After receiving the gift, Gu Xiaomin buttoned his head to Qin Tiansan, and then stood up beside Qin Tian.

"Master, do I count as the elder martial sister of our school now?" Gu Xiaomin pushed his glasses and asked Qin Tian indifferently.

In the future, Qin Tian will not be a thing in the pool, and his status must be clear!

Qin Tian was stunned by her question. He didn't even think about it. He nodded, "well, that's right. You are my first apprentice. You're the elder martial sister."

Gu Xiaomin nodded and began to figure out how Qin Tian developed and how to use this identity.

It's not Gu Xiaomin's utilitarianism. It's the mission she carries that makes her breathless. She has to make full use of all the resources around her!

Chen Qiang kneels on the ground already silly eye!

He held the grass in his own hand and blamed himself for not thinking about this big disciple! A careless Gu Xiaomin took the seat of the eldest martial sister. Even if he broke the sky, he was also a second elder martial brother!

After Chen Qiang finished his apprenticeship, Qin Tian also gave him a copy of the same handwritten notes.

"From today on, you two come to work every day. From 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., when I'm here, you two stand beside me to learn diagnosis, and when I'm away, Xiaomin is responsible for treating patients. I have a complete set of Western medical equipment, all of which are the first-line instruments provided by Jiande medical. If you can't see a disease with the skill of traditional Chinese medicine, you can't see the disease As for Chen Qiang, your current task is to read all the major medical books and remember the efficacy of each medicine, especially tangtouge, in your heart! "

Chen Qiang's road can be said to be much longer than Gu Xiaomin, if you don't work hard, I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve anything in this life.

"Yes, master!" They answered in unison.

For the next day, Qin Tian sat in the hospital to see people.

Gu Xiaomin and Chen Qiang stood by and watched. At the end of the day, they were stunned because they had only seen it on TV, but in real life, they had never seen the means to cure diseases by touching their wrists!

In particular, Qin Tian is such a miracle doctor. Sometimes he doesn't even have to touch his wrist. If he looks at the patient, he can determine the patient's condition!

as like as two peas, Gu Xiaomin even get the patient to take the medicine to pull the patient to check the instrument again, but the result is exactly the same as Qin Tian's, which makes Gu Xiaomin admire Qin Tian more and more get out of hand.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the hospital closed on time. Gu Xiaomin and Chen Qiang were still immersed in the magic of Qin Tian's medical skills. For a while, they felt that they had worshipped the right teacher!

After a day of getting along with each other, Chen Qiang also eliminated his fear of Qin Tian, and raised his thumb and said a word of "bull force" to Qin Tian!

"I've been busy for a whole day. Both of you can go back and come back on time tomorrow." Qin Tian said with a smile, "I'll keep the manuscripts of traditional Chinese medicine for you. I only wrote these two copies. If you lose them, you can copy them yourself."

Qin Tian didn't worry about the spread of medical skills, but felt that he had lost some troubles.

"Master, I'll go first." Gu Xiaomin did not have any hesitation, pushed his glasses, put several medical books selected during the day and Qin tiangei's transcripts into the bag, turned around and walked out of the hospital.

Seeing Gu Xiaomin go, Chen Qiang points to her with his finger. He doesn't speak for a long time. He takes an entry-level Chinese medicine book from the bookshelf in a hurry. He also runs out of the door. It seems that he is chasing Gu Xiaomin.

Looking at the empty hospital, Qin Tian breathed out a long breath and closed his eyes on the chair.

Some things, really not busy can forget.

For a time, Qin Tian once again remembered what Qin Yue said to himself last night. A touch of unspeakable emotion instantly attacked Qin Tian again.

On the one hand, there is the kinship between Qin Guangyuan and his wife; on the other hand, there is an aunt who suddenly comes out and brings his father's hatred of killing his father. In addition, Qin Tian's deep attachment to Qin Guangyuan's parents and his children makes it difficult for Qin Tian to make a choice.

"Some things have to be faced. Do you think escape is useful?"

All of a sudden, a white figure full of water drops appeared in front of Qin Tian, as always in the tone of domineering.

This person is not Qin Yue. Who else can he be!?

"I didn't let you out!" Qin Tian looks at her, some helpless.

"Then you may continue to exercise your master's right and take me back." Qin Yue is not afraid of Qin Tian at all, because she is very clear in her heart that Qin Tian has recognized her aunt and will never hurt her!

Qin Tian groaned madly and scratched his head wildly with both hands. There was no way!

"What do you want?" Qin Tian screamed hysterically. He got up and stood in front of Qin Yue. His forehead was full of blue veins. Even his eyes became red with blood!

"I want you to take the responsibility you should bear!" Qin Yue yelled, "I will never forget the look of your father before he died. You are his son, you should take the responsibility of revenge for him!"Qin Yue doesn't flinch, she is as sharp as her words!

"You Qin Tian pointed to her, but she couldn't find any words to refute her!

Qin Tian once thought that, regardless of Qin Yue's words, he was still filial to Qin Guangyuan's father and son, pretended not to know about it, and then lived happily, but he could not pass the psychological barrier at all!

He couldn't let go of Qin Yue's hatred that his own father had been killed!

After a long silence, Qin Tian finally calmed down.

"Good! I'll take you to Qin Guangyuan! "

Qin Tian closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

Long pain is better than short pain. It's a blessing or a disaster, and it can't be avoided. We should simply cut through the mess and settle this matter!

Qin Yue felt Qin Tian's inner struggle and felt a burst of heartache.

"Qin Tian, I'm sorry, I don't want to put all the responsibility on your shoulders, but I can't help it. I'm dead. The skills practiced by the Qin family have a congenital restraining effect on the dark creatures. Once I appear on the Qin family's territory, I will be killed without mercy, and there is no way to revenge..."

Qin Yue looks at Qin Tian, and her eyes are full It is the care and helplessness of the elders to the younger generation.

Qin Tian looked at her and said with a bitter smile, "maybe as early as I received this inheritance, I should bear different responsibilities."

Qin Yue was stunned when she heard the speech. She didn't know what the inheritance was.

"Let's go. I'll take you to see Qin Guangyuan, but please remember that no matter whether he is my own father or not, I will treat him as my own father. Please keep the necessary respect for him."

Qin Tian's tone is full of command color, but his eyes are full of praying color.

Qin Yue looked at him, a soft heart, "I promise you, even if you support him, I will not say anything more."

Qin Tian looked at Qin Yue's eyes and knew that she was not lying. Then he nodded with satisfaction and pointed to the outside and said, "let's go."

With that, they locked the door of the hospital and walked towards the villa area.

Hundreds of meters of road, Qin Tian walked very long, as if every step will let him can not go back, but he did not have a way.

Perhaps, this is the price of a person alive, some people are doomed to not plain light life, some of the mission must be completed.

More than ten minutes of road, Qin Tian walked for half an hour. Qin Yue followed him and looked at him. He could not see any emotion in his eyes except for heartache.

Finally, Qin Tian stops in front of a villa with shanty buildings of snack bar and stops his steps.

"This is where my parents live." Said Qin pair of words on the table next to the extremely touching day.

This time, not only do they have to suffer, but also they have to face the separation of emotion.

What a cruel thing it is for a son who has raised him for more than 20 years to suddenly know his life experience from others and take him away from them!?

Qin Yue stood by and looked at him, without saying another word, because all this could only be done by Qin Tian himself.

"Come on, go in."

All of a sudden, Qin Tian bent the corner of his mouth. Even though he could not bear it in his eyes, he forced to smile on his face.

A person's growth, perhaps only now can calculate officially begins. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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