Slowly walking forward, a group of people soon came to the river closure point marked on the drawing. Starting from this place, digging a hundred or two meters north along the direction marked on the drawing can connect another river, thus changing the previous black dragon Fengshui Bureau into a green dragon Fengshui Bureau.

"All the construction signs should be hung up. If there is no problem, construction will start today." Qin Tian compared the drawings with the terrain and said to Qiu Yunlin and the construction workers nearby.

"Mr. Qin, please rest assured. Secretary Zheng has personally explained that everything here is in the full charge of the municipal Party committee, and there will be absolutely no illegal operation at all!"

He was talking about the man who had just come down from the special car of the government department. He was very timid and full of officialdom.

"I don't care who is in charge, I only care whether the project will disturb the people!" Qin Tian glanced at him, and his eyes were full of warning. "After the project is over, I will send someone to investigate the feedback from the surrounding residents and stores. Once there is any violation of law enforcement, I will find Secretary Zheng as soon as possible."

Qin Tian's words did not have the slightest emotion, let just speak that person in charge suddenly embarrassed incomparably!

"Mr. Qin, please rest assured that our staff always love the people like children, and there will never be any violation of the rules!"

"That's good." Qin Tian smiles and no longer looks at him.

At this time, Qiu Yunlin heard a lively noise. Qiu Yunlin's assistant trotted to Qin Tian and said respectfully to Qin Tian: "master Qin, Mr. Qiu asked me to ask you to light the firecrackers for construction. It's a good luck!"

Qin Tian listened and nodded.

In China, whether it's a happy event or a construction project, people like to put firecrackers. Qin Tian doesn't reject it. He gets up and walks towards Qiu Yunlong.


a lively noise, red firecracker paper flying all over the sky, the air also filled with a smell of nitrosulfoxide.

"Start work!"

A man in the shape of a foreman yelled, and a large line of engineering vehicles drove into the antique street.

"Who dares to beat my brother on my territory!"

All of a sudden, a sound full of air, with a trace of domineering voice, from the antique street outside spread in!

The merchants and migrant workers in the street were all stunned by this roar. Looking back, we saw dozens of barehanded thugs with softball sticks, steel sticks and machetes walking slowly. In front of them, there was a strong man with his arm in plaster and all over his body!

And on his side, a fat woman with fat all over her face is following him with pride. Behind her, there is the long hair that Qin Tian cleaned up just now!

The muscular man's face is grim, with a cigarette in his mouth, and his face is cold and arrogant, which obviously highlights the momentum of the leader of the underground forces!

Dozens of people sent out the murderous spirit, let the original temperature is not high Antique Street, instantly dropped a few points! All of them are ferocious and murderous. It seems that they will not be human without doing something!

Many merchants are hiding in the store, through the glass or carefully exposed to see the outside!

This is the legendary bastard! Not to say that he has not killed people, just with this momentum, it is enough to make most people tremble!

"Who broke your car just now?" The strong man's voice is like a loud bell, looking at the long hair and fat woman beside him, he asks in a deep voice!

When the elder brother, of course, we should take the lead for our brothers, otherwise, who will obey ourselves later!?

"There he is The fat woman pointed to Qin Tian's direction, full of grievances, "that son of a bitch smashed my new car. Today you must make decisions for me!"

Size, even my mother's car dare to smash, today let you know why the flowers are so red, do not hit you green excrement, on the special code, you did not eat leek!

The strong man looked in the direction of her fat fingers. Sure enough, a thin young man was standing in front of a group of people and saying something!

But... That figure seems a little familiar!

The strong man has some doubts. He even appears a figure in his mind. He is worried. He stands in the same place and wants to see clearly before going.

Qin Tianzheng is attentively instructing these people how to construct. He suddenly feels that the atmosphere of antique street is not right. He simply stops pointing his hand and looks back to the street corner!


The sound of the air conditioner went up!

It's him!

