Gu Xiaomin looked at Qin Tian, his face was calm, and Qin only returned to God for a long time to smile.

"OK, since you remember it all, you will come to my medical center to help me. In your spare time, you can continue to learn other medical skills. If you have patients, you will follow me to learn pulse diagnosis..." br >

if you are other students, Qin Tian may not teach the skills of pulse diagnosis so early, but Gu Xiaomin is different. Reading books and learning is the same as playing. Learning from reading is the same as playing. Learning from learning pulse is the same as playing It was almost no pressure on her to recite the medical books while studying the pulse.

"OK, teacher!" Gu Xiaomin nodded and stood beside Qin Tian very skillfully.

Qin Tian nodded and looked at Qiu Yunlin, "Mr. Qiu, I will not leave you today. I will go to antique street at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. We will officially start work!"

The place where the antique street is opened in qintian is just a wide road. It is about 100 meters in front and back, so the rivers on both sides of the antique street can be connected. Therefore, there is no need to evacuate or remove. As long as the municipal department has put up a construction sign, the construction unit can directly enter the site.

"OK, tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, I must welcome master Qin's drive in antique street!" Qiu Yunlin said, and he laughed happily.

He is not afraid of Qin Tian using him, he is afraid that Qin Tian will not ignore him. This is a miracle doctor who can save lives. It is a relationship that can not be bought for how much money it costs!

After explaining some details, Qin Tian asked Qiu Yunlin and others to leave the medical hall.

"Teacher..." Gu Xiaomin saw the outside people all walked, and called Qin Tian softly, and pointed up his finger to a figure not far away from the door. "Chen Qiang I brought it to you, but he dared not come in."

Yesterday, when he left, Qin Tian explained clearly that next time he came to bring Chen Qiang, Gu Xiaomin did not forget Qin Tian's command, and he pulled Chen Qiang to the gate of the medical hall in the morning.

But this goods at the gate stop a large row of luxury cars, unexpectedly dare not enter the door, can not Gu Xiaomin this only entered the medical hall.

"Chen Qiang, come in!" Qin Tian called him and waved to Chen Qiang.

Chen Qiang is standing outside the door to see the row of luxury cars leave, suddenly heard Qin Tian shout him, immediately ran towards the medical hall.

"Mr Qin!" Chen Qiang some shy shout Qin Tian, to know, the first two days in the ladder classroom, he can also clap Qin Tian's shoulder to shout brother!

Qin Tian smiled, didn't care about these details, Qin Tian in the front, two in the back, a line of three people went into the medical hall.

Qin Tian entered the door and put on a long shirt, sitting upright in the main seat of the clinic, his eyes at Gu Xiaomin and Chen Qiang, and his eyes were serious.

"Let you come here today, and you must know why."

Qin Tian looked at them, and there were two sets of long shirts like him, but Qin Tian was black, and the other two were gray.

"Yes, teacher, we know!" Gu Xiaomin pushed his glasses and nodded.

"I, I know it!" Chen Xi raised her hand a little embarrassed, indicating she knew it.

Qin Tian nodded, "since all know, then I don't say much, next I will tell you the rules."

"Traditional Chinese medicine stresses tradition, and is a teacher for life. I don't expect you to treat me as a father, but I need to have necessary respect."

"In addition, to practice medicine, first to be a person, whenever, medical ethics must be placed in a higher position than medical skills, learning skills must be hard, and practicing medicine must be conscientious."

"According to the rules, there is no reward during the study. Master manages three meals. However, in the progress of the times, we can not fully follow the rules. Besides three meals, I will give you 2000 yuan of living allowance every month, and it will not be counted as a loss to you."

"In my study, as a disciple, you must report to master. This is called the teacher, which means you have not forgotten the cultivation of master! I must visit master for the new year's festival. Gifts can be precious, but they must be. I must put the ugliness in front of me. If anyone does not come or comes empty handed, don't blame me for turning over, because it is the rule! "

"These are the words I have said as a master who would charge you. If I can do it, I will put on the long shirt beside me to prepare for a teacher worship ceremony. If I can't do it, bow and leave, and meet you as a friend."

