"Boy, die!"

Ji Haoyuan's hoarse voice sounded again. Qin Tian quickly turned his head and saw Ji Haoyuan's right hand condense a spinning flame dart again. In an instant, he threw it out!

Two darts before and after the attack, immediately flew to Qin Tian's body!

Qin Tian's heart was shocked, and a cold sweat had appeared on his forehead!

And at this time, Qin Tian's mind appeared two light jingle sound!

"Martial arts, fire cloud dart, start to re engrave!"

"Martial arts, water dragon technique, re engraved successfully!"

Two voices almost at the same time, Qin Tian's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of fine awn!

He doesn't care about the fire cloud dart. The key is water dragon!

The last time we fought with Qin Yue, Qin Tian's spirit consciousness in his mind had already begun to re engrave Qin Yue's water dragon skill. After four days, we finally succeeded!

For a time, Qin Tian's face showed a ferocious smile!

Five elements against each other, water against fire!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian almost did not hesitate, suddenly forward a jump, the body suddenly turned around!

In an instant, the whole open space water mist, Qin Tian's hands suddenly condensed two majestic water vapor!

"Water dragon technique!"

With the fall of Qin Tian's voice, two jets of water surged up from his hands and rose up to the sky at an incredible speed, interwoven into a blue water dragon!

A loud and clear dragon chant, the blue water dragon circled, and Qin Tian was protected in the middle!

Whoa! Whoa!

Two voices sounded, fire cloud darts one after another into the body of the water dragon, only a moment then annihilated in the majestic water vapor!

"What... What?"

Ji Haoyuan was surprised to open his mouth and couldn't believe it!

It's water attribute. It's really Qi!

This discovery shocked Ji Haoyuan!

So far, Qin Tian actually used wood, ghost, water, three attributes of true Qi!

There are three kinds of true Qi in one's body!

According to common sense, a person has only one elixir field, and only one type of true Qi can be stored in the Dantian field. Once the true Qi of other attributes is introduced into the body, it will cause inevitable collision of genuine Qi, which will lead to explosion. As a result, the elixir field will be destroyed completely, and the cultivation will be completely lost, and the life will be lost if it is serious!

But this Qin Tian, a few short exchanges, a few minutes of time, actually used three attributes of true Qi, is he really crazy to absorb the three attributes of true Qi!?

Or... He has a secret!?

Thinking of this, Ji Haoyuan exposed greedy eyes in his eyes!

If it is true that there are other secrets, then today I can make a lot of money!

Once you get the secret and cultivate the true Qi of the three attributes, your strength will change dramatically. You will certainly pay attention to it in the family, and your status will rise with the tide, and even get the opportunity of personal guidance from the ancestors of the family!

At that time, who dares to make a face to oneself!? The whole family, who dare to look down on themselves!?

Thinking about it, Ji Haoyuan trembled with excitement!

Qin Tian didn't know what Ji Haoyuan thought. Even he himself was in deep thought!

"Auntie, are you there?" Qin Tian tried to communicate with Qin Yue through soul connection.

"Come on, I've been looking at you."

Although Qin Yue could not come out in the daytime, she could see everything outside the jade.

"When you were alive, did you practice the two true Qi of wood and water?"

Qin Tian tries to ask Qin Yue, because he wants to confirm that Qin Yue is one body and two practices, or has the ability to reproduce like himself!

Because he found that Ji Haoyuan's face was full of shock when he saw that he showed several kinds of true Qi!

It can be seen that this ability is not available to everyone who cultivates genuine Qi!

"Do you think it's possible!" Qin Yue didn't understand why Qin Tian asked such a question. "I'm the Qin family. The Qin family's ancestral cultivation method of wood's true Qi, and the water attribute was gradually acquired after I became a water ghost. Martial arts were also acquired by chance from the people who pursued me."

Qin Yue didn't know that Qin Tian had the ability to re engrave. It was just strange why Qin Tian asked such a question!

With Qin Yue's answer, Qin Tian is much calmer.

