The man blew a teasing whistle with a gesture that was not in line with his temperament, then turned around and walked into the abandoned factory building.

Qin Tian frowns slightly, without hesitation to follow up!

The area of the abandoned factory building is very large. Qin Tian is not the first time to come here. The most clear one is that he communicated with hundreds of ghosts and searched for Li Zheng's lost soul everywhere, which almost covered the whole factory area!

And this time, the man with Qin Tian, actually straight toward the most central part of the factory building that open space to go!

They did not speak, and soon entered the open space, the man also stopped in the middle of the open space.

He raised his hand high and pointed to the wall in the East!

Qin Tianshun looked at the past with his hands. In an instant, Qin Tian was furious, and his eyes became blood red!

On the east side of the wall, a figure covered with blood was spreading its limbs and was nailed to the wall by four wooden sticks with thick arms!

This person, not Jiao Cheng, can be who!

Qin Tian looks at Jiao Cheng with grief and indignation. The four sticks are nailed into the scapula of his shoulders and the root of his two thighs, and he stands on the wall!

And look at that technique, it is absolutely one hit must hit, inserted into the time without any hesitation!

"Damn you!"

In a flash, Qin Tian's body burst out a startling murderous spirit, as if carrying a sea of corpses and blood, instantly shrouded the man in!

The man felt Qin Tian's killing intention and was stunned slightly. He seemed to have never thought that Qin Tian had such a strong killing intention. Then he gave a faint smile, "then you will kill me!"

With that, the man took off his coat and revealed his strong muscles. What followed was a burning breath on his body!

Seeing this scene, Qin Tian's pupils shrank, and the green energy instantly concentrated in his eyes. He looked at the person in front of him carefully!

"This is..."

red energy!

The man actually has the same breath as him, and the energy can generate heat wave!

"How come you, a martial arts master with wood attribute, should be so surprised by fire attribute Qi?" There was a sarcastic smile on the man's face.

Qin Tianwen speech, suddenly again a surprise!

The green energy in one's body is wood attribute!? And listen to what he said, the red energy in his body is fire attribute!?

Zhenqi, a word that makes Qin Tian no stranger!

In the nineties of last century, the most common form of energy in martial arts novels, I didn't expect that it also appeared in my body today!

"You don't know!" The man noticed Qin Tian's expression, and a look of great surprise appeared in his eyes, "your family or school didn't tell you this!"

Qin Tian bit his teeth and gave a bang. He didn't speak.

Then the mysterious man laughed wildly, "so it is. It turns out that he is a lucky man who has no family or school, but is a lucky man who has been passed on by accident because of his bad luck!"

Qin Tianwen speech, the heart is more startled!

He even knows his own inheritance!

For a moment, Qin Tian tightly grasped his fists!

In this world, how many things do you not know!?

Qin Tian bit his teeth and shook his head twice.

Now there is no time to think about these, green energy... No, it should be covered by wood attribute Qi. Qin Tian can clearly hear the sound of blood dripping on the ground in focal range!

He must get rid of the man in front of him as soon as possible. If he drags on, the focal range may be abandoned!

"Remember, the man who killed you is Ji Haoyuan!"

All of a sudden, the man a low drink, fire attribute real Qi instant burst!

See a flash of red light, the entire empty space of the waste factory building has become hot, a red figure then suddenly toward Qin Tian attack come!


With a muffled sound, before Qin Tian could react, Ji Haoyuan's fist fell down with the power of flame!

In a hurry, Qin Tian can only cross his arms in front of him and block his fist!

Powerful real gas collision, let Qin Tian fly out in an instant, until dragging more than ten meters on the ground, finally stabilized his body!

At the moment, looking at Ji Haoyuan, he still keeps his fist posture, standing in the same place without even moving!

Qin Tian takes a breath!

This man is so strong!

Qin Tian wanted to call Qin Yue and Li Xiaoshuang out of the jade. However, it was in the scorching sun. Calling them out at this time was tantamount to sending them to death. Even if they barely appeared in the shadow, it was difficult to give full play to their strength!

"Damn it!" Qin Tian roared.

Ji Haoyuan looked at Qin Tian with a disdainful look on his face. "I didn't expect that a martial master of your level could make people pay such a high price. It's ridiculous to ask our Ji family to do itAfter that, Ji Haoyuan's body flashed again, and the red light of fire hit Qin Tian again!


Again, Qin Tian was forced back more than ten meters!

"How dare you to pick up my fist twice in a row!" Ji Haoyuan sneered, "can't you even know the mutual restraint of the five elements?"

Qin Tian felt the burning sensation from his arms and breathed heavily.

Five elements against each other!? Thinking of this, Qin Tian immediately understood why Ji Haoyuan was so much better than himself!

The five elements can overcome each other, wood can control soil, soil can control water, water can control fire, fire can control gold, and gold can conquer wood!

Although the fire attribute is not a direct control of wood, it is also a secondary control of wood, which has a very obvious suppression on the wood attribute of qintian!

No wonder, no wonder they will suffer such a big loss in the confrontation!

"Why, still thinking about countermeasures?" Ji Haoyuan sneered, "the attribute of true Qi is doomed from the moment you practice. You will be restrained by me. Can you change your attribute?"

After that, Ji Haoyuan laughed again!

Qin Tian gave a sigh of relief, followed the corner of his mouth and then slightly bent up, "maybe, I can really change the attribute!"

With these words, the wood attribute genuine Qi covered by the celestial body of Qin Dynasty instantly returns to its original position, and is replaced by a gray genuine Qi, ghost Qi, which makes people feel cold all over the body!

In a flash, Ji Haoyuan was like a quack duck, who was held by his throat in an instant. He was stunned on the spot!

"You... You have two attributes of true Qi in your body!"

Incredible! It's incredible!

How can a person have two attributes!?

"Now, I don't think I'll get caught!"

Ji Haoyuan's right hand smashes the air of the sky, and the ghost blows down his body!

"Think you can fight me if you change your attributes!? Dream Ji Haoyuan's face was ferocious. He did not retreat, but advanced. He rushed towards Qin Tian!

The gray genuine gas and the Red Genuine gas collide instantaneously, the powerful explosive force mercilessly shakes them to fly out!

Qin Tian still flies back more than ten meters. When he stands still, he finds that Ji Haoyuan has only stepped back!

It can be seen that even if there is no attribute Xiangke, there is a great power gap between Qin Tian and Ji Haoyuan!

However, compared with just now, Ji Haoyuan did not move, and he was much better!

"I don't have time to waste with you. If there's nothing else to say, you can die!"

With that, Ji Haoyuan's fire attribute Qi suddenly fluctuated, and a red flame formed in his hand, as if something was controlling it. In an instant, he formed a rotating flame dart!

"Boy, die!"

Ji Haoyuan's hoarse voice rang out. With enough strength, he suddenly pushed out his fire attribute Qi. The rotating flame dart flew out towards Qin Tian!

Qin Tian a look, almost no hesitation to turn around and then hide!

Because he knew that he would never be able to take the shot without a wound!

All he can do now is hide!

However, to his disappointment, no matter how he dodged, the flame dart seemed to rely on him. It was always chasing after him, and could not be thrown away no matter how he threw it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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