Qin Tian sits on the ground with his knees crossed and carefully feels the changes of his body. From inside to outside, whether it is flesh and blood, muscles and bones, or eight meridians, they are all baptized by liquefied real gas. The strength and toughness are almost strong, reaching a level that he never thought about!

"You don't need to be surprised. Every time you make progress on the road of cultivation, your body will change dramatically. You are just the beginning." The voice of Qin Yue rang out in the deep soul, which untied the deep doubts of Qin Tian.

"But... It's a little easier for me to be promoted!" Until now, Qin Tian has not accepted the fact that he has broken through the realm.

Is oneself lucky!?

"Other people think it's difficult to be promoted. It's better for you to be promoted easily, but there are complaints!" Qin Yue gave him a blank look. "In fact, the true Qi in your body has already reached a bottleneck. However, you have no corresponding skills to practice, and you can't break through the shackles. This time, I will send the true Qi into your body and teach you to make wooden decisions. This is the result of your promotion so quickly, which is not due to luck!"

Qin Tian hears the speech, this just relaxes the God to come.

The ghost Qi in one's body, even if it doesn't work, will slowly absorb the external breath to strengthen itself. However, the true Qi in the body has never been absorbed, not to mention growing. It turns out that it has reached the bottleneck!

At the moment, the true Qi and ghost Qi in the celestial body of Qin are in operation. To Qin Tian's surprise, undead Jue and yanmujue actually walk in two completely different tracks!

Does that mean that you can practice two skills at the same time in the future?!

"In theory, yes!" Qin Yue understood what Qin Tian thought in his head, and immediately nodded back, "although I don't know why your Dantian can hold two kinds of true Qi at the same time, it is reasonable to exist. Now the two kinds of true Qi in your body work independently and do not affect each other, which is undoubtedly a good thing!"

Not to mention anything else, the Dantian of qintian is twice the size of ordinary people, and the storage of genuine Qi is also twice that of ordinary martial arts!

In the previous battle with Ji Haoyuan, even if Qin Tian simultaneously exported ghost Qi and wood attribute true Qi to maintain water dragon, it was still the same as Ji Haoyuan's consumption time, which is the most direct proof!

In the future, Qin Tian's strength will be improved, and double the storage of true Qi will bring him a huge advantage!

The most important thing is that the two kinds of true Qi in Qin celestial body can work at the same time. As long as one time, you can complete double cultivation, and you won't waste too much time!

"Aunt." Qin Tian suddenly called Qin Yue in his mind.

"Huh?" Qin Yue Leng for a while, without a head, suddenly shout what!?

"Tell me about my father." Qin Tian smiles and sits on the ground with his knees crossed. He swims wood attribute Qi all over his body and begins to repair his injuries.

Qin Yue was a little stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that he had promised him to tell him about his father, but suddenly, Qin Yue didn't know where to start.

"Your father's name is Qin xiuru."

Mention big brother, Qin Yue's face showed a rare smile.

Qin xiuru!?

Qin Tian listened to a smile, but the name is delicate.

"His people, like his name, are gentle and gentle. No matter who they treat, they are as warm as spring breeze."

Qin Yue side said, the mind will recall when he was a child running behind his butt scene.

"You said before that he was a rare genius of the Qin family in a hundred years!" Qin Tian asked.

"Yes." Qin Yue nodded, "Qin family is divided into two lineages, one is" zhanmujue ", which is mainly about killing and cutting, and the other is" yanmujue ", which mainly deals with medical treatment. Your father, Qin xiuru, is the descendant of yanmujue's lineage. No one can match his medical skills. Even some hermit families should be treated with courtesy."

Speaking of this, Qin Yue's face showed a proud look!

What she didn't tell Qin Tian was that it took talent to cultivate yanmujue. At the beginning, only two of the younger generation of the Qin family succeeded in practicing yanmujue, while the other was far less powerful than Qin xiuru!

"In the whole Qin family, the head of the family is the most powerful and the top master. But your father Qin xiuru, at the age of 25, caught up with him and became the first person under the master!"

When Qin Tian heard the speech, he was immediately shocked. The most powerful hidden family was the peak of the master!? Well, I became a master in my twenties. Can I call him a genius!?

Qin Yue found out what he was thinking and said, "do you think that the strength between the master and the master is the same?"

Qin Tian's face turned red when he heard the speech. "All of them are masters..."

"even if they are all masters, the gap in strength is very different!" Qin Yue was serious and patiently introduced to Qin Tian, "the master's state is divided into four small stages, namely, the early stage of the master, the middle stage of the master, the peak of the master, and the realm of fake Dan. Your father, Qin xiuru, is in the middle stage of the master!"

"According to what you say, since the master can become the master, his talent should not be worse than me!? Why are you still at the peak of the master for so many years? " Qin Tian asked with some doubts."Do you think it's so easy to break the master's realm?" Qin Yue said, "after the master is the golden elixir. Once you step into the golden elixir, you will not be old or dead, but how can it be so simple to step into the golden elixir!? Once the pill fails, he will be scared out of his wits immediately, and he will never be able to live beyond life! "

"Well, at least you have to step into the realm of fake pills!" Qin Tian was not willing to accept Qin Yue's explanation, but the whole Qin family didn't even have a fake Dan kingdom.

"Achievement fake Dan is not as simple as you think." Qin Yue shook her head. "In addition to the understanding of the road to meet the requirements of the realm of fake Dan, the more fatal point is that after the achievement of the fake pill, the pill must be coagulated within ten years, otherwise, it will still be spirited out!"

This is why so many people choose to suppress the power and stay at the peak of the master!

Without the understanding of the road, no one dares to take the plunge!

"Well, somebody's going to make it!" Qin Tian frowned and asked slightly.

"Yes!" Qin Yue nodded, "some old monsters who feel that their deadline is coming will break through to fake pills a few years before their deadline, and then coagulate pills a few days before their own deadline. If they are lucky, they will step into the golden elixir. If they are not lucky, they will live a few days less. For them, there is no loss at all!"

Qin Tian nodded after hearing the speech. The explanation was reasonable, but then Qin Tian's face changed. "Why is my father at the height of his life, but he died?"

The first person under the master of the family has mastered the existence of yanmujue and won the respect of the public. How can we say that death is death!?

"Twenty three years ago, the sense of home ownership was limited by his own, breaking through the false Dan." Qin Yue gave a bitter smile.

"Fight for the position of master of the house!" Qin Tian hears the speech immediately a startle, this sentence blurs out!

Smart as Qin Tian, immediately thought of the key to the problem!

"That's right. As soon as the master stepped into the realm of fake Dan, he ignored the family affairs and went directly into the forbidden area to close down. The whole family of Qin immediately became very frightened." Qin Yue said, and her face became more and more serious. "Elder brother, although he is strong, he is still young, and his foundation in Qin family is not as good as some old people. Finally, after a trip, he never came back. My sister-in-law, who is your mother, disappeared with him."

Qin Tian listened, stunned for a moment, this is the first time Qin Yue mentioned his mother in his conversation with him.

"Without the protection of elder brother, you will become their prey when you are only two years old. I have to take you away from Qin family and come to Songshan." Qin Yue said, the face showed a reluctant look, "but unfortunately, still failed to escape their pursuit."

Qin Tian quietly listened to all Qin Yue said, followed by indifferent smile.

"No, it should be - fortunately, we escaped their pursuit!"

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