Just listen to the brake!

"Ga ~"

the car hit the electric pole next to it, and the front of the car suddenly sank in!

At this time, BMW 320 up and down a woman, this woman in her forties, a car on the swearing!

"Whose dog is this!? Ah!? Do you know that running around on the road will kill people!? My mother bought a new BMW. I was hit by it on the pole! Whose dog, come out and lose money quickly The woman swears, pointing to the dog that has been hit all over with blood on the ground, and yells ferociously!

People passing by stopped to watch, but without exception, their eyes were all accusing the woman!

Qin Tian really saw that the woman drove out of the intersection at a very fast speed, not to mention a beast who didn't know how to avoid. Even if it was a person, I'm afraid that she couldn't avoid driving in an intersection in an emergency!

The abuse of women continues.

I saw the old man mending shoes, standing up trembling, step by step, steadily walked towards the dog!

"This dog, is my..." the old man squatted down slightly, his hands trembling, and picked up the dog covered with blood!

And the dog, not dead at the moment, whimpering, looking at the old man's eyes, full of prayer!

The old man nodded. "I know what you're thinking. I'll take you there."

With that, the old man took the dog and walked towards his shoe repair stand!

But before she took two steps, the woman grabbed the old man's clothes. "You can't go. If you don't give me an account, no one will want to leave! I bought my BMW for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Don't think you want to get rid of my mother's account if you die of a broken dog. If you don't lose money today, don't want to leave! None of you, you poor people, will come to a good end

The more women scold, the more loud the voice, even the people watching the fun are scolded!

The old man was caught by her and wanted to walk away. Then he turned to the woman and said, "don't worry, the old man has never been a deserter in his life. It's my responsibility. I won't escape any of it!"

The old man's words, said sonorous and powerful, let not far away Qin Tian listen to the end of a shock!

"Brother Jiao, is this car crashworthy?" Qin Tian, with a black face, asked Jiao Cheng on the seat next to him.

After listening to the tutorial, he immediately cracked his mouth and laughed ferociously, "I haven't tried the one I just bought. Why don't you try it?"

Finish saying, Jiao Cheng lifted his hand and grasped the handle on the side door. His eyes were full of madness after anger!

Qin Tian listened and snorted coldly. He stepped on the accelerator and hit the BMW 320 towards the intersection!

Just worried that there is no place to verify the performance of this high Lord, this is a special live target!

All the people present, only heard a "Dang!"!

The front of the Lord's car hit the side of the BMW 320. Suddenly, the whole body of the BMW 320 was sunken. It is no exaggeration to say that this BMW has been abandoned!

Qin Tian opened the door and slowly got out of the car. His hands were in his pockets. He was still smoking half of the cigarette from Jiaocheng. When he got out of the car, he scolded, "special size, which bastard who doesn't have long eyes stops the car in this kind of place! Laozi's great lords have been knocked down. Hurry to roll over and lose money! "

At this time, the woman was holding the old man and making a fuss. In a flash, she saw a pickup truck hit her own BMW, and her BMW was not competitive. She was even flattened by such a collision! Flat!

The woman's mouth is very big, especially when she hears Qin Tian's words, one breath almost didn't come up, nearly took out!

This, this is not just their own lines!?

Bully people too much, it's just too much! When the woman let go of the old man, she pointed to the old man and scolded him: "you old thing, I'll settle accounts with you later!"

With that, the woman walked towards Qin Tian.

"Are you blind!? Why did you hit my car? " Woman's voice is very high!

"Blind!? Not blind! Not only was she not blind, but her eyesight was very good. Just now I saw a female dog biting a kind-hearted old man mending shoes. If I hadn't hit her car, I might have bitten the old man! "

Qin Tian opened his mouth, that is, the humiliation of accusing mulberry trees and cursing locust trees!

People who watched the bustle suddenly understood that this ruffian with a strong flavor was deliberately bumping into the BMW, and all of them were relieved to laugh for a while!

After listening to Qin Tian's words, the woman was stunned by Qin Tian, but after thinking about it for about two minutes, she wanted to understand and immediately scolded Qin Tian!

"You're an uneducated son of a bitch. Who are you scolding!? Do you know who I am!? If you dare to scold me, do you believe that I will let you lie down and go out! "

Qin Tian felt the fat and greasy hand on his body. He took a disgusting look and followed him. His eyes were cold, and the temperature around his body suddenly decreased!

The woman still wanted to continue to scold, but somehow, feeling a little cold, she looked up at Qin Tian, but this one eye, but she was scared to release her hand!Qin Tian walked slowly to the shoe mender with the dog in his arms, "uncle, is your dog OK?"

Uncle looked at Qin Tian and sighed, "I'm afraid it's impossible to live."

After that, the old man turned around with the dog and went back to his shoe repair stand. Beside the stall, there was a big box covered with black cloth, whining, as if there were some animals.

Qin Tian came over and lifted the black cloth for the shoe repair master, revealing what was inside. Unexpectedly, it was four little milk dogs!

At this time, Qin Tian finally understood why the bumped dog had a look of praying in his eyes. He was not willing to leave the world because he had four children to feed!

Seeing this scene, Qin Tian is even more angry! But at this time, the woman began to scold again!

"Son of a bitch, who are you scaring with that look!? Think I'm scared!? Do you dare to frighten me like that even though you are poor!? If you don't lose money today, nobody wants to leave! " The woman splashed and played, and sat down on the stall where Uncle repaired shoes. The big butt went to the seat, and the small Mazar was almost invisible!

Said, may be really afraid of Qin Tian, women even began to call people!

"You! Get out of my way Qin Tian walked to the woman and looked at her like a dead man in his eyes! It's so cold!

The woman had a certain fear of Qin Tian from the beginning. At the moment, seeing Qin Tian's eyes, she even shivered for a moment. She quickly got up and ran away from her!

Qin Tian sent the small horse to the box next to the dog, and let the old man with the big dog sit on it.

The old man held the dog in his arms and wept bitterly. Qin Tian looked at this scene, some can not bear.

He is a doctor, looking at the old man sad, Qin Tian can not help but change the topic.

"You're an old soldier, aren't you?" Qin Tian asked Jiao Cheng to light a cigarette, and he also ordered one for the old man.

The old man stretched out his yellow fingers, clamped the cigarette and took a puff, "fought for several years."

Simple words, the old man said very relaxed! But Qin Tian is the inner waves!

A man of his age said that he had fought for several years, either in the war of liberation or in the war of resistance against US aggression and aid Korea! However, no matter what war he took part in, he was a respected Chinese soldier!

Qin Tian felt a burst of admiration. Then he asked the old man, "are your shoes seized?"

"Well, the military boots of small island countries are of good quality. They have been worn for decades without deformation." The old man said this, very proud, this is his booty!

Qin Tian nodded. The quality of the things made in that era, no matter which country, is not bad, but its meaning is different!

Qin Tian chatted with the old man for a short time. From a distant intersection, he rushed to several vans and stopped in front of them. Seven or eight hunks came down from each van. All of them were barehanded, depicting dragons and phoenixes, and even some with long hair. It was not a good thing to see!

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