A person, without accident, can only cultivate one attribute of true Qi. Combined with Qin Yue's answer, his body's ability to reproduce is not spread by the Qin family, so there is only one result!

In the process of inheritance, I have acquired an ability that all martial artists don't have! And the ability to reproduce can also cross attribute boundaries!

And the most important point, in the Dantian of Qin Dynasty, there are two kinds of true Qi, i.e. Dala's lying wood attribute and ghost Qi!

In other words, the inheritance of Qin Tian was not as simple as Ji Haoyuan knew. After the inheritance, it was given multiple rights, which not only broke the traditional cognition that there was only one true Qi in the elixir field, but also created a kind of ability called reproduction!After inferring these, Qin Tian was excited and trembled!

That is to say, even if you put yourself in the world of martial arts, you are still the open existence!

To understand this, Qin Tiancai continued to look at Ji Haoyuan.

But it was this look that made Qin Tian stunned for a moment, because Ji Haoyuan's look was as excited as himself, especially his eyes, which were full of dreadful greed!

Oh, no! He must think that he has the secret method of cultivating multiple attributes of true Qi at the same time, which is to kill people and seize treasure!

Qin Tian saw the source of his greed at a glance!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian didn't dare to hesitate. He quickly interweaved his hands, and the blue water dragon hovering on his body instantly rose into the air. After a loud and clear chant of the dragon, the huge dragon head suddenly rushed towards Ji Haoyuan!


In a flash, the blue water dragon fell on Ji Haoyuan!


With a loud noise, the water splashed everywhere, and the whole open space was shrouded by steam!

Looking at this scene, Qin Tian showed a little relaxed expression on his face, because Qin Tian didn't think Ji Haoyuan could stand intact after being hit by the front of water dragon!

"Boy, you think you can beat me in this way!? How naive

All of a sudden, a hoarse voice from the inside of the steam, followed by a figure covered with fire red, slowly came out of the steam!

"What?" Qin Tian couldn't believe the air conditioner!

At the moment, Ji Haoyuan is covered with a layer of fire red transparent armor!

If there is no accident, it is this layer of flaming red armor that resisted the attack of cyan water dragon just now!

"Auntie, what is this?"

The ability of recreating in the spirit sense was not activated. Qin Tian didn't know what martial arts he was using.

Qin Yue glanced at the jade and said with disdain: "fire armor, the basic martial art of the Ji family in Guanzhong, can be condensed into armor with certain defensive function through fire attribute Qi."

"What am I going to do?" Qin Tian asked eagerly.

"Just break it." Qin Yue seems to treat an idiot, in Qin Tian's mind white his one eye.

Qin Tian grinned bitterly. His strongest martial art at present is the water dragon skill which has just been re engraved successfully, and it is also a martial art with mutual restriction of attributes. Even this can't break his armor. What else can he do to break him!?

Qin Yue seems to feel the helpless eyes of Qin Tian at the moment, and hums in the soul of Qin Tian, "no future!"

"At the age of 18, your father broke the shackles of a martial arts master and stepped into the realm of a master, and achieved the reputation of the Qin family as the first genius in a hundred years. Although I, your aunt, were not as good as your father, I also stepped into the same realm at the age of 21. What about you!? At the age of 24, he is still in the realm of martial arts. He not only doesn't practice hard, but also shows his dispirited feeling after meeting a little martial arts master of the Ji family who can't even rank in the rank. Is that all you can do for yourself? "

In the mind, Qin Yue's speech is sharp!

"Show your skill and don't disgrace your father's reputation!" Qin Yue held her head high and looked proud and coquettish. "I won't help you in today's battle. Similarly, Li Xiaoshuang, whose strength is far more than you and Ji Haoyuan, I will also prohibit fighting!"

"If you can't make it through today, I don't expect you to clean up your father's grievances."

After that, Qin Yue cut off the contact with Qin Tian. Even if Qin Tian spoke to her, she would no longer make any voice!

Qin Tian wryly smile, it seems that today he can rely on, really only himself!

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