Thinking of this, Qin Tian breathed a long sigh of relief, and then closed his eyes. At a very fast speed, he mobilized the only real Qi in his body!

"Are you crazy?" Suddenly, a light drink came from behind Qin Tian!

Qin Tian looks back, it is Qin Yue!

"You don't have much life left. If you use the five dragon needle to repair his body in your current state, it will reduce your life span by at least 20 years and save people. You may even die on the spot!" Qin Yue's face is slightly ugly, but the tone of Qin Tian's speech has become extremely soft.

Because she found that Qin Tian was like his father, even if he hurt himself, he also wanted to protect the people around him!

Looking at Qin Tian's back, there is an illusion that big brother is still alive!

Qin Tian smiles and feels her unprecedented care from Qin Yue's words.

"Life will be solved, but there is only one life. I have to save him!" Qin Tian said it was very firm.

At first, Qin Tian thought of eating that ginseng to fill his Qi, but the ginseng was so effective that he could not take it too much in a day. Even if he ate it by force, the effect would be greatly reduced. It would be better to fill it with life span directly, and it would save a lot of good things.

"It's like your father." Qin Yue had no choice but to smile.

"If I survive, tell me about my dad." Qin Tian turns his head and looks at the floating Qin moon behind him. His eyes are full of expectation.

"It's not time for you to know about your father. Let's wait until you get to the master level."

After saying that, Qin Yue smiles, and her body instantly rippled with a piece of water attribute real gas, and to Qin Tian's surprise, Qin Yue's majestic water attribute's true Qi is actually mixed with a trace of pure wood attribute!

"This is..." Qin Tian widened his eyes and couldn't believe looking at Qin Yue. Does she have the ability to re engrave!?

"What is it? This is a trace of wood attribute Qi that I have forcibly preserved before I was alive. I don't want to follow it up soon!"

Qin Yue's face is extremely ugly, with her present state, it is difficult to maintain this wood attribute for a long time!

Qin Tianwen speech, instantly turned around, left the back to Qin Yue!


A light drink, Qin Yue on the body of the majestic water attribute instantly wrapped up Qin Tian, that silk pure wood attribute true Qi, also along with this majestic into Qin Tian's body!


With a slight tremor, Qin Tian only felt that his small meridians had been impacted by a broad river, and he was about to burst in general!

"Auntie, this is... One silk real gas!" Qin Tian gnaws his teeth and tries to accept the true spirit sent by Qin Yue!

"Hum, who made you so worthless? You are 24 years old and still in the stage of martial arts!" Qin Yue hated that iron was not steel.

This is indeed a trace of wood attribute Qi that she retained before her life, but it is a very pure trace of genuine Qi of the master's realm!

Even if it is just a trace, it will become a torrent in the Qin heavenly body, which will sweep his whole body in an instant!

Qin Tian had no choice but to burst his meridians!

"Die, die!"

Qin Tian simply ignored Qin Yue and put all his mind on Jiao Cheng's body!

In a flash, Qin Tian's Green Qi suddenly broke out, and five silver needles went into Jiao Cheng's body with lightning speed!

"Five Dragon needle!"

In an instant, the originally extremely crowded meridians in the Qin celestial body suddenly became empty. The genuine Qi, like a torrent, seemed to have found an outlet and flowed towards Jiaocheng's body!

The fifth needle, the five dragon needle, has the effect of life and death. With Qin Tian's full output, the viscera in Jiao Cheng's body are recovering at an unimaginable speed!

Unconsciously, Jiao Cheng wakes up slowly under the healing of this powerful genuine Qi!

"Qin... Qin Tian, brother!"

Jiao Cheng can't believe looking at the scene in front of him. He thinks of what happened before!

"I'm holding you down!"

Jiao Cheng says this sentence, firm face instantly more than two lines of regret tears!

"If it's a brother, don't say that!"

Qin Tian closed his eyes, carefully aware of the injury in the tutorial body, constantly repair, dare not have a slightest carelessness!

Jiao Cheng gnaws his teeth and feels the changes in his body. He doesn't dare to disturb Qin Tian again!

As time goes by, all the internal organs of the focal range have been repaired!

But when Qin Tian prepares to continue to repair Jiao Cheng's four huge blood holes, Qin Yue suddenly stops him!

"These injuries can be cured with modern instruments. Don't waste the genuine Qi that I sent to you. Sit down cross your knees and take this silk Qi for your own use."

When Qin Yue drinks, the majestic water attribute forcibly interrupts Qin Tian's true Qi sent to Jiao Cheng's body along with the five dragon needles!Qin Tian had no choice but to sit on the ground!

Gu Xiaomin takes a look at Qin Tian, and then pushes his glasses. He focuses all his attention on the instrument. Sure enough, most of the data of his focal range has been recovered at the moment. Only the wound on his body is still affecting his body!

Gu Xiaomin, he Qihui, almost immediately wanted to understand Qin Tian's situation. He picked up the surgical tool beside him and began to treat the wound for Jiaocheng. While dealing with it, he talked to Chen Qiang outside, asking him to call 120 quickly!

After all, qintian here is just a clinic, even if the equipment is good, it can not complete a complete operation!

Time is not long, the ambulance came to the gate, will focus up, Gu Xiaomin see Qin Tian is still sitting on the ground, do not dare to disturb him, so he went to the hospital himself!

Jiao Cheng goes to the hospital for surgery, but Qin Tian sits on the ground, and the silk true Qi has no vent, and soon he is full of his meridians again!

"Don't resist. Remember the real Qi running route I told you!"

Qin Yue drank softly, and her wet right hand was put on Qin Tian's shoulder. Then, a gentle force penetrated into Qin Tian's body and began to swim in Qin Tian's celestial body with that majestic genuine Qi!

"This is..."

Qin Tian cried out in the depths of his soul, which was actually a new route for the operation of true Qi!

With the help of Qin Yue, this Qi attracts a fraction of it from the outside every week. Soon, the meridians of qintian inflate a little more, and even the Dantian becomes bigger than before!

"This is the cultivation Dharma formula handed down by the Qin family," yanmujue ". With this skill, plus the true Qi I left you, if you can't break through the master level, I'll take a look at it!"

After Qin Yue finished, she took two breaths and disappeared in front of Qin Tian!

Qin Tian focused on the changes in his body, and didn't notice that Qin Yue left.

According to the operation route of yanmujue, there are more and more wood attribute genuine Qi in Qin celestial bodies, which reaches a limit!


As if something was broken, the Qi in the celestial body of Qin condensed in an instant, and was rushing towards the elixir field at an incredible speed!

This is... Cohesion!?

Qin Tian was very surprised. He didn't expect that after the true Qi in his body reached the saturation state, all the genuine Qi came back to the Dantian again!

In just a moment, the real Qi in the Dantian instantly condensed, from the previous gas state to a liquid similar to the water flow!

actually became as like as two peas!


Qin Tian felt that there was only one tenth of the original liquid Qi left in his elixir field, and sent out a sincere sigh!

Although the volume of the true Qi in the body has become smaller, the concentration has become abnormally large. This small pool of liquid is enough to equal ten times the real Qi before!

"True Qi turns liquid, this is the sign of stepping into the master level!" In my mind, Qin Yue successfully answered Qin Tian's question!

Qin Tianwen speech, slightly a Leng, quickly stretched out his hands, feeling his own strength change!

Sure enough, no matter the body state, or the sense of the way of heaven, I have increased more than ten times!

At this moment, Qin Tian is sure to beat Ji Haoyuan to death in one second! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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