At the moment, Qin Tian is surrounded by Wang Qingshan's soul. His whole body seems to be wearing black fog armor. Standing in front of Ji Haoyuan is like a god of death!

It has to be said that the enchantment carved from Chen Guang is really a martial art that can save lives at a critical moment!

Now, in addition to consuming a trace of ghost gas in his body at the beginning, the rest of the time is totally supported by Wang Qingshan!

Ji Haoyuan was biting his teeth and his forehead was covered with cold sweat!

"If you want to kill, you don't have to talk nonsense!"

Did not expect just a moment, he was burned a hand by Qin Tian!

He lost his right hand at the critical moment, so that Ji Haoyuan, who was at the end of his powerful crossbow, lost his fighting power in an instant. In front of Qin Tian, who was possessed with a soul, he was as powerless as a child!

"Kill you!" Qin Tian shook his head, pitifully looked at Ji Haoyuan, "killing you is not good for me."

Ji Haoyuan once heard, and once again bit his teeth tightly, "what do you want?"

"Tell me, who sent you to kill me?"

Qin Tian was at a commanding position. The dark fog wrapped his right hand, and instantly turned into a ghost like sword, which was put on Ji Haoyuan's neck!


With a slight sound, the blade transformed by ghost Qi immediately cut off Ji Haoyuan's skin and revealed the bright red flesh inside!

Ji Haoyuan looked at the ghost Qi in Qin Tian's hand, and did not doubt whether he would be in a different position if he went down with this knife!

"Ha, ha ha..." a burst of unrestrained laughter, Ji Haoyuan seemed to hear what a funny question in general, "do you think, I will tell you

With that, Ji Haoyuan's eyes were full of scorn!

Qin Tian looked at his appearance, and was not angry. He just stood in front of him calmly, "don't sell the employer, just because the chips are not enough. In my opinion, you will tell me!"

"Oh!" Ji Haoyuan raised his eyebrows. "What kind of conditions can you offer?"

"Forgive you not to die!"

Qin Tian's cold voice rang out, which made Ji Haoyuan tremble all over the body!

"What you're saying is true!" Ji Haoyuan suddenly trembled with excitement!

Who wants to die if you can live!? Whether he betrays his employer or not, it is the most important that he lives!

"I can swear by heaven that I won't kill you as long as you tell me who the employer is!"

Qin Tian's voice was very cold, but it fell in Ji Haoyuan's ears like the sounds of nature!

"Then you swear!" Ji Haoyuan stared at Qin Tian with wide eyes, for fear that he would play some tricks.

Qin Tian glanced at him faintly, then raised his right hand and pointed to the heaven, "I, Qin Tian, swear by heaven, as long as Ji Haoyuan tells me who the employer is, I will spare him forever!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a breath of road in the air, which surrounded Qin Tian!

Needless to say, it must be the shackles that heaven imposed on Qin Tian!

"And... And the devil in you, he can't kill me!"

You don't want to kill me, but what about the devil in you!? Don't you kill me!?

This kind of word game can cheat others, want to cheat me!?

Ji Haoyuan sneered, his face full of cunning!

Qin Tian glances at him, and instantly removes the attachment between him and Wang Qingshan. The appearance of Wang Qingshan's green face and fangs instantly appears in front of Qin Tian, protecting Qin Tian behind him!

"I, Wang Qingshan, swear by the way of heaven, as long as Ji Haoyuan tells my master who is the employer of Qin Tian, I will spare him from death!"

After that, the power of the second way of heaven will penetrate into his body in the future. Once he disobeys the way of heaven, he will be beaten to death in an instant!

Ji Haoyuan heard the speech, and immediately burst into laughter!

This is a close call!

Even if you betray your employer, what if you are rejected by your peers!? How about being chased by the family!? At least I survived!

"Now it's time to tell who sent you to kill my master!" Wang Qingshan snorted coldly, obviously dissatisfied with Ji Haoyuan's attitude!

