Qin Tian glanced at them, at the same time, the old man also took a glance at them! Cold in the eyes!

"That's him! I dare to scold me just now. I have to ask him to kowtow and apologize to me today, and then lie down and go out! " The woman raised her voice, pointing to Qin Tian and swearing!

The woman's ferocious face was extremely ugly. When he came to these gangsters, he went straight to Qin Tian. Along the way, the old man's repair tools were kicked far away by them and scattered all over the ground!

"Are you the scum who hit our sister-in-law's car just now?" Take the lead, with long hair, chewing a nut in his mouth, standing while shaking his legs, the typical stand did not stand!

"If that sow over there is your sister-in-law, I really scold her!" Qin Tian said calmly.

"Good, just admit it. Today our brother came out not to bully people. Today, as long as you accompany our sister-in-law's car, apologize, pay the mental loss fee, and then give our brother some travel expenses, today's business will be over." Long hair is very ruffian.

"How much does that cost?" Qin Tian's tone is still plain!

"Not much, a million!" Long hair mouth is a number!

Qin Tian nodded, "that's not much. I'll send someone to send it!"

Said, Qin Tian took out the phone, long hair is surprised, he this is the first time blackmail knock so easy! Who is this man in front of you? If you give me one million, you should have said two million!

Qin Tian called Gu Yue and said, "send someone to send me one million yuan... I'm in a bit of trouble. Let Xiaohuo bring some brothers here."

With that, Qin Tian hung up the phone.

Xiaohuo is the younger brother who told Gu Yue what to do a few days ago. Qin Tian thinks that since Guyue trusts him so much, he should simply use him more, and it will save him every time that a big man of Guyue is called and drunk by himself.

About ten minutes later, a group of cars appeared on the street corner in the distance. But this time, different from the row of vans just now, they are all Mercedes Benz! At one time, seven or eight Mercedes Benz cars have been blocked up in them. Do you want to go!? Yes, just hit the Mercedes Benz!

But do they dare to bump into it!?

Four people came down from each car and went straight to Qin Tian and called Mr. Qin!

Qin Tian waved his hand, with a small fire came to the woman and the group of long hair side, "you just said how to accompany?"

Long Mao looked at this posture, immediately sneered, "how!? Someone wants to talk to me! "

"No, no, no, you misunderstood me. I really came to lose money." With that, Qin Tian waved his hand, and a little brother behind the small fire took down a suitcase from the car, untied the button, and then fell to the ground!


A box of money, all in bundles fell to the ground! People with a clear eye can see that this pile of money is no less than two million!

"How much did you say to accompany?" Qin Tian has an eyebrow!

Long hair Hun is a bit flustered at this time, did not expect this ruffian young man in front of him, unexpectedly so easily lost one or two million!

"One... One million!" Long hair biting teeth!

Qin Tian nodded, "here is about two million, all accompany you, take it."

Then he pushed the money to them.

"What do you mean?" Long hair some flustered, this is the first time, blackmail a million to two million, immediately long hair on the panic!

Qin Tian quietly spit out a cigarette ring and said, "it's not interesting... 500000 will accompany you, 500000 will give you spiritual loss and transportation expenses!"

"What about the remaining million?" Long Mao asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry, let's do it one by one! I've already paid for the BMW, which means it's mine! "

Long Mao knew that the price of the BMW 320 was 500 thousand, which was a steady profit. He said quickly, "it's yours!"

"That's good!" Said, Qin Tian a wave, toward the small fire they said: "go to smash that BMW car to me!"

All of a sudden, the boys behind the small fire rushed to the BMW 320 with their hands. After a while, the car was smashed beyond recognition, and even the engine was emitting smoke!

Women and those dozens of bastards watch the small fire, they smash the car, Leng is not a dare to speak!

People watching on the road, watching this scene, have thumbs up to Qin Tian!

"Well... That's done. I'll give you the remaining one million dollars. We should go too." Long hair a look at the situation is wrong, quickly returned half of the money!

Small fire a look, reached out to block long hair!

"We never take back the money we spend. You can also collect the remaining one million yuan. If you don't, you have to accept it." Xiaohuo's domineering spirit was cultivated as a big brother of the mixed society for a long time. These little bastards were scared by him!"So... What do you want?" Long hair sounds a little shaky!

"Your account is indeed finished..." Qin Tian put his pocket in his pocket and stood aside, "but our account has not yet started to calculate!"

"When you just came, you said you like to be reasonable. That's just right. I like to be reasonable most!" Qin Tian exaggeratedly pointed to the dog in the arms of the old man next to him. "The old man's dog, which is an international famous dog, has won awards in many world-class competitions. Every moonlit meal costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, not to mention vaccination, special training, beauty salon costs, just some messy money, every year you spend more than your broken car value Money

Qin Tian took a breath and finished the conversation. After hearing Qin Tian's words, Chang Mao and the woman turned their heads and looked at the dog in the arms of the old man -- holding grass. Isn't it a yellow earth dog!? International famous dog!? What's going on!?

But Qin Tian said yes, that is, if you want to see the certificate, give me two hours, and I can ask the person who wrote the phone number of "apply for certificate" on the wall to give you doubt life!

"The dog is killed by you now. How are you going to pay for it?"

As soon as Qin Tian's words were spoken, the opposite women and those bastards were forced!

Take the money!? Qin Tian's money is so easy to take!? Let alone a million, even if it is 100 yuan, who dares to take advantage of him!

Qin Tian stands there, exuding a sense of tyranny. In addition, Xiaohuo and others standing behind him have been fighting in the society all the year round. The cruelty of his body is cut by a knife with a small knife. A group of people stand there, and their blood is even more than dozens of people in the opposite side!

"What do you want?" Long hair speaks again!

Qin Tian is to see that the relationship between women and long hair is not general, long hair can completely take her place! After long hair came, although she wanted to speak, she didn't dare to say a word, but she didn't dare to speak!

"What do you say?" Qin Tian raised his eyebrows and said, "just now we should have paid for what we should have paid. Now you have paid what you should have paid. Let's make both payments."

"So... How should we compensate?" Asked the woman, biting her teeth!

Long hair quilt Qin Tian this sentence, said the whole body a shiver, look at the woman's eyes also become full of resentment, if not for you, I would not have brought so many brothers to accept this bird spirit! Is that an ordinary person over there!? That's all ghosts! One word can kill you! What kind of force do you play with others in this situation! If you run into a dog and lose money, you can go away!? Two hundred yuan is the sky high!

Now, it's not only money that can solve the problem. I didn't see another one million more. It's money to buy life! People can't walk, it's all about it!

Long hair is very smart, now in the mind, is exactly small fire's original intention! That's a million dollars, that's what bought their lives!

"The dog... We can't go too far. The dog is the wife at this age. You should pay for it when you run into the old man's wife. Five million, take it out and you'll leave!"

Qin Tian a nod, indifferent said! There was an air-conditioning sound in the crowd!

I knew that this little brother was not simple, but I didn't expect it would be five million! This group has a little stinky money and despises the Lord of the common people, so it should be treated like this!

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