With Qin Tian's voice landing, the temperature around the instant decreased a few minutes!

"When is a loser so strong?"

"It's just that you can't give Mr. Li a happy life when you're in the manger!"

"If you don't pee and take care of yourself, you can't compare with our weekly coach!"

"Professor Zhou has won the first prize in the provincial Taekwondo competition and is also one of the outstanding teachers in the school. Why do you compare with coach Zhou?"

After Zhou Xiong, more than a dozen students in Taekwondo uniform showed their disdain towards Qin Tian!

Zhou Xiong held his neck high and looked at Qin Tian with a proud face.

"Taekwondo!" Qin Tian scorned and sneered, "the country of Bangzi has learned Chinese Kung Fu by two or three percent. The four different Kung Fu created out of context can also be put on the stage!"

"What are you talking about?" In an instant, Zhou Xiong's eyebrows were inverted, and a strong momentum suddenly broke out on his body, as if he could press Qin Tian on the ground if he didn't agree!

"I said, taekwondo is not on the stage of four not like kung fu!" Qin Tian cast a glance at him, disdain way.


For a moment, the air seemed to solidify, and Zhou Xiong's face was like a layer of frost!

"Since you dare to say that taekwondo is not like kung fu, it means that you must have a strong Kung Fu!" Zhou Xiong looked at Qin Tian and laughed instead of anger. His face was full of ferocity!

In front of the women and students I like, I can't stand it!

The people present saw Zhou Xiong say such words, and immediately hit a spirit!

As long as you are not stupid, you can understand what he said. This is trying to get rid of Qin Tian!

For a while, many people were sweating for Qin Tian, hoping that he would quickly say a soft word, after all, losing face is much better than being beaten!

But Qin Tian didn't think about it. He smiled and said to Zhou Xiong and the team members behind him: "yes, I just think my kung fu is better than you!"


In an instant, all the people on the scene made a noise one after another!

There are many students who have just listened to qintian's health care class!

This Qin teacher, does not want to live!? Medical school who doesn't know Taekwondo Club has a freak coach, one leg can kick the small tree with the mouth of a bowl to break!?

Don't mention Qin Tian, who has thin arms and thin legs. Even a strong man as heavy as Zhou Xiong, dare not be so rampant in front of Zhou Xiong!

"It's over. Miss Qin is going to suffer. Go and inform principal Guan!"

At this time, the students with a little cleverness on the side turned around in a hurry and followed the figure of caring for the people!

"You are very well! Since you are so confident in yourself, you might as well have a contest! " Zhou Xiong's eyes are already spouting fire.

The skinny Monkey not only humiliated himself in front of his favorite women and students, but also insulted his favorite taekwondo!

No matter which reason, we must clean him up today!

"Contest Qin Tian sneered, "OK, don't say I bully you, do you want me to let you have both hands?"


The crowd is boiling again!

Qin Tian, who is at a disadvantage, said he wanted to give it to Zhou Xiong!

In a flash, Zhou Xiong's eyes turned red like an angry Beast!

Contempt, naked contempt! I was actually despised by this loser who was a soft potato!

"Well, since you want to die, no wonder I am!" Zhou Xiong bit his teeth and squeezed these words out of his teeth. "I'll wait for you in Taekwondo Hall in ten minutes."

After that, more than a dozen students in Qin Xiong's eyes showed sympathy.

"You're finished, believe me, you're really finished!"

"Playing lanterns in the toilet is killing me

"Let me have both hands. I'm afraid I won't die miserably enough, right?"

"I can't help myself!"

The group of students in Taekwondo uniform looked at Qin Tian with pity.

"Mr. Qin, don't go there. Zhou Xiong is famous for his ability to fight, and I heard that there is something wrong with him at school. It's not worthwhile for you to provoke him!" Qin Tian was stopped by a student, kindly reminded.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, some students have already informed president Guan. They will be here soon! Don't be impulsive

Qin Tian looked at the group of students who were worried about themselves. With a faint smile on his face, Qin Tian said slowly, "don't you really want to know what the health preserving kung fu I'm going to teach you!? It's just through him that I can show you! "

Finish saying, Qin Tian also ignore these student's obstruction, pull Li Xinran to walk toward the direction of Taekwondo Hall.

Li Xinran follows Qin Tian, like a bird in accordance with people.

"Qin Tian, am I causing you trouble again?" Li Xinran said with a smile.This is not the first male teacher to pursue him any more. Qin Tian has to solve it for her every time.

Qin Tian smelled the speech and stroked her head with force, "this is not trouble, this is to give me an opportunity to swear sovereignty! You are mine, and no one wants to be infected with it! "

Li Xinran was kneaded by Qin Tian, with a sweet smile on his face. He let him pull him and walk towards the Taekwondo Hall.

To tell you the truth, if you put it in the past, Li Xinran will be worried. But after these tests, Li Xinran has reassessed Qin Tian's ability, let alone Zhou Xiong. Even if the Taekwondo world champion comes to Qin Tian, he is not Qin Tian's opponent at all!

A group of students became excited when they heard that Qin Tian was going to show health preserving boxing and Zhou Xiong's Taekwondo fight. They were not worried about Qin Tian, and even called their dormitory brothers.

For a moment, a strange scene appeared in the whole medical college. No matter who was playing basketball or dating, they all rushed to the Taekwondo Hall!

"What?" When caring people heard the students report to him next time, he immediately jumped out of his seat. "Zhou Xiong, a bastard, is not good at being a teacher in school. He is really blind to his parents' painstaking efforts! Come on, take me to Taekwondo Hall! "

It's no good caring for people's morale. You know, Qin Tian is a teacher he has worked so hard to keep. If Zhou Xiong beat him up, his department of traditional Chinese medicine will not know when it will be completed!

Qin Tian that thin arm thin leg, which is his opponent!

For a while, caring people remember to walk like a flying horse and follow the students on the way to the Taekwondo Hall.

A few minutes later, Qin Tian pulls Li Xinran into the Taekwondo Hall.

Qin Tian looks around, this is his first place in addition to the guard room and the No. 1 staircase classroom!

At this time, the seats on the periphery of Taekwondo Hall were full of students who came to watch the battle, especially when they heard that the war was related to the ownership of school flower teachers, these students were more energetic!

"Qin Tian!"

Suddenly, a roar rang through the whole Taekwondo Hall!

Everyone looked towards the sound source. Zhou Xiong stood in the middle of the challenge arena. He pulled the black belt on his waist and pointed his finger to Qin Tian!

"Come up and die!" Zhou Xiong's momentum is like a rainbow, pointing to Qin Tian, which means that he is arrogant over the world!


Qin Tian faintly smashed his mouth twice, patted Li Xinran's hand and walked towards the challenge arena. He kicked his foot and instantly made a forward somersault. Then he crossed the ring of the ring and landed steadily on the ring!


Only this action, instantly ignited the atmosphere of the whole audience!

"Mr. Qin is a cow!"

"Hold the grass, Miss Qin can't miss it!"

"Come on, Miss Qin. You are so handsome!"

For a time, the students who had pinched a handful of sweat for Qin Tian showed their excitement and began to cheer for Qin Tian!

Zhou Xiong looked at Qin Tian's way of getting on the stage, and his face turned black! At the same time, the bottom of my heart scolded me. Why didn't I think of such a hanging way on stage!?

For a time, Zhou Xiong put his own account of not showing off to Qin Tian.

"I'll see how you can be handsome later!" Zhou Xiong looked ferocious and compared a middle finger to Qin Tian!

Qin Tian shrugged, "what I said just now is still valid. Do you want to give me two hands?"

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