The young teacher who broke his dozens of brothers' arms and legs in the parking lot of Medical College and forced Fang Mingyu to run naked!

At this time, Qin Tian also saw this group of bastards, and naturally saw the strong man who took the lead!

This is not an old acquaintance, Zhang Dafei!?

Zhang Dafei is watched by Qin Tian, but he can't go any more!

Zhang Dafei is full of bitterness and bitterness. He doesn't even know how to find him. This special code is not the old hanging of his birthday. Is his life too long!?

Zhang Dafei shivered and walked toward Qin Tian, "Qin... Qin teacher!"At the beginning, Zhang Dafei went to the medical college to find trouble in order to vent his anger on Fang Mingyu. Isn't it Qin Tian who cleaned himself up!?

"Oh? Old acquaintance Qin Tian eyebrows a pick, indifferent smile way!

"Mr. Qin, I didn't know Mount Tai last time. Don't blame me..." Zhang Dafei wryly.

"Oh... You didn't know Mount Tai a few times ago. That means you didn't know Mount Tai on purpose today?" With that, Qin Tian's voice dropped a few degrees.

When Zhang Dafei heard this, he suddenly felt cold sweat. He looked back and slapped him in the face of the fat woman and long hair. He used as much force as he could!

"Even Mr. Qin dares to offend you. Don't you want to live?"

It doesn't matter if you don't want to live. Don't let me down!

Zhang Dafei finally escaped from the parking lot last time. Before he had time to celebrate, someone has caused such a big thing to himself today. He just wants to ask, who can afford such a great God!?

Zhang Dafei pointed to the two of them and the gangsters they had just participated in behind them. He was so angry that he shivered all over his body. "You, all of you, come here and have a teacher Qin kowtow and apologize!"

Long hair and fat women have long been silly, which is called a regret. Originally, I thought it was a soft egg to come here and pinch it casually. Who could have thought that the other party was a person who could not even provoke his own boss! For a while, he felt bitter and could only walk to Qin Tian according to Zhang Dafei!

Plopping a few times, a group of thugs knelt to the ground!

"No!" Qin Tian waved his hand and turned his face to the construction team next to him. "Don't make a few punks come here to fill the bill. I don't want to eat Acting!"

Although Qin Tian said no, they didn't dare to. They knelt down on the ground, kowtow and slap in the face. No one dared to cut corners!

The people watching the antique street were shocked again!

Who the hell is this man!? Even if we can construct in the antique street, even these gangsters are scared to kneel down on the ground and slap themselves!? And look at that, this man seems to be very disdainful!?

For a while, the people present began to guess the identity of Qin Tian!

Qin Tian glanced at Zhang Dafei with the corner of his eye. Zhang Dafei's legs became soft and almost sat on the ground!

"Brother Qin Tian, a lot of people are holding mobile phone video recording!" Jiao Cheng lowers his voice and says to Qin Tian without trace.

Qin Tian is used to keeping a low profile. If such video is transmitted to the Internet because of the conflict between the construction of antique street and the local gangsters, it is not good for Qin Tian at all!

Qin Tian listened and nodded, then twisted his head to Zhang Dafei!

"Zhang Dafei, right!? How many of you are here? "

"Come... More than 50 people..." Zhang Dafei swallowed his mouth and looked at Qin Tian with a face of muddled force.

Qin Tian looked around and saw that there were not many hands in the construction team. He called the contractor of the construction team and said, "how much work is there on the construction site?"

"Ah?" The contractor was a little confused. He said that you are a big man. What do you care about this matter? But he didn't dare to ask. After a moment's consideration, he answered Qin Tian, "Oh, a lot of hard work, not to mention anything else. The long bricks of the dike over there have not been unloaded because of the shortage of manpower. I will have to go to the market to hire some people..."

"then you don't have to hire someone. Fifty is enough Not enough Qin Tian indifferently refers to the group of bastards brought by Zhang Dafei behind him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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