Qin Tian opened his mouth and recited the opening content of the book of changes, and everyone in the classroom began to write notes.

"Teacher, I don't mean health preservation. How can it become a special session of Taoism?" A naughty girl with a ponytail on her side finished writing her notes and asked Qin Tian.

"If you want to keep fit, you have to know the principle, isn't it?" Qin Tian smiles, "the book of changes and health preservation complement each other, especially the book of changes contains the way of Tai Chi. Taoism and health preservation are absolutely inseparable."

"But in modern times, it's unrealistic for you to learn. I'll focus on health preservation."

"Generally speaking, health preservation mainly refers to the cultivation of vitality and the promotion of essence, Qi and spirit. It can be divided into two aspects: self-cultivation and mental cultivation. Then, through the control of diet, the purpose of cultivating vitality can be achieved."

"The so-called self-cultivation refers to physical exercise, or specific sports methods, such as Taiji, Wuqinxi, etc. it happens that I also have a set of health preserving boxing techniques. If anyone wants to learn it, you can come to the hospital to see me and make sure you know everything you know!"

"The so-called cultivation of mind refers to keeping yourself optimistic and upward by controlling emotions. If this goes on, the mind will be calm and the six channels will be coordinated, so as to achieve the effect of eliminating diseases and prolonging life."

Qin Tian's narration is very detailed, and most of them are the theories that people can touch in daily life and are also facts. It is easy for people to accept and understand the principle. All of them take notes in succession, and occasionally some people get up to ask questions. The whole classroom atmosphere has reached a very peaceful level.

Unconsciously, a class time has passed, if not for the next class teacher came, perhaps Qin Tian will continue to speak for an hour.

"That's all for today's class. At 10 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, my favorite students can continue to listen to me."

With that, Qin Tian turned to close the multimedia and went out without staying in the classroom.

Caring people sit in the corner by the door, see Qin Tian leave, quickly get up and follow out.

"Doctor Qin!" Caring for the people did not care about the eyes of the students around him, so he called out a miracle doctor.

Qin Tian listened and patted his forehead. Then he remembered that caring for the people was still in the classroom. He stopped and turned around.

"Professor Guan!" Qin Tian called out to him apologetically.

"Your lecture is so wonderful. Medical school has not been full of students for many years. If you continue to do this, I'm afraid I will have to arrange it for you on the playground next time." Care for the people, happy face, half serious, half joking said.

"Tired of fame." Qin Tian smiles. He knows that if he is not famous, there would not be so many students coming to attend the class. In the end, he is still famous.

"Well, as always modest!" Caring people nodded and looked at Qin Tian. The more he looked, the more he felt that the young man was a creative material. "In this way, I will hold a meeting with the school's leading group to strive to give you the salary according to the deputy senior title. In addition, the school has several places to recruit teachers in the school every year. If you have no comments, I will report you up and let you officially become the teacher of traditional Chinese medicine in our school."

Qin Tian Wen Yan slightly stunned, he did not think that he would become a formal university teacher, and a door is vice senior.

"Professor Guan, if you do this, will it cause you trouble?" Qin Tian worried.

Caring people shook his head, "what's troubling you? Your ability is recognized by our school teachers. I'll let you find anyone who doesn't accept it. I'll see who dares to oppose it!"

In this society, ability is the king's way. If you have such medical skills as Qin Tian, I will also mention you to the name of vice senior!

What's more, Qin Tian, a deputy senior family member, doesn't pay attention to him at all. If it wasn't for his limited rights and caring for the people, he even wanted to give Qin Tian a senior title directly, and then give him a vice president!

If such a talent can not be retained, it is a criminal in the history of medical college!

Qin Tian looked at the care of the people, his face showed a look of gratitude, can become a university lecturer, the transmission of Chinese medicine, which is a rare thing for Qin Tian!

"Thank you very much, Professor Guan!"

Qin Tian did not grudge his words of thanks, especially for the people who care for the people and selfless dedication to students and medicine, but also from the heart.

"Miss Qin!" They were talking when a group of students came out of the classroom.

"Mr. Qin, what you said just now, is the Taoist boxing that can be used for health preservation really useful?"

The opening is Qin Tian said before the obvious decline in sexual function of the student, obviously he had obvious dissatisfaction with his body, and very urgent to recover!

Qin Tian smiles, "of course, it's useful. As long as you stick to it for a long time, your body will become stronger and stronger day by day, and the sub-health state will disappear accordingly, so that you can really recover the physique you should have when you are 20 years old!"

"Teacher, I'll go back to your hospital and learn from you. When is it convenient for you?" The students continued to ask.

"As long as I'm in the hospital, I can do it any time." Qin Tian said.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin. I will certainly learn it!" After that, the student turned around and ran away towards the back. While running, he turned back and waved to Qin Tian. Obviously, he was very satisfied with Qin Tian's answer!"It seems that you are really popular with students." Caring people smile, even the wrinkles around the corner of his eyes, "I don't want to disturb you. Mr. Li is waiting for you."

Finish saying, care for the people pointed to the office building next to the door, a beautiful figure is standing there, not Li Xinran, who can it be!?

Qin Tian sheepishly smile, "that has time to chat again!"

Then he ran towards Li Xinran.

But when Qin Tian was 20 or 30 meters away from Li Xinran, a team of people in Taekwondo uniform came near the playground.

Qin Tian looked at the past, the leader was tall and big, with a black belt on his waist. He walked like a tiger and a tiger, and his legs were nailed to the ground like wooden posts. It can be seen how strong his next set of Kung Fu is!

In this way, this group of people in Qin Tian's eyes walked to the office building, the first person also stood opposite Li Xinran.

"Miss Li, what a coincidence." The black belt man stood in front of Li Xinran, trying to make himself look a little more stylized, "what's going on after work!? I'd like to invite you to lunch... "

Li Xinran is waiting for Qin Tian, but I didn't expect to see people just standing here.

"Zhou Xiong, I have told you many times that I am married. Please don't disturb me again!" Li Xinran appears particularly helpless, this is she does not know how many times to refuse him.

"Mr. Li, I said I don't mind. I've heard about the husband of your son-in-law. Such a man is not worthy of you. I don't mind your second marriage. I..."

"I still care that you don't want to be shameless!"

When the black belt man named Zhou Xiong was giving a generous speech to Li Xinran, a discordant voice came from behind.

When a group of people heard the sound, they turned their heads and looked at the past one after another. They saw a thin figure with his hands in his mouth. He was walking towards this side step by step.

Li Xinran a look, it is his husband, Qin Tian, for a time, as if to find the backbone, run on the arm of Qin Tian.

Qin Tian droops his eyelids and looks at the black belt man in front of him. His face is not happy!

I don't know how long it has been since I went to visit my son-in-law. You're still looking through the old almanac, and you don't do homework for your wife!

What Zhou Xiong wanted to say was abruptly interrupted by Qin Tian, and his face became very ugly, especially when he saw Li Xinran holding Qin Tian's arm to call her husband!

"Who do you mean to be shameless?" Zhou Xiong looked at Qin Tian with a very cold tone!

A loser, how dare you talk to yourself like that!?

"Whoever stands in front of me, I will say who is shameless!" Qin Tian frowned with a tone of impatience.

This fool looks at the popularity is not very good, in this school when a teacher, unexpectedly there are people do not know that Li Xinran's husband is a God with a deep background!?

This fool called Zhou Xiong, where did he come from!?

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