
Ji Haoyuan looked at the blood holes in his chest and turned to Qin Tian in disbelief.

At the moment, besides Wang Qingshan and Li Xiaoshuang, Qin Tian even stands out!

"How could this be..."

Ji Haoyuan couldn't figure out why Qin Tian had such a powerful ghost, but he still fought with himself with his life!

"Let's go."

Qin Tian breathed a long sigh of relief, and took the crowd to walk out.

"That's it Qin Yue's voice sounded, calm people can not feel a trace of emotion.

Qin Tian was stunned when he heard the speech. He looked at Qin Yue in doubt and said, "is there anything else?"

Qin Yue's chin picked slightly, pointing to the position where Ji Haoyuan died!

Qin Tian turned to look at the past, and suddenly his heart jumped!

On Ji Haoyuan's body, there was a white shadow rising slowly, and in the process of rising, it quickly turned black!

"Devil!" Qin Tian could not help but be excited to ponder a sound!

Qin Yue can't give people away. He just needs a ghost servant!

Almost without hesitation, Qin Tian threw out the five little five emperor coins he carried with him. Without deviation, he just placed a five element trapped array beside Ji Haoyuan!

"You... Don't bully people too much!"

Ji Haoyuan himself is a martial arts master. Naturally he knows what changes have taken place in his body. Qin Tian is trapped in the array. Of course, he also understands what Qin Tian means!

"I only said I would not kill you, but I did not say I would not destroy your soul!"

Qin Tian looks at Ji Haoyuan and releases an incomparable murderous spirit!

Ji Haoyuan looked at it, and his pupils shrank!

This Qin Tian, actually moved to kill oneself!

"Don't... Don't, I'd like to be the Lord like them!"

Ji Haoyuan was completely scared!

After death, the soul can continue to cultivate, but it's just a way to practice. Once the soul is destroyed, he will never be super life and nothing will be lost!

"Then you're not going to draw the spell!" Li Xiaoshuang a rebuke, fierce ghost oppresses mercilessly covering the past!

Ji Haoyuan felt the pressure and turned pale in an instant!

Qin Tian has such a level of subordinates!?

For a moment, Ji Haoyuan felt cold all over!

If Qin Tian released this person just now, I don't think it's a fight. I'm afraid I can't even run!?

You know, the fierce ghost level master corresponds to the master level of human friars, which is a level higher than yourself!

At this moment, Ji Haoyuan completely gave up his other plans. As soon as he lifted his hands, he began to depict the charm in mid air.

"I, Ji Haoyuan, would like to worship Qin Tian as the Lord. If he had his heart, the way of heaven would be destroyed! Yes

Ji Haoyuan roared, and the charm flew into Qin Tian's body!

In a flash, a force of heaven's way fell on them. Qin Tian clearly felt his control over Ji Haoyuan's life and death in the depth of his spiritual consciousness!

"It's over here. Let's go."

Qin Tian inquired about Qin Yue in a consultative tone, and Qin Yue nodded, "go back as soon as possible. I'm afraid the boy surnamed Jiao won't last long."

Qin Yupei beckons to Qin Yushuang.

The great Lord was driven away by Li Xinran with Jiao Cheng. Qin Tian had no time to look for transportation. He simply controlled Wang Qingshan and Ji Haoyuan directly. Standing on them, he flew into the air!

"Xinran, where are you now?" Qin Tian nervously dials Li Xinran's phone.

"Qin Tian, it's great that you're OK. I'm in the medical center now. Doctor Lu of Huisheng hall is giving elder brother Jiao Cheng another life. Come back quickly!"

On the other end of the phone, Li Xinran heard Qin Tian's voice and cried out excitedly!

Several hours of suffering, every moment in the worry about Qin Tian, the mind is Qin Tian that is covered with blood figure!

Qin Tian hung up the phone, forced the body to recover a little ghost gas, controlled two people, and then flew toward the direction of the hospital!

In less than three minutes, Qin Tian landed at the gate of the hospital!

Almost without hesitation, Qin Tian opened the refrigerator hidden in the medicine cabinet, tore off a piece of ginseng and put it into his mouth!

Under the catalysis of wood attribute genuine Qi, ginseng turned into a spirit liquid, which was swallowed by Qin Tian, and the genuine Qi in Dantian instantly recovered more than 30%!

