Qin Yueyue wants more and more excited, a pair of white eyes who have been soaked for a long time are actually full of tears!

"The road as a proof, I Qin month is willing to worship Qin Tian as the Lord, if violate this oath, will never exceed life!"

For no reason, Qin Yue suddenly took up her offensive, ten water color dragons returned to Songjiang, followed by Qin Yue, then depicted the charm in the space, and the power of heaven came in an instant, linking Qin Tian with Qin Yue!

Qin Tian was startled. With the formation of the charm, he suddenly fell into Qin Tian's body. In a flash, a kind of control of Qin Yue's life appeared in the soul of Qin Tian!

"You..." Qin Tian's face was full of doubts, but he didn't react to what happened!

The purpose of my coming this time is to subdue Qin Yue, and I want to use it as a talisman for my relatives around me. I didn't expect that I was defeated in the end, and there was only a line between him and the God of death!

But this is the case, but the other side has a sharp turn, not only let go of themselves, and even carved a charm to recognize themselves as the main, this... What the hell is going on!?

Qin Tian looked at her and didn't know what to say. Looking at her cutting into his eyes, he always had a strange feeling, which could not be explained clearly.

"Why are you..." Qin Tian is extremely confused, but at the moment, this strange atmosphere makes him unable to think clearly.

"If you have anything to ask, go back and ask again." Qin Yue floated over slowly, and her feet fell on the ground for the first time. "I'm grown up, I'm a big kid..."

Qin Yue said, and a hand full of water droplets gently touched Qin Tian's head.

"Er..." big boy!? Qin Tian looked at her face, and she was in her twenties. It seemed that when she died, she did not fight much.

Qin Tian is embarrassed and doesn't know how to react, so he has to let the other party put his hand on his head.

Qin Yue's height is close to 1.7 meters, while Qin Tian's height is more than 1.8 meters.

Looking from a distance, a female ghost with a height of 1.7 meters is touching a boy's head of 1.8 meters, while touching and saying that he has grown up. Who can imagine how many ways there are in it!?

"Gong... Congratulations to Mr. Qin..." Gu Yue didn't respond. Why did the ghost suddenly stop her hand!?

But anyway, it is a good thing for Qin Tian to accept the water ghost as his subordinate. I congratulate Qin Tian as soon as possible, and Wang Qingshan, the grandson of the province, takes the lead in the meeting!

"Don't you come out to recognize the LORD yet?"

All of a sudden, Qin Yue snorted coldly, and a ghost gas flashed by. The black fog around Qin Tian was separated from Qin Tian!

The moment Wang Qingshan appeared, his eyes were full of fear, and his weak soul swayed violently for two times. It was obvious that Qin Yue had done him great harm just now!

Wang Qingshan didn't dare to hesitate again. He quickly portrayed the mantra and recognized Qin Tian as the main one!

"You don't know what's going on. If you want to be beaten, you'll know who you are. You're cheap!" Gu Yue sneered and sneered beside her.

When Wang Qingshan heard this, he was angry. But Qin Tian didn't let him do it. He didn't even dare to move it. He was afraid that he would annoy the murderer nearby and kill himself!

"Go back to where you live, son, and I'll tell you the whole story." Qin Yue looks at Qin Tian with her face full of tenderness.

Qin Tian nodded, and now he doesn't worry. Almost all of Qin Yue's actions are for his own sake. Even in order to make himself at ease, he even carves charms to recognize himself as the main one!

Try to ask, if this is to harm themselves, then what is her intention!? Are you out of your wits!?

Qin Tianchang breathed out a breath, adjusted his mood to the normal level, took out several pieces of jade, and said to Li Xiaoshuang and Wang Qingshan, "go into the jade."

Li Xiaoshuang's soul is a little unstable. After looking at Qin Yue with great fear, he nodded and went back to the original piece of jade.

Wang Qingshan is a new comer. Qin Tian delivers the jade he promised to Lin Xiaoyao before. Wang Qingshan hesitates for a moment, but he goes in.

Then Qin Tian turned his face to Qin Yue, "Qin Yue..."

