"In that case, why did you take Wang Qingshan's body?"

Just now, what Qin Yue thought was deliberately exposed to Qin Tian, and Qin Tian also felt her loneliness and loneliness for more than 20 years.

"Wang Qingshan!" Qin Yue was slightly stunned, and then she said, "you mean that I just died a few days ago, and my body was thrown into the bottom of the river by me?"

Qin Tian nodded, Wang Qingshan in front of Qinyue, really only worthy of a miscellaneous.

"He killed too much, and his blood was too strong. I was afraid that he would attract a stronger existence, so I just hid his body." Qin Yue smiles indifferently.

But this time she didn't tell the truth.

Wang Qingshan has committed countless evils in his life. After his death, whether he becomes an evil ghost or becomes an ordinary soul into reincarnation, he will inevitably lead to the ghost of the underworld.

Qin Yue has been dead for 22 years, and his ghost spirit can't be hidden in front of the ghost errand. The ghost messenger will take away Wang Qingshan with him at the same time!

However, Qin Yue was worried about Qin Tian. She couldn't go to hell with the ghost. She had to throw Wang Qingshan's body into the bottom of the river and lead him to the bottom of the river. Only in this way can she cover up his shallow ghost spirit and avoid the capture of the ghost errand!

"Then why do you suddenly recognize me as the Lord?"

This is the most puzzling place of Qin Tian.

He is just a small person. In Qin Yue's mouth, He De is just a little person at the martial arts level. How can he de make her condescend and lower her to recognize himself as the main one!?

"Because, you are my nephew." Qin Yue has no foreshadowing, directly said the relationship between the two people!

Qin Tian was stunned and thought he had heard something wrong. He kneaded his ears and stretched his neck to Qin Yue and said, "what are you talking about?"

"I said, I am your aunt, you are my nephew, I am your late father's sister!" Qin Yue told Qin Tian the facts very clearly.

Late father!?

Qin Tian finished listening, ha ha, his father Qin Guangyuan, although not too strong, but live more than ten or twenty years still have no problem, dead!? You're dead!

"I guess you have identified the wrong person. If you regret it now, I can immediately terminate the master servant contract between me and you..." Qin Tian showed great sincerity, but to be honest, he was really reluctant to let go of such a powerful man.

Qin Yue shook her head and told Qin Tian all the things happened 22 years ago.

After listening to Qin Tian, he was completely stunned.

"You mean, my dad's not my dad!" Qin Tian's face was full of disbelief.

This is ridiculous!

At this time, Qin Yue's face was straight. "Now that you know the facts, you don't need to call Qin Guangyuan his father. He is just a servant of Qin family. You don't deserve to call him father!"

Even if Qin Tian was abandoned by the Qin family, it was still the orthodox blood of the Qin family, not a servant qualified to blaspheme!

"You'd better pay attention to your words!" Qin Tianwen's face immediately cooled down, "before being confirmed, Qin Guangyuan is my father, and you are just my indentured servant. Even if it is confirmed that Qin Guangyuan is not my father, then he has the grace to raise me. In this life, I will also call him father!"

"So, I hope you don't talk nonsense any more, or I won't be rude!"

Qin Tian's words are loud, and there seems to be a trace of murderous spirit rising between the eyebrows!

Qin Tian's life, the most emotional, not a word of Qin Yue, can let him abandon these!

Hearing this, Qin Yue frowned and stood up and yelled at Qin Tian: "bastard! Your father is only my elder brother

"So what!? If Qin Guangyuan is not my own father, I will support him and serve him around! "

Qin Tian does not show weakness, even if the heart has already believed Qin Yue's words, still does not give up his own bottom line!

Qin Yue was choked by Qin Tian's sentence "born but not raised". She sighed for a long time.

"You are too weak to tell you something." A trace of sadness flashed in Qin Yue's eyes, "if you must repay Qin Guangyuan for his kindness, I can not object to it, but you must remember that your father has another person, and this person died in a very unknown way!"

Qin Tian looks up at Qin Yue in surprise. He seems to have no idea that his so-called biological father still has some unknown secrets.

"As for what I said just now, as long as you take me to see Qin Guangyuan, Qin Guangyuan will tell you all the facts." Qin Yue finished, then sat back to his seat again.

Qin Tian Hula stood up and wanted to tell Qin Yue that Qin Guangyuan lived in the community behind the hospital, but he could not say it anyway.

Because he didn't want to accept it at all!

Qin Yue looks at Qin Tian and sighs slightly.She knows that this fact is no different from a blockbuster for Qin Tian. Anyone who suddenly knows that his father and mother who has been called for more than 20 years is not his own biological parents will be at a loss!

However, there is no way, Qin Tian is already an adult, if he did not meet himself, muddleheaded life is even if, but he met himself, it is doomed not to let him pretend not to know!

Because his father, his elder brother, died of no reason, this unforgettable hatred must be ended by someone!

Qin Yue knows that she is too cruel, but she has to do it!

"I need time to calm down." Qin Tian said, the white jade then took out, not by Qin Yue to refuse, then forcibly took her in.

As the active Party of master servant contract, Qin Tian has this right!

Qin Tian leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes and sighed a long sigh.

In fact, without asking Qin Guangyuan, he can almost be sure that Qin Yue is telling the truth, because he doesn't believe that a female ghost with such strong strength will recognize others as the main body and entrust life to others!

All this is just because Qin Yue regards himself as a relative and believes in himself!

For a time, Qin Tian was in a mess!

Almost all night, Qin Tian sat on the chair in the lobby, thinking not only about his life experience, but also about how he should get along with Qin Guangyuan in the future, but also about the relationship between his ancestors who left his inheritance in his mind and his own life experience.

He didn't believe that the ancestor who left his inheritance was just looking for a descendant to inherit it!

Then all this, again to go with their own life experience linked!

After thinking about it all night, Qin Tian finally came to the conclusion that he had to see Qin Guangyuan, and then learned everything he wanted to know from Qin Guangyuan and Qin Yue!

When Qin Tian thought about this, it was early in the morning the next day. With a long sigh of relief, Qin Tian got up and headed for the villa of Qin Guangyuan and his wife. But as soon as he stepped out of the gate of the hospital, his mobile phone rang.

"Master Qin, I'm Qiu Yunlin!"

At the other end of the phone, Qiu Yunlin's voice was full of flattery.

"Oh, Mr. Qiu, what can I do for you?" Qin Tian asked.

"Master Qin, the construction party has been determined for the construction of antique street, and the construction design drawings have been completed. Look, it's not convenient for us to have a look at it now!"

Qiu Yunlin contacted Zheng Dakang and Zhou Zaiyun and got the approval from the municipal Party committee to allow construction to start. As long as Qin Tian takes a good look at the design drawing, he can start construction with his head!

Qin Tian sniffed the speech and thought about it. His eyes also looked at the villa of Qin Guangyuan and his wife. Finally, he sighed. He did not have the courage to ask them directly.

"Well, you can come to my hospital directly. I'll wait for you here." Qin Tian finished and hung up the phone.

Simply let these tedious things give themselves some escape time, so that they are ready.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian opened the door of the hospital again and walked in.

After a short time, more than a dozen cars stopped at the door of the hospital. A man with bandages was helped down from the car and pushed to the door of qintian's Medical Center in a wheelchair.

Needless to say, it was Qiu Yunlin who suffered a disaster before!

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