Naked provocation!

Qin Tian said a word, immediately caused the surrounding screams, some 17-8-year-old female students in succession to Qin Tian put out a flower crazy!

For them, Qin Tian is not important to win or lose, as long as handsome!

In contrast, only a dozen Taekwondo players were left to cheer Zhou Xiong. Even in this case, even more than a dozen of them stopped fighting and their morale was low!

Zhou Xiong's face has become a pig liver color, hate to look at Qin Tian, "since you want to give me both hands, then you let it go!"

Zhou Xiong sneered from the bottom of his heart. Since you want to die, don't blame me for being cruel!

Just then, a referee like man stepped onto the arena and stood between them!

"Players from both sides are ready!" The referee stretched out his right hand in front of the two and forced them to separate a little.

"The nature of this competition is" Chinese Kung Fu and Taekwondo exchange competition ". The red side Qin Tian and the blue side Zhou Xiong, please get ready for the competition

According to the rules, Qin Tian and Zhou Xiong want to raise their hands to indicate that the referee is ready, but Qin Tian doesn't know, so they casually deal with it, but his random move makes Zhou Xiong gnash his teeth again!

Because in his opinion, Qin Tian did not respect Taekwondo.

"There's a lot of bullshit. Do you want to fight!? Don't beat me Qin Tian scolded impatiently.

Zhou Xiong's face became more and more ugly. He raised his eyes and motioned the referee to leave.

The referee got to know him for a long time and helped him host many competitions that made him angry. Naturally, he understood Zhou Xiong's meaning. Then he took a pity on Qin Tian and left the arena without hesitation!

"Today, I'll let you know that taekwondo is not comparable to China's fancy Kung Fu!" When Zhou Xiong moves, it is the sign of Taekwondo. His legs are nailed to the ground, just like two wooden posts, motionless!

Qin Tian's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Maybe it's the influence of inheritance in his head. Qin Tian can't stand it. Some people say that Chinese traditional things are not good. Whether it's the book of changes, metaphysics, traditional Chinese medicine, or Chinese traditional martial arts, in Qin Tian's opinion, this is the essence handed down by the ancestors for thousands of years. It's not something that can be compared with foreign things that have only followed for decades!

At the moment, Zhou Xiong, as a Chinese person and a teacher of Chinese higher learning institutions, actually said such public opinions contrary to China, which made Qin Tian feel disgusted from the bottom of his heart!

At this moment, Qin Tian felt that his competition with him was no longer for swearing Li Xinran's sovereignty. He wanted to prove to thousands of college students that Chinese martial arts is the real essence and the inheritance of history. Its existence is far beyond the comparison of those second-class martial arts!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian will carry his hands behind him, a leg raised high, then put out a golden rooster independent posture!

Said to give him two hands, that will certainly give him two hands, Qin Tian will never break his promise!

"Put on airs. I'll see how you'll pretend to be forced later!"

Zhou Xiong snorted coldly. His body shook and rushed towards Qin Tian!


A taekwondo standard big drink, Zhou Xiong's right leg suddenly kicked out, the target is Qin Tian's head!

Qin Tianleng snorted. He lay back on his back and avoided Zhou Xiong's feet. The leg he raised suddenly kicked outside, not slanting or slanting, just kicking on Zhou Xiong's thigh root!


A muffled sound, Zhou Xiong's right leg has not been able to kick Qin Tian's head, he was kicked by Qin Tian and flew out!

"If you practice Kung Fu, your legs should be the root, and the footwall should be stable. If you can't even stand, how can you fight?" Qin Tian ridiculed Zhou Xiong mercilessly.

From the beginning, Qin Tian can see that Zhou Xiong's strength lies in his legs, and he also knows that his next set of Kung Fu is absolutely powerful. But the more so, the more Qin Tian wants to attack him in this respect, and the more he wants to completely destroy his will!

Zhou Xiong, who was kicked to the ground by Qin Tian, instantly turned red!

