"Master Qin!" Qiu Yunlin, sitting in a wheelchair, said hello to Qin Tian from a distance.

Qin Tian smiles and lets everyone into the room.

Soon, a woman in her thirties came to Qin Tian.

"Hello, Mr. Qin. I'm the construction designer selected by Mr. Qiu. My name is Feng LAN."

With that, the woman named Feng LAN stretched out her hand to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian looked at the woman in front of him and looked up and down.

Long hair high bundle in the back of the head, a black professional ol women's clothing will her concave and convex body set off at a glance, a pair of big eyes almost occupy a third of the whole face, no matter how you look at it, are a standard beauty!

"Hello." Qin Tian stretched out his hand and held her for a moment, a pair of catkin soft and boneless.

"Mr. Qin, Ms. Feng LAN is a famous municipal designer of the imperial capital. It was very difficult for me to invite her from the imperial capital. I hope you can be satisfied!"

Qiu Yunlin was wrapped in bandages, and his only eyes were full of laughter.

Qin Tian nodded, "thanks for Qiu, I'm very satisfied."

After that, Qin Tian waved his hand and let Feng LAN sit on the seat beside him, "Miss Feng, you can take out your design drawing."

At the moment, Feng LAN is looking at Qin Tian with great interest. He suddenly hears that Qin Tian wants to see his own drawings. Then he realizes his gaffe. He quickly takes out his notebook from his bag and puts it in front of Qin Tian.

"Mr. Qin, this is my design. I am going to continue to design in accordance with the old street style of antique street, preserve its historical sense of time, and strive to make it invisible that this is a river built later!"

With that, Feng LAN opened a video file to show Qin Tian her design results in a bird's-eye view.

Qin Tian looked at the video animation on the computer and nodded slightly, "very good, you can build according to your design."

With that, Qin Tian covered his notebook and waved his hand to the side, indicating that Feng LAN could sit back.

Because just now, he clearly felt that Feng Lan was rubbing her knee with her black silk thigh!

Qin Tian didn't know what Qiu Yunlin meant, and he was too lazy to know. As long as this woman's construction design was qualified, he didn't need to go further into this matter.

Feng LAN is very surprised to take the notebook from Qin Tian in front of him, his eyes are full of unbelievable look!

Feng LAN is indeed a famous municipal designer in the imperial capital, but at the same time, he is also a famous "Feng Bancheng"!

The reason why she is called Feng Bancheng is that half of the imperial capital has her men!

Most of Feng Lan's position as a famous municipal designer in the imperial capital was held by her men!

This time Qiu Yunlin paid a lot of money to invite her to come here. She was not only asked to design the antique street, but also wanted her to serve Qin Tian well, so that the relationship between Qiu Yunlin and Qin Tian could be improved!

But what Qiu Yunlin didn't expect was that Qin Tian didn't despise beauty at all. Even such a dirty woman would only cause Qin Tian's antipathy!

Qin Tian took a look at Qiu Yunlin and said, "Mr. Qiu, please come inside and check your body again."

"Good, good, master Qin!" Qiu Yunlin heard that Qin Tian wanted to see a doctor for him, so he quickly let the new assistant behind him push himself into the inner hall.

Qin Tian followed him and went in and said to the assistant, "help him to bed"

the assistant did not know Qin Tian because he was a new comer. However, he could see that Qiu Yunlin seemed to respect Qin Tian very much, so he helped Qiu Yunlin to bed in a hurry.

Qin Tian looked at Qiu Yunlin lying in the hospital bed. He picked up the scissors beside him and carefully cut the bandage on Qiu Yunlin.

"Mr. Qiu, you have basically recovered from the injury. You don't have to come to me in the future."

Qin Tian looked at Qiu Yunlin's new skin and said calmly.

"This... Master Qin, my body has only been treated for a few days. I have to ask you to work hard and show me more times!" Qiu Yunlin heard Qin Tian say he didn't have to come to him, so he quickly sold bitter road.

"Mr. Qiu, it's good to stop some things. There's no need to work hard all the time. It's not beautiful to paint a snake and add to it, don't you?" Qin Tian smiles and looks at Qiu Yunlin with a different meaning.

Qiu Yunlin was stunned when he heard the speech, and immediately understood the meaning of qintian dialect!

He's ordering himself!

To say that he sent a woman like Feng LAN to him is to add insult to the lily and make a superfluous move. This only aroused his antipathy, so that he did not have to come to him in the future!

Qiu Yunlin wanted to understand this, and immediately raised his hand and slapped him in the face!


A crisp sound, scared the next assistant a spirit, rushed forward to pull Qiu Yunlin!

"Master Qin, Qiu knows that he is wrong. Please don't worry about it. I will pay attention to it in the future and never go beyond the thunder pool again!" Qiu Yunlin was so excited that he turned over from the bed, but his muscles were not recovered. His whole body fell on the ground. It seemed that he was going to be miserable!The assistant has been stupefied to see this scene!

Although he knew that Qiu Yunlin was in awe of Qin Tian, he didn't expect to be so awed. Even if Qin Tian only slightly awakened him a few words, he would be scared to ignore his image and beat his mouth!

Qin Tian didn't worry when he saw him like this. He squatted down and helped him up. He still had a smile on his face.

"Mr. Qiu, you don't have to do this. I just said that your health is no longer in a big way. You don't have to come to me for treatment. I didn't say that we can't be friends."

To slap a sweet date in the palm, we should pay attention to ways and methods in everything. Qin Tian not only awakened Qiu Yunlin, but also gave him enough face before his subordinates. Qiu Yunlin is a smart man. Qin Tian believes that Qiu Yunlin will never make the same mistake again.

Sure enough, Qiu Yunlin heard Qin Tian say so, and his anxious face relaxed.

"Good, good, master Qin is right. My body is almost all right. I don't need to be treated any more. But we are still friends and can get together occasionally..."

Qiu Yunlin breathed a sigh of relief, but did not follow closely as if he remembered something. He quickly called out his help: "hurry up, get a black gold card for master Qin, and master Qin will be in our Qiu Any industrial consumption of the group must ensure that master Qin can enjoy the highest level of service

Although Qiu's group does not have many industries in Songshan, it has a great influence in some first tier cities in China.

A black gold card can cover almost all the needs after Qin Tian arrived in a city!

After a short time, Qiu Yunlin's assistant came over with a brocade box, and a black gold card was lying in it.

Qin Tian picked up the card and weighed it in his hand. The material used to make the card is enough for an ordinary person to pay for several months!

"In that case, I would rather obey my orders and accept them." With that, Qin Tian put the card into his wallet and walked out of the hall with Qiu Yunlin and his assistant.

But when Qin Tian came out, a figure attracted Qin Tian's attention and surprised him.

"Gu Xiaomin

Qin Tian looked at her in disbelief. She seemed to have told her when she gave her Huangdi Neijing yesterday that she would look for herself when she finished reading and remembering this book. Only one day later, she would come back!?

"Teacher!" Gu Xiaomin pushed his glasses and called Qin Tian respectfully.

"You, you have finished reading Huangdi Neijing?" Qin Tian asked carefully, for fear that a bad question would stimulate his heart.

"Well, I finished it in the early morning, but to make sure I remember it firmly, I got up in the morning and watched it again quickly." Gu Xiaomin seems to be in what a trivial matter.

Qin Tian took a breath of cold air after hearing it!

It took her less than a day to read the hundreds of pages of Huangdi Neijing. What's more, listening to her, she has already written down all the contents in it!?

Is this the gap between genius and ordinary people!?

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