Caring for the people with a cold face, extremely unhappy looking at the scene of the situation!

"Uncle Guan, the teacher named Qin Tian, gave me a hard hand in the competition with me. He deliberately hurt people and broke my scapula!"

When Zhou Xiong saw that caring for the people came, he immediately showed a very painful look. His tone was full of grievances!

"Oh!? Is it? That's really a grievance to coach Zhou! " Guanhuaimin tone is not good, a pair of eyes to see Zhou Xiong is also all over the cold!

When Zhou Xiong heard the tone of caring for the people, he immediately felt happy. He thought that caring for the people was because Qin Tian hurt himself!

Thinking of this, Zhou Xiong hastened to add fuel and even covered his shoulder and shivered!

"Uncle Guan, you must make up your mind for me. Let Qin Tian leave our school, or else we will teach the students bad..."

"since Professor Zhou is injured, don't worry about these things."

Zhou Xiong didn't finish his words, caring people forced him to interrupt him, followed him to Qin Tian and held his hands with concern, "doctor Qin, are you not hurt?"

Caring people are full of concern, which is in sharp contrast with the cold tone of treating Zhou Xiong!

Zhou Xiong was stunned. Before Qin Tian could speak, he got up and jumped to the front of caring people. "Mr. Guan, I was injured by him, and my shoulder blades were broken..."

as he said that, Zhou Xiong suddenly closed his mouth!

It's not because he has no words, but because the caring people look at their eyes. It's so cold that he can't feel a trace of temperature!

What's the situation?! This door-to-door son-in-law is even harder than their own relationship!?

When he was thinking about these things, he only heard a cold hum from caring people.

"Since coach Zhou is not feeling well, go home and have a rest. I will find someone to do your work for you. Just rest at home." Caring for the people said.

This time, Zhou Xiong is completely stupid!

What does caring for the people mean!? This is to let oneself sit on the bench!?

Go home for a rest!? It's better to say it's a long vacation!

"No, I don't need to. In fact, teacher Qin didn't kick much hard just now. It won't affect his work..." Zhou Xiong grinned bitterly. He even moved his shoulders in pain to prove that Qin Tian's foot was OK!

"Oh!? It's OK! " Caring people frowned and looked at him, "since it's OK, then continue to work."

With that, caring people took Qin Tian and walked outside the stadium, leaving Zhou Xiong a group of people in disorder in the wind!

As he walked out of the gymnasium, caring people explained to Qin Tian: "Zhou Xiong is the son of my old classmate. After I was admitted to our school, I took care of him. But I didn't expect that he would dare to commit crimes in the school by relying on the relationship with me. It's really..."

caring people said and sighed bitterly.

Qin Tian smiles and doesn't care.

"Doctor Qin, look at my old face, you don't have the same insight with him. I will go back to his father and say that I will criticize and educate him!"

He cared for the people and was afraid of Qin Tian's revenge, so he made a statement to Qin Tian in a hurry.

"I've already taught him a lesson. If you don't mind, you can come to my jishengtang and I'll set his bones for free." Qin Tian smiles.

There is no deep hatred, there is no need to cling to one thing. It is the so-called forgiveness and forgiveness, even if it is over.

After hearing this, caring people immediately nodded with a smile, "it's best if you can think like this, but what should be criticized is still to criticize. I will go to his home and say well with his family."

Caring for the people and Qin Tian said while walking, they soon came to the parking lot. Caring for the people has a heavy task. It is not only to manage the school, but also to participate in the medical work of the affiliated hospital. Therefore, they are basically in the school in the morning and go to the hospital in the afternoon.

Caring people left without saying, Qin Tian pulled Li Xinran to the great Lord, and drove to get ready to go home.

But at this time, Qin Tian's phone rang, looked down, the screen is actually the focal distance!

In an instant, Qin Tian's head was buzzing for a moment, and a sense of uneasiness that he could not explain clearly and clearly appeared in his mind!

Gently click the green answer key on the mobile phone, Qin Tian gently feeds.

"Are you Qin Tian?"

A hoarse voice came from the phone. Qin Tian frowned as soon as he heard it.

Jiao Cheng, something happened!

"You're the one in the morning, aren't you?" Qin Tian stabilized his mind and asked calmly.

"Well, I said, as long as you have him, you can't run." The man across the phone smile, the tone can not say the calm.

"What do you want?" Qin Tian asked.

"I'll give you ten minutes to get to this abandoned factory building in the morning. If I'm one minute late, I'll cut off one of his hands and feet, and five minutes later... I'll kill him!"Man's voice does not have the slightest emotion, even across the phone, Qin Tian can detect the cold on his body!

Du hung up the phone, Qin Tian suddenly dropped the mobile phone on the central console!

"Qin Tian, what happened?" Li Xinran sitting in the co pilot, see Qin Tian two color is not right, quickly tied up the safety belt.

Qin Tian did not have time to explain with Li Xinran, insert the key to start the car, step on the accelerator at the bottom!

The Lord rushed out like a wild beast, and the students around him were scared to dodge!

"Ah The car almost hit the taxi when turning out of the school gate. Li Xinran screamed with fright!

"Qin Tian, what happened?" Li Xinran looks pale, she has never seen Qin Tian show such an expression!

"Brother Jiaocheng has been arrested. In ten minutes, I have to get to the abandoned factory building in the eastern suburbs to save you!"

Qin Tian's face was ferocious, and his forehead was covered with sweat!

Li Xinran a listen, immediately covered his mouth!

Although it is only ten kilometers away from the abandoned factory buildings in the eastern suburbs, there are many people and cars along the way, and there are many traffic lights. If you want to catch up in ten minutes, it is almost a dream!

"Then you..."


Before Li Xinran's words were finished, the Lord forced his way through the red light and hit the front of a BMW. Relying on the powerful power, he just bumped the BMW and forced it to pass!

Through the rearview mirror, Li Xinran saw the BMW owner jump foot to scold!

"Qin Tian, you calm down..." Li Xinran grabbed the handle by the door, for fear that Qin Tian would come again!

At this time, Qin Tian didn't care about it. Relying on the power advantage of the great Lord, he bumped and bumped for more than ten times on the way. Finally, he left the city and arrived at the eastern suburb!

Li Xinran looked at the time on the console screen. It took only eight minutes!

"Wait for me in the car! If I can't get out in ten minutes, you can drive by yourself

Qin Tian stares at Li Xinran and says it very seriously. Without waiting for Li Xinran to react, Qin Tian rushes towards the factory building with a cart door!

Time is urgent, Qin Tian does not dare to waste time, green energy throughout the body, will speed up to an incredible level!

Qin Tian's mind is full of the cold voice of that man's phone. Qin Tiansi has no doubt that he will focus on the target range!

Such a person, who said he could chop his hands, would never chop his feet!

Qin Tian can't afford to gamble!

Dozens of seconds, Qin Tian across hundreds of meters, a bang will fall on the gate of the abandoned factory building!

"A minute later than I expected." Looking at Qin Tian, the expression on his face is full of banter!

Nine minutes, he said it was one minute slower than he expected!

What about the focal range Qin Tian's face is serious, and his tone is full of cold killing intention!

This man, there is not a trace of scars all over his body!

Although Jiao Cheng has missed the golden age of the special forces, his strength is still there. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to subdue them easily!

And the person in front of him, not only regarding his own limit speed as usual, but also has no trace to subdue his focal range, which shows his strength!

"It's not a good thing to be so murderous." The man smiles and doesn't care about Qin Tian's mood. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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