The Baotou heard Qin Tian's words, and he cried quickly. "Old boss, I dare not use these people..." br >

the foreman is embarrassed. If he uses these people, he will not have to mix up in Songshan.

"It's OK, they're willing to do it!" Qin Tian turned to Zhang Dafei and saw a group of people face bitterness. "Would you like to do it?"

"Yes, yes! It is our blessing to work for Mr. Qin... "Zhang Dafei replied loudly immediately, and his face laughed like he had passed the year.

"Then you guys are working here!" Qin Tian smiled, "but don't play with me about the sun and the devil. If I know you didn't work well... You know it!"

Said, Qin Tian face showed the devil general smile.

"Dare not, dare not!" Zhang Dafei accompanied with a smile, "anyway, we are also free of egg pain, moving bricks, exercise, good for the body!"

As soon as the voice fell, the antique street burst into a burst of laughter.

The Baotou heard, immediately relieved, followed the heart began to beautiful!

The construction team is short of manpower, which leads to the delay of construction period. He was worried that the government department was not good at the project, but he didn't expect someone to come to work hard. This solved his big problem!

"OK, you don't have to pestle here. Go to work!" Qin Tian pointed to the brick over there, and sent Zhang Dafei and others to pass.

Zhang Dafei listened to it, such as amnesty, hurriedly bows Qin Tian, and takes his younger brother to move bricks with his feet!

"Who is this young man!"!? The wind is too windy! "

"Yes, it's not easy to serve these small mixed treatment clothes!"

"I wish that there would be no more debris in Antique Street, that would be fine!"

Qin Tian's action once again caused the discussion of the people around.

At this time, in the Antique Street on the tea house on the second floor of a small window hukou, a 30-year-old man is looking down the crowd, holding a print photo.

If someone sees it, it will be surprised to close their mouths, because the photo of the figure is Qin Tian!

Qin Tian is standing outside to command the construction team at this time, until more than 9:00. Qin genius looks at the time and gets on the bus and leaves Jiaocheng.

The man in the teahouse looked at Qin Tian's back image coldly. The picture in his hand was thrown into the garbage can two meters away without deviation. He walked out of the teahouse quietly, and drove around Qin Tian's back shadow and followed him.

The Lord drove out of antique street. Qin Tian drove the car towards the medical school and was ready to go to school. As soon as he got on the bus, Qin Tian's cell phone rang.

"Master, are we going to the medical school or school today?" Gu Xiaomin asked in a flat voice at the other end of the phone.

"All the school studies are very basic knowledge, which is no longer significant to you. Go to the medical hall. As I said before, you are in charge of seeing a doctor, and Chen Qiang is in charge of taking medicine!"

Gu Xiaomin had been practicing in hospital for a long time. Qin Tian believed that her study ability could be seen and diagnosed independently. Moreover, his medical school has a top-level full set of medical instruments, and Gu Xiaomin can definitely be alone.

"Good master."

After that, Gu Xiaomin didn't wait for Qin Tian to explain what, and he snapped up and stopped the phone.

The two men drove along the road, suddenly, Qin Tian felt a bit of improper, and naturally began to use the military anti tracking investigation technology learned by the library.

"Brother Jiao..." Qin Tian called Jiao Cheng softly.

"Well." Jiao Cheng's face was slightly cold, and a black pistol was pulled out on his back waist, and the insurance was opened quietly.

Obviously, Jiaocheng has long found the car that followed.

"He doesn't seem to be afraid we'll find him." Qin Tian talks to Jiao Cheng while looking at the mirror.

"It should be a master." Jiao Cheng looked back and saw the man in the car behind him.

In his thirties, he was still in a hurry and followed him slowly even when he saw Jiao Cheng looking back at him.

"You should go and do whatever you want. Just give him to me." Jiao Cheng takes out a cigarette, as if he is saying something irrelevant in general,

it is hard for big brother Jiao

Qin Tian said, a dozen steering wheel, the car suddenly toward the outskirts!

The man behind watched the Lord accelerate and was not in a hurry. He stepped on the gas slowly and quickly followed up again.

Two cars galloped on the broad road in the Development Zone, and soon came to the waste factory in the eastern suburb. This is an old place for Qin Tian to solve the trouble!


The big Lord has a beautiful tail flick, and the car is facing the back!

"Buzzing -" br >

a loud sound of accelerator made the man gasp a breath of air conditioner and pushed the door open without hesitation and jumped off the car!And almost at the same time, the Lord stepped on the gas pedal, straight towards the black car in the past!


With a loud noise, the Lord bumped into the black car. A flash of debris flashed by, and the black car was rolled out for tens of meters. In a moment, all the doors and windows were flattened, and even the wheels were knocked out!

The man rolled two times to stabilize his body, squatting on the side of the road, looking at the car hit out, his face became extremely ugly!

If he hesitated for a few seconds and didn't jump out, he might have killed himself!

What a cruel means!

Jiao Cheng pushes open the co pilot's door, slowly gets out, shakes his shoulders, takes off his coat into the cab, and stands on the roadside wearing only a tight tactical vest.

"Brother Qin Tian is busy and has no time to play with you." With that, Jiao Cheng pointed to the abandoned factory building next to him and said, "let's play inside. Let me see how good you are. Dare you come to trouble old brother Qin Tian!"

The man took a cold look at Qin Tian sitting in the driver's seat of the Lord, and then turned to Jiao Cheng, "you are not my opponent. I advise you to let him down."

The man's voice was hoarse and his words contained incomparable pride. Qin Tian frowned.

"Brother Jiao..."

Qin Tian feels something is wrong. He calls Jiao Cheng and wants to help him, but as soon as the door is opened, he is forced to close it.

"Brother Qin Tian, you can do whatever you want. You don't need to do this kind of little scum!" Jiao Cheng looks at each other, and there is a trace of anger between his eyebrows!

Dare to say that he is not his opponent!

After nearly 20 years in the army, no one dares to talk to him like that!

Looking at the firm Jiao Cheng, Qin Tian always feels that there is something wrong with him. However, since Jiao Cheng insists on it, he can't say anything more. He steps on the gas pedal and drives towards the medical college.

The man looked at Qin Tian, who drove away from the car, and then looked at his scrapped car. With a bang in his mouth, he followed him and looked at Jiaocheng. He said calmly, "it doesn't matter. If you are here, Qin Tian will definitely appear in front of me."

Jiao Cheng smell speech extremely displeased, "then try it."

With that, he turned and walked towards the abandoned factory building.

While driving, Qin Tian always feels that something is wrong, but he can't say it. If he doesn't follow Qin Tian, he laughs bitterly. He scolds himself for being suspicious and focuses on Cheng's ability. Even if he can't beat each other, he still can't run away.

Simply shaking his head, Qin Tian drove to the medical school.

At 9:30, the No.1 ladder classroom of the medical college had already been crowded early. All the students came to Qin Tian's amazing traditional Chinese medicine.

Caring people was much smarter this time. He sat in the corner of the first row of the ladder classroom early in the morning, waiting for Qin Tian to come to class. However, he did not expect that Qin Tian's traditional Chinese medicine would be so popular that after the first section of novelty, there were still so many people coming. Moreover, the number of people in the classroom was still increasing, even standing in the back It has become a sea of people!

See this scene, more and more firm care for the people to open up the determination of traditional Chinese medicine! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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