"if your father knows you dare to call me like this, he will break your leg." Qin Yue's tone is stern, but there is no trace of anger on her face. Her eyes towards Qin Tian are still full of joy.

"Er..." Qin Tian was at a loss when she heard the speech. It was so weird that she was blamed for everything. If anyone told Qin Tian that she didn't have any problems, it would be to kill Qin Tian and not believe it!

There must be something you don't know!

"Let's go, I don't want to stay in that jade..." Qin Yue smiles, "at least not now!"

With that, Qin Yue got up and floated in the air and flew toward the ancient moon's car.

Qin Tian and Gu Yue looked at each other and saw a trace of helplessness from their respective faces.The aunt is not easy to serve...

they sighed and walked towards the black Mercedes Benz. They returned to the hospital of qintian after singing all the way.

Black Benz stops steadily. Gu Yue just wants to get out of the car. A force that he can't resist presses the door. No matter how he pushes it, the door can't be opened!

"Qin Tian and I have something to say. You can go now." Qinyue floating in the air, cold looking at the ancient moon, a gray ghost gas is firmly against the door!

Qin Tian rushed down from the co pilot and waved to Gu Yue, "you go back first."

Gu Yue's face was a little ugly, but since Qin Tian had spoken, it was not easy for him to stay any longer. As soon as he turned the steering wheel, the car disappeared in the middle of the night.

"Come in with me!" Qin Tian said and turned to the hospital.

Qin Yue looks at the direction of Qin Tian's going, and her expression on her face is obviously stagnant.

Sure enough!? This is the kind of people in the Qin family. Even if they leave the family, they are still doing something to help the world.

With a bitter smile, Qin Yue slowly followed Qin Tian into the hospital.

After entering the door, Qin Yue sat on the main seat in the hall without any politeness. Qin Tian, who just wanted to sit on, was stunned.

Isn't that rude!?

However, Qin Tian thought of the domineering image of Qin Yue, but he shook his head and sat down beside him.

Qin Yue didn't speak in her seat, and Qin Tian was not worried. She sat beside her and looked at her.

"You don't ask me!" Qin Yue has some accidents. It seems that Qin Tian is so calm.

"If things go wrong, there must be demons. Anyway, everything is not normal. If you want to say it, I don't want to ask." Qin Tian curled his lips and leaned on the chair, saying that he was very single.

Qin Yue sniffed out a chuckle, "your resentment is quite heavy."

Qin Tian raised his eyes and glanced at her. He said that he had no resentment. It was you who recognized me as the master or not. He didn't realize that he was the master in the end!

"I did it for a reason." Qin Yue smiles.

Just now Qin Tian felt everything in her heart.

Qin tianyileng suddenly remembered that she had established a master servant contract with her. She could feel what she was thinking in her heart, and she could also feel her. Why wait for her to say it to herself!?

Thinking of this, Qin Tian closed his eyes, and a trace of spiritual consciousness spread along the contract line between them!

Qin Yue didn't speak when she saw the situation, so she looked at Qin Tian and passed on her spiritual knowledge.

Qin Tian closed his eyes, and his spiritual consciousness soon entered the soul of Qin Yue.

"This is... A blank!"

Qin Tian, who entered the soul of Qinyue, was stunned!

The soul space of this ancient moon is actually a blank!?

Almost without hesitation, Qin Tian withdrew the spirit consciousness from Qin Yue's soul and looked at her with surprise on her face, "what's going on here?"!? Why is your soul space empty? "

This is incredible. A person, or a soul, is thinking about problems almost all the time. As long as she is thinking, Qin Tian can feel it. But unexpectedly, at that moment, she was able to make her soul ethereal and do not want to do anything!

This is incredible!

Qin Tian couldn't believe looking at Qin Yue, but Qin Yue said with a smile, "if you were left alone at the bottom of the cold river for more than 20 years, you can also make your soul empty."

For 22 years, Qin Yue lived in seclusion and never harmed anyone. The most time he spent was sitting beside the corpse at the bottom of the river.

Empty soul!? It's common.

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