Qin Yue was stunned at hearing the speech, but then laughed, "yes, fortunately, we escaped their pursuit!"

It doesn't matter if you die. At least you have left a root for your elder brother. As long as Qin Tian is still there, they will kill Qin family sooner or later to get justice for elder brother!

"Let's go and see brother Jiao in the hospital."

Qin Tian gets up slowly, and his injury has almost recovered. Qin Tian has to sigh for the recovery ability of wood attribute Qi!

At the moment