Qin Tian also stares at Ji Haoyuan with frost on his face.

"Huhai Wujia!" Ji Haoyuan did not hesitate to report the employer's name!

"How much did they pay you to kill me?" Qin Tian's face became more and more ugly.

At the beginning, Wu Qilin of the Wu family in Shanghai was just a quarrel, but he didn't expect to change all the way. He actually developed into an immortal enemy!

"Please my Ji family, the natural price is not cheap!" Ji Haoyuan said, then arrogantly raised his head, "30 million!"

Qin Tian was stunned by his speech!

When Ji's family offered a reward in the underground world, Nie Zhiyang told himself that he had only two million yuan. He didn't expect that it had risen to 30 million yuan in less than a month!

"What!? What a surprise Ji Haoyuan sneered, "if you hadn't issued a task of anti hunting and killing the Wu family, the Wu family would have spent such a high price to kill you!"Huhai Wu family, because of Qin Tian's reward task, four injured three people, each of them is the pure lineage of Wu family!

If you die like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before this branch of huhai Wujia will be extinct!

When things got to this point, Wu Haitang, the head of the Wu family in Shanghai, ordered Qin Tian to be removed even at a huge cost!

However, even the mercenary regiment secretly trained by the samurai family of the island kingdom was destroyed in Qin Tian's hands. Who has the courage to come here!?

Therefore, Wu Haitang made a decision and raised the reward to 30 million yuan. Only then did the hermit family see the news and Ji Haoyuan came to kill Qin Tian.

It's just a pity that the Ji family didn't seem to pay attention to Qin Tian. They just sent a member of the family at the bottom of the list, which led to the result that Ji Haoyuan was abandoned by Qin Tian today!

"30 million..." Qin Tian pondered, full of irony in the tone, "huhai Wu family is really rich."

Ji Haoyuan didn't care about the gratitude and resentment between Qin Tian and the Wu family. He covered his right hand and stood up. "Since it's OK, I'll go first!"

Finish saying, raise a leg to walk toward the gate of waste factory building.

"I said I wouldn't kill you, but I didn't think I'd let you go!"

The voice of Qin Tian came from Ji Haoyuan's body like the ghost of hell, which made Ji Haoyuan tremble in his heart!

"What do you want?" Ji Haoyuan squints at Qin Tian carefully.

"Since you are willing to kill me for 30 million yuan, it means that you have more than 30 million yuan. Am I right?" Qin Tian sneered.

"Money?" Ji Haoyuan asked in a deep voice, but he didn't dare not give it. Even though he was nervous, his face was still calm and light, "did I give you money and I can go now?"!? No, I gave you money. Do you have any other ideas? "

Qin Tian didn't care about him. He reported the card number of the money laundering card prepared by Jiao Cheng directly to him, "in ten minutes, I want to see the money in."

Ji Haoyuan bit his teeth, but he took out his mobile phone and transferred the money to Qin Tian's card number without hesitation!

Sure enough, Qin Tian soon received the information that the money arrived.

"Can I go now?" Ji Haoyuan bit his teeth, 30 million, almost all his property.

Even if you have completed the task for the family, you will only take a part of the Commission. Most of them will go into the family's account. If you can save 30 million, you will still work hard!

"Well, you can go." Qin Tian looked at him with a look in his eyes like a dead man!

When Ji Haoyuan saw Qin Tian's eyes, his heart suddenly became cold!

But at the thought of Qin Tian's vow to heaven, he decided again.

"He... He should not dare to take the risk of breaking the oath of heaven..."

thinking of this, Ji Haoyuan quickly turned around and ran to the gate as fast as he could!

"Little frost!"

Qin Tian calmly called out, the jade pendant on his chest lit up a white figure, and rushed to Ji Haoyuan at an incredible speed!


With a muffled sound, Li Xiaoshuang's slender arm thrust into Ji Haoyuan's chest effortlessly, and a stream of blood suddenly spurted out! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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