All the actions were completed in one go, Qin Tian rushed into the inner hall without any hesitation!

Here, a rickety old man is standing in front of a strong man covered with blood, giving him needles!

"Old Lu!"

Qin Tian came forward and called out in a hurry!

Lu Bingqian has already been sweating. Since Li Xinran called him in the afternoon, he hasn't even had time to drink!At the moment, hearing Qin Tian's cry, it seems to suddenly fall into the sounds of nature, the whole body is relaxed a lot!

"You're back at last!" Lu Bingqian gave a hard smile, "fortunately, he is still alive, the rest... I can't do anything about it!"

Qin Tian nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Mr. Lu. That's enough. Please rest on one side and give me the rest."

An 80 year old man has been standing since the afternoon. At this moment, Qin Tian's gratitude to Lu Bingqian is beyond words!

Lu Bingqian smiles and nods. With the help of Lu Qianmo, he gives up his position to Qin Tian. He sits next to him. He can hardly move!

Qin Tian looks at Lu Bingqian gratefully again, and then focuses on Jiao Cheng's body!


Gu Xiaomin pushed the eyes on his face, followed Qin Tian in and stood beside Qin Tian!

"Not yet!" Qin Tian was a little surprised, but then he nodded, "since I haven't left, let's have a look at it more... Stand aside and give me a hand!"

After finishing, Gu Xiaomin doesn't pay attention to Qin Xiaomin!

Jiao Cheng's body is full of silver needles. The most prominent one is the silver needles on the eighteen main acupoints of the eight meridians of the miraculous meridians. The 18 Jue Ming needles are displayed!

When Qin Tian rescued Nie Qingyuan, Nie Zhiyang's grandfather, he once used 18 Life Killing needles. This kind of needling can only be applied to people with strong willpower and strong desire for survival. Once applied to people with weak willpower, it will instantly become a lethal needle, accelerating the death of the injured!

Lu Bingqian dares to give Jiao Cheng 18 life-threatening needles, which is precisely because of Jiao Cheng's strong desire to survive!

"Connect medical instruments and disinfect the patient's wounds!" Qin Tian calmly orders Gu Xiaomin.

If you put it in the usual way, Qin's celestial body is full of true Qi, and naturally you don't need these things. But now, different from the past, Qin Tian has just experienced a life and death war, and his body is full of wounds. The true Qi in his body is exhausted in a mess. Even only 30% of Qin's Qi is recovered by ginseng!

Therefore, Qin Tian had to rely on modern medical means.

Gu Xiaomin nodded his head and immediately put on disposable rubber gloves and began to disinfect the coke range!

Gu Xiaomin deals with Jiao Cheng's wound. Qin Tian caresses Jiao Cheng with his right hand and brushes the silver needle on Jiao Cheng's body. Eighteen pieces of wood attribute, which are as fine as silk, immediately enter Jiao Cheng's body along the silver needle!

With the input of genuine Qi, the physical activity of Jiao Cheng is improved instantly. The strong recovery ability of wood attribute genuine Qi falls on the wound of Jiaocheng for the first time. The blood holes with the thickness of four arms wriggle one after another and begin to grow slowly!

Lu Bingqian, who was taking a rest at the side, saw this scene, and his old yellow eyes instantly widened!

This... This is regeneration!?

The first time I saw Qin Tian's operation, Lu Lao's face was full of surprise, and even his hands trembled with excitement!

Gu Xiaomin glanced at Lu Bingqian and disdained at the corners of his mouth.

It's a big surprise. If I told you my master that he could cure cancer, you wouldn't faint out on the spot!?

"Xiaomin, the treatment of the wound is up to you!"

Qin Tian looks serious. In the final analysis, these four blood holes are just trauma. They don't touch the key points at all. Jiao Cheng is still unconscious, mainly because of the injury of the internal organs!

Ji Haoyuan's powerful true Qi shakes the internal organs of Jiaocheng into displacement, and even ruptures and bleeds in large areas. What Qin Tian has to do is to put his disordered internal organs back to their original position, and completely repair the broken and bleeding parts!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian couldn't help sighing!

In his present state, there is only one way to repair the body of Jiao Cheng - that is to use the five dragon needle to fill the gap of true Qi with vitality!

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