For a time, the figure of Qin Tian's arrival at the beginning of the day has been well received by the surrounding residents!

However, Qin Tian's voice just fell, the opposite issued a sharp roar!

"Five million!? You are so poor The woman's voice has been raised by an octave! Is still that pair of high above, lets the human disgusting face!


The woman's voice is still declining. Long hair turns around and slaps her in the face. She turns the fan on the woman's face and turns the woman's fan in place. The red fingerprints are branded on her face, which makes her swollen!

"Shut up Long hair of this sentence, almost from the teeth squeeze out! Can't you see the situation clearly!? How dare you scold me!?

The woman was slapped by the long hair, until she saw the long hair's face, she understood how serious the matter was now!

It can be said that until now, she realized that Qin Tian had done so much before, just waiting for the dog's life money to be calculated finally! Poor oneself still thought Qin Tian was afraid of himself. Now it seems that the real fool is himself!

"We can't afford that much money!" At the moment, the sweat on his face is still working!

"If you can't take it out, you'll lose your life to the old man, and you can take away the other million!" Small fire a word, instantly pushed the atmosphere to the top!

"People, we will not stay!" Long hair speaks!

Although the momentum of our side can not compare with that of the other side, the victory lies in the number of people. If there are 60 or 70 people, there is still a chance to win if we fight for a dozen people!

With women and these money, another city to pull a vote of brothers, still have a good time!

"So you want to die?" The small fire snorted coldly, the air around suddenly coagulated, and the temperature dropped by one degree instantly!

Seeing that both sides are about to start, all of a sudden, in the middle of a rickety figure!

"Come on, young man. You don't have to be so serious about a cheap life. If you die, you'll die. You don't have to pay for it." The old man's words are very peaceful, can not hear even a trace of resentment!

"Don't worry, old man. We'll deal with the rest." Small fire opened his mouth to comfort the old man. In his opinion, he thought that the old man was afraid that they would suffer losses.

Xiaohuo also wanted to drive the old man to start again, but Qin Tian stopped him!

Small fire can't see the old man's idea, but Qin Tian knows it!

How many of the people who come from the war time are afraid of fighting!? The old man's way of doing this is completely the traditional style of the old revolutionaries! He showed the best quality of a Chinese veteran soldier incisively and vividly!

Immediately, Qin Tian asked the old man, "if you always think it is OK to deal with this way, we have no problem! Listen to you

Finish saying, wave a hand, let small fire they get out of the way!

In the end, long Mao left with a group of people, not to mention a million, and finally did not even take a cent, but also was hit and scrapped a BMW 320 in vain!

Seeing the bustling crowd, seeing the woman running away with her tail, immediately gave Qin Tian a warm applause!

"Good job, young man!"

"These people should be cleaned up!"

"Well done!"


for a while, Qin Tian was praised as the God!

He told Xiaohuo to drive away, but Qin Tian didn't leave. He looked at the old man's shoe repair stand. There were several bottles of Erguotou beside them. One of them was half drunk. It can be seen that the old man would like to drink two liang even in the morning.

Qin Tian touched his pocket and handed Jiao Cheng about a hundred yuan in it. "Go to the snack bar nearby and buy some ham sausage, peanuts, chicken feet and chicken legs. Let's have a drink with the old man."

After Qin Tian finishes, Jiao Cheng immediately nods to go shopping in the snack bar next to him. After a short time, Jiao Cheng comes back with something and wine.

Drinking wine, Qin genius knew that this old man was a professional engineer in the war years decades ago!

He repaired the captured tanks, artillery, and machine guns and mortars. The most powerful thing was that he made them in China's ordnance factories. He could squeeze them out with his own hands!

"Then why did you do shoe repair business here!? Why didn't the army feed you? " Qin Tian asked curiously. According to reason, our country will not forget the old revolutionaries who think they have such skills and contributions!

The old man took a sip of Erguotou, then touched the white wine on his beard, sighed and said, "I was not sensible when I was young. I made some mistakes and let the country down. I left on my own initiative."

Qin Tian looks at the old man. He is more than 80 years old, but he is still energetic. But at this moment, he doesn't know where he is. He really looks like an old man!

Qin Tian and Jiao Cheng drink wine, and do not ask again, because they know the basic rule of the army, that is, confidentiality regulations.

Never ask what you shouldn't ask!Three people were squatting in front of the shoe repair stand to drink. At this time, a large row of luxury cars stopped in the middle of antique street. A 60 year old man in a wheelchair got out of the car and looked around. Finally, he found Qin Tian, who was drinking on the roadside.

"Master Qin, wait a long time!" When Qiu Yunlin saw Qin Tian, he rowed the wheel twice, and the assistant quickly took over and pushed it up.

Jiao Cheng takes a sip of two and a half filled Erguotou and hisses, "brother qintian, who is this?"

Why are you so old? It looks like a two ball game!?

In fact, it's not Qiu Yunlin er. It's because his posture in front of Qin Tian is too low to make people feel that he is not worth money.

Qin Tian murmured, "I showed him a disease some time ago, and I've been chasing me since then to repay me. Well, I want to rebuild the antique street, and he will take all the following..."

after listening to Jiao Cheng's nod, he knows that "seeing a disease" in Qin Tian's mouth is definitely not as simple as he said.

Speaking, Qiu Yunlin came to Qin Tian.

"Master Qin, the construction team has brought in, and the residents and upper bunks around have been informed in place. Even the municipal Party committee has specially sent staff and supervisors to maintain order." Qiu Yunlin said, then pointed to a government car behind him.

There are some fat headed staff standing beside the car. They all inquired about it clearly. Even the Secretary of the municipal Party committee and the mayor of the city wanted to treat him politely. He was a fart in front of others. When Qin Tian looked at them, he quickly said hello with a smile!

Qin Tian nodded and ignored them. He touched the bottle again and asked the old man, "old man, I have to leave when I have something to do. This is my telephone number. Although I don't have much skill, I still have a hand in seeing a doctor. If you have a headache, you can call me. Generally speaking, you can drive there within 10 minutes."

Said, Qin Tian picked up a marker next to the old man's shoe repair, and wrote the mobile phone number on the account book next to the shoe repair box.

Looking at his writing, the old man showed his faint eyes and nodded, "good boy..."

Qin Tian gave a smile, "old man, I don't know your name yet!"

According to common sense, an old man who mends shoes must be surprised and even fidgety when he meets Qiu Yunlin and other "big men" from government departments. However, the old man in front of him does not show any improper expression, and even does not stop drinking.

This is enough to show the difference of the old man!

"What's your family name..." as he pondered, he raised his hand and took a sip of Erguotou. "The family name is Hu...

Qin Tian and Jiao Cheng are puzzled. The surname is Hu Bai. Why do you return to the other side of the family!?

But Qin Tian didn't ask much, and nodded, "that's Cheng, Mr. Hu. Let's see you later. I have good wine. I'll bring it back and we'll drink it together."

The old man chuckled and said, "the degree can only be high..."

"ensure enough strength!" With that, Qin Tian got up with a smile and walked towards the corner of antique street.

Looking at Qin Tian's back, the old man nodded slightly and hung a mysterious smile on his face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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