When Qin Tian arrived at school, the first step classroom was already a sea of people, even the passage in the middle of the seat was full of students holding notes.

Qin Tian stood on the platform with the book in his hand, and was a little bit stunned for a while, because he didn't expect that his own Chinese medicine course could attract so many young people to take elective courses.

For a time, Qin Tian, who was bent on rejuvenating Chinese medicine, felt a motive force from the deep inside, and seemed to see the hope of the revival of Chinese medicine.

"Today, we'll have a health class!"


Qin Tian's words were out, and the classroom immediately made a sound!

"Mr. Qin, you are right. We are only in our twenties. Are we going to start to keep fit?"

"Yes, Mr. Qin, we should take some useful lessons and give people a doctor's advice!"

"From the beginning of the clinic, you saw the other people's disease at the first glance in the last class. It was too hard to learn this

For a while, the students under the table got up to give advice. Other students who didn't stand up also exchanged with their classmates nearby. It seems that they are extremely disdainful of health care classes. In their opinion, whether it is health care class or TV health program, they are used to deceive the elderly. For these new generation of young people, they have not done anything at all Use!

Qin Tian looked at them, smiled, green energy ran to the throat, and said to the whole classroom, "do you believe in my skills of looking forward to diagnosis?"

"Believe it!" The classroom was almost clear in answer.

"Then I tell you, I look at the past so much --" Qin Tian said, sweeping from one side of the classroom to the other side. "All of them are sub healthy people, even some students who are twenty years old have already become forty years old body!"


In a moment, the teacher again clapped, and all the faces of all showed an unbelievable look.

"Teacher, how can this be possible, isn't your saying that online some to cajole the elderly to buy health care drugs?"

The next student stood up, and a little joking shout on his face immediately caused the laughter of the students present.

"Well asked, but since you ask, I'll just take you as the research object." Qin Tian also smiled, obviously did not mind that some students were reckless in his class. "Look at your face and facial bone displacement, your age should be between 22 and 23 years old, but by looking at the way of seeing, your health is not as optimistic as your age."

Qin Tian's voice was not lost, all the students focused on the student.

With the previous class Qin Tian in the classroom to see the case, this time everyone is waiting to take Qin Tian to tell his illness.

"Teacher, don't breathe. Please say, look at the eyes of these people, and they can't help dissecting me..." the student can't stand the pressure of the students around him, and then he gets up again and shows his courteous eyes at Qin Tian.

In a moment, the students present burst out a laugh again.

"Well, then I'll talk about your symptoms." Qin Tian laughed, "if I don't read it wrong, you should often have symptoms of fatigue and weakness, muscle ache, and even dizziness and headache, anorexia, and even common diseases such as cold and fever, right or wrong!"

With the voice of Qin Tian falling, all the students looked at the student again, as if waiting for his affirmative answer.

But obviously, the students underestimated the student's opinions, only saw him rise quietly and asked Qin Tian: "teacher, what you say is the status quo of most people. You put them on me, and they are not persuasive..." br >

the student has some dissatisfied looks on his face, just like Qin Tian is perfunctory.

"Are you sure you want me to say that some people don't have it, but you have them!?" Qin Tian eyebrows a pick, the face hung a bit of a different smile.

The students were all hair that Qin Tian laughed at, but still hard scalp point down the head, "yes, teacher you say!"

The whole classroom was silent, and everyone focused on Qin Tian.

"Besides the symptoms I said just now, you have an unusual symptom, that is..." Qin Tian said that he stopped and saw him cough twice, and said quietly: "sexual function is obviously decreased!"

Sexual function obviously decreased. These words came out of Qin Tian's mouth. The whole step classroom was stunned for three seconds. Immediately following, it was an explosive burst of laughter. The student suddenly blushed, as if he could drop bleeding from it in the next second!

No need for him to answer everyone also know, this must be said by Qin Tian!

The student stood in his original position, and his head was in chaos.

Qin Tian said that, from the first year to the fourth year, in just four years, although he did not indulge excessively, but the physical condition is not as good as a day. At this age of wolf like tiger, she didn't want to come once a month. Therefore, his girlfriend had a great opinion on him, but he never thought it was caused by his health!"Qin... Qin teacher, how can I treat this..." the student's red face, after all, still resisted other people's strange eyes and asked Qin Tian this question.

In this moment, half of the classroom was quiet.


Because most boys are already facing this problem!

Qin Tian looked at this scene, his face did not show a surprised look, but rather calmly explained to him.

"I said just now, you are only sub-health, not disease, so there is no treatment," Qin Tian smiles, looking at those girls who are laughing at them, and continues: "girls are the same. I believe that even if I don't say it, you will know in your heart that your menstrual period is not punctual, how is your mental state, and how is your skin and sleep This is the standard of consideration, and if you take it lightly, it may lead to infertility in the future

Qin Tian said these words, almost the whole classroom has become quiet.

"Well, teacher, since you said there is no need to cure, what should we do!? You can't keep your body like this! " A girl stood up shyly and asked Qin Tian softly.

"Health! To keep in good health is to cure the disease! " Qin Tian smiles indifferently, his eyes full of self-confidence, "so now, can I take my health class?"

In a flash, all the students were stunned, because they found that Qin Tian said so much in order to let them return to the problem of health preservation, and at this moment, Qin Tian let them successfully believe in the power of health preservation!

Caring people looked at Qin Tian, stretched out his hands and took pictures in front of him!

"Pa pa pa..."

immediately, the whole classroom rang out the sound of applause, because Qin Tian used their own actual situation as the introduction, which really aroused their resonance and made them realize the importance of this class from the heart!

Such a teacher is undoubtedly a successful teacher!

Qin Tian looked at the students in the classroom with a smile and a grateful look at the caring people in the corner. Then he went to the microphone in the classroom and turned on the multimedia nearby.

"When it comes to health preservation, we must first talk about the great works of Chinese traditional metaphysics, I Ching!" Qin Tian calmly pressed the button on the remote control, and the screen became the book of changes. "Some people say that the book of changes is a feudal superstition, like traditional Chinese medicine, it is a feudal dregs, which we can't touch."

"But if I Ching is really a dross and a superstition, then how can it survive for thousands of years?"

"There is a cloud in Taoism. Heaven and earth generate one Qi, and two instruments give birth to four images. Up to the nine palaces and eight trigrams, odd and even influence each other. People and heaven and earth participate in the same way. The purpose of this is how to use this body to integrate into the changes of heaven and earth. Therefore, the way of health maintenance is not only the fairy myth in the legend, but also the daily practice of human health!"

"As long as we know the characteristics of the time sequence of heaven and earth, the elements of the changes of the five elements, the daily trivialities of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and the constraints on the human body, we can't say that we can live forever, but we can't get close to ordinary diseases." Qin Tian said.

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