He wanted to refute, but he couldn't find any refutation point, because he was really kicked on the ground by Qin Tian!

And it's still when the other party is independent!

This foot can be said to be a thorough face!

With the fall of Qin Tian's voice, there was thunderous applause on the field!

This applause not only cheers for Qin Tian, but also for Qin Tian's determination to guard Chinese Kung Fu!

Zhou Xiong stood up with a red face and glanced back and forth at the audience with the rest of his eyes. He found that many people were hostile to themselves!

In a flash, Zhou Xiong's hatred for Qin Tian rose again!

If put in the usual, all their own games have countless cheers for themselves, but today, I actually stand in the opposite of the audience!

It's all this damned Qin Tian. If it wasn't for him, how could he have fallen into such a situation!

How can he be loved by so many people!?

For a time, Zhou Xiong evil from the heart, the brain is dominated by negative emotions!Thinking of this, Zhou Xiong had a big drink, and his body suddenly jumped up!

"Look, it's coach Zhou's best 360 degree swing kick!"

A taekwondo student next to the arena got up excitedly and pointed to Zhou Xiong. His eyes were full of blazing light!

360 degree whirl kick is Zhou Xiong's unique skill to become famous. With this move, he has never met an opponent since his college days!

Today with this move, we can see how much he hates Qin Tian!

Qin Tian is not a little white. When he saw Zhou Xiong's move, he naturally knew that he had made a cruel attack on himself, and his brow was frowned and a killing opportunity appeared in his eyes!

Qin Tian's left leg was bent, and his leg was suddenly forced. His whole body was like a shell, and he was half empty!

In an instant, all the audience were surprised to open their eyes!

Qin Tian, who was in the air, jerked his waist muscles and swung his right leg round. His long leg was like a steel whip and hurled it towards Zhou Xiong!


With a loud noise, Zhou Xiong, who has just finished 360 degrees of rotation, is not biased and is just swung on his shoulder by Qin Tian!


Zhou Xiong's scapula broke instantly, and his body fell to the ground from the air with a loud bang!

In a flash, the whole meeting hall became quiet!

In the whole game, Qin Tian only made two moves. Each time he kicked Zhou Xiong to the ground, and even the last time he kicked Zhou Xiong's scapula clean and clean!

What power is this!?

After a few seconds of silence, the scene issued thunderous applause, and everyone got up to shout for Qin Tian!

"Mr. Qin is mighty!"

"Mr. Qin, I must learn health preservation from you!"

"Miss Qin, I'm going to give you a monkey!"

Qin Tian ignored the students in the audience, and slowly walked up to Zhou Xiong and looked down at him.

"Did you take it?" Qin Tian asked him.

Zhou Xiong covered his shoulder and clenched his teeth. Although he was sweating with pain, his eyes were still looking at Qin Tian coldly, "I don't accept it! In a good match, you have poisoned me. You have no sportsmanship and are not worthy to be a teacher

Zhou Xiong's villains report first!

"I don't deserve it!" Qin Tian's face was full of sarcastic smile, "there was no irreconcilable contradiction between you and me, but because of jealousy and inner distortion, you actually gave me a hard hand in the competition. Do you dare to say that I am not qualified to be a teacher?"

Qin Tian disdains to look at him, can only say that he is responsible for his own fault, even if he was beaten and maimed, he still can't blame others!

"You don't have to be hard spoken. You hurt me if you talk too much! If you are such a person, I will report to the school leaders and punish you! "

Zhou Xiong has a vicious smile in his eyes.

For ordinary people, to get a job as a university teacher is extremely rare!

Zhou Xiong's father and caring people used to be alumni. Caring people will give him a little face no matter what they do. Today, Qin Tian beat him, Zhou Xiong will add fuel to his memory and reflect it to caring people!

At that time, Qin Tian is still uncertain whether he can be a teacher with the accusation of deliberately injuring others!

"Who asked me to reflect on the problem?"

At this time, a group of people came into the gymnasium. The head of the group was the newly promoted president of the medical college, caring for the people! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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