some things even the children aged 34 know.

But this attachment soul, is not Qin family this kind of family disdain to practice!

Because the energy it needs is ghost gas, which represents destruction, which is totally contrary to the green energy of Qin family!

But Qin Yue has no matter, as long as we know Qin Tian is still alive, this is more important than anything!

As for what he learned... Ha ha, in charge of him, was he chased to death, but also think about the Qin family group training can not be achieved?!

Qin Tian is still saving energy at this time. The powerful addition brought by the spirit makes him full of strength!

"Ready!? Welcome to my last blow! " Qin day bit teeth, ghost Qi became more and more surging!

"Let me see that!"

Qin Yue smiled, and the ghost gas condensed again. Only the wind swept through the river, forming a water wave barrier of tens of meters high!

Qin Tian's move has not been able to beat out, it is breathing a stagnation, looking at the scene of a complete silly eye!

This, this water wave barrier than just the water color dragon also shock, is not their own can break ah!

At this time, another ghost appeared on the beach."Qin Tian, give it to me! You're not her opponent! " Li Xiaoshuang from behind Qin sky and out, a white coat and stood in the sky, and Qin moon far away!

"It's just like you're my opponent!" Qin Yue originally wanted to test the limit of Qin Tian, but he was interrupted by a ghost level ghost. Naturally, he was upset!

"Oh!? You're rampant enough! " Li Xiaoshuang sneered, he was a real ghost level ghost, and the other party just touched the edge of the Raptor level, dare to despise himself, it is just to find death!

"You can't try it!" Qin Yue disdains a smile, for this kind of fierce ghost level ghost thing that even martial arts have no, she really did not put in the eyes!

"Hum, I can't help myself!" Li xiaofrost hummed a cold, the majestic ghost gas on his body just like the essence of the general rush out, instantly oppressed to Qin moon!

"Only know the brutality use ghost spirit of the fierce ghost, can not become I also afraid you will not be!" Qin Yue, a wet hair dancing in the wind, bite teeth to resist the ghost gas from all directions.

Follow closely, only see Qin month hands a move, the river surface again became turbulent!

But different from the last time, when it was fought with Qin Tian, there was only one giant dragon in the surging water color. But this time, there were ten of them!

"Today I will let you see how much martial arts play in the fight!"

You don't have martial arts. I have martial arts. Then I can kill people at the level of higher level!

Especially in the situation that the two people are not in a different state, they will almost immediately form a state of one side of the inverted!

Unexpectedly, Li Xiaoshuang was smashed by the ten water colossal dragons by the brutal squeeze of ghost gas advantage. The strong martial pressure made her float in the air almost without resistance!

Kill people over the level, sometimes it's so simple!


Qin Tian looked, suddenly his face changed!

If the ten dragon with water color falls at the same time, don't say it is himself, even Li Xiaoshuang is afraid to die here!

The strong pressure made Qin Tian and Li Xiaoshuang almost breathless!

The ancient moon looked at this scene far away, and his face had become white!

If it is not, as Qin said, the war is really ferocious and rare, and it will be a lifetime of nine deaths!

"Whoever dares to move, don't blame my men for being ruthless!"

Qin Yue looks at Qin Tian and others with a cold face. Ten dragon and tiger eyes are covetous, as if they would fall down at any time!

Qin Yue opened up again without waiting for Qin Tian and others to respond.

"Qin Tian, answer me a few questions. If the answer makes me satisfied, I can not only let you go back, but even let me serve you as the main thing, I will also promise!"

Qin Yue's words fell into the ears of all the people present!

The ancient moon heard, suddenly began to get covered!

Is this girl bubble in the water and short-circuit head bubble!? The situation that must win, unexpectedly to do the psychological small investigation!?

Qin Tian, facing the pressure on his head, looked at Qin Yue in the distance, and said, "you ask!"

Qin Yue seemed very satisfied with Qin Tian's reply, and then smiled and asked, "how old are you today?"

"Twenty four!" Qin Tian replied.

Qin Yue was stunned. When he died in war twenty-two years ago, his nephew was only two years old. Twenty two years later, he was just 24!

"What's your father's name?" Qin Yue once explained that once he escaped successfully, he must continue to live with Qin Tian in the name of Qin Tian's father. He must not feel like an orphan without parents!

"My father, Qin Guangyuan!"


Qin Yue's head roared!

That year accompany oneself to Songshan housekeeper, is called Qin Guangyuan! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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