After that, Qin Tian put his finger on the long shirt beside him, and he sat in his seat and stopped talking.

Gu Xiaomin did not hesitate to take that small one and put it on her.

"Why don't you wear it!" Gu Xiaomin dressed well, but saw Chen Qiang still, immediately surprised to ask him.

Chen Qiang smiled bitterly, "I am afraid I disgraced master's name."

Qin Tian's name has been spread in the whole Songshan medical circle, and has the ability to start and die and return to life. What about himself!? There is no building tree, and Gu Xiaomin's intelligence. Even if he worships Qin Tian, he only comes to smear Qin Tian. When someone outside points to himself, he can't stand that kind of grievance.

"The worship of teachers is the will of the two teachers and apprentices. If I wish to accept, I think you are the material to be made. If you worship or not, only you can believe that you can learn from me, and what else do you want to do?" Qin Tian frowned and scolded. Now that I called you, did you hesitate to see it!?"I certainly believe I can learn from you!" Chen Qiang, red in face, shouted with his neck, but soon his momentum fell down. "But Mr. Qin, my qualifications I know, how much can I make it?"

Indeed, even if he studies medicine all his life, he is only a general doctor.

But Qin Tian sees him not as his qualification, but his character!

Qin Tiangang just said that to practice medicine, first to be a person, if medical ethics and medicine can not, medical skills no longer high is useless!

"I tell you the truth, I can't train you into a generation of miracle doctors according to your qualifications." Qin Tian said seriously, without any euphemism.

Chen Qiang listened to the dim and dull eyes that could not stop. "Is that the case?" Qin Tian nodded, "that is the case, but you don't have to lose heart. Even if I can't train you into a generation of miracle doctors, I still have the confidence to cultivate you into a famous doctor with excellent medical skills. Even if I can't be famous for many years, I can make you famous in China!"

Famous doctors and divine doctors, a word of the a thousand miles, but for Chen Qiang, it is also a luxury!

After hearing Qin Tian's words, Chen Qiang was excited and trembled.

"Don't put on the long shirt yet!" Gu Xiaomin skimmed, the tone of some impatient reminder.

Chen Qiang listened to it and grabbed the long shirt and put it on his body.

Qin Tian looked at the two people in their long clothes standing in front of him, and nodded with a smile. "So you both would like to worship me as a teacher!"


"I, I would like to!"

"Well, then, I'll pay a good visit to the teacher!"

After that, Qin Tian took a portrait of the master of his grandfather from the drawer, and respectfully hung it in the center of the hall of the medical hall. He sat on the seat beside him, and dared not to be in line with his grandparents.

"In the past, before the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine worshipped, there should be a teacher and a teacher who recommended to master. After the master agreed, he wrote a letter of worship. He held a teacher worship ceremony on the lucky day. But now the Chinese medicine has fallen down. All the etiquette is simple. As long as you give me a bowl of tea and head button, this etiquette will be counted as a ceremony." Qin Tian smiled and said, pointing to the tea cup placed on the passenger seat next to him.

The tea is also called "changing the mouth". When the tea is buckled, you can no longer call the teacher. You must call master!

Of course, the so-called "flowers open and many branches". Although there is only one teacher, there are many people who preach and teach. Besides the teacher who is related to teachers, other people who teach can only be called teachers, and they can only be called teachers, and they are called as teachers. They must never call them masters again!

In a short word, that is, master can only have one!

Gu Xiaomin reacted faster than Chen Qiang, turned around and poured a cup of tea water into the cup, knelt in front of Qin Tian, holding the tea cup in his hands. "Master is on the top, and the disciple will give you tea!"

Chen Qiang saw, holding a grass, hurriedly a learning style with the cup kneeling in front of Qin Tian.

Qin Tian smiled, first picked up guxiaomin's tea water and drank it, and put it beside him with his hand. He picked up a copy of his hand from the table and handed it to Gu Xiaomin.

"This is my notes on traditional Chinese medicine, most of which are introductory knowledge. If you learn these, you will step into the threshold of traditional Chinese medicine."

After the disciple has finished the tea, the apprentice will meet the apprentice. This is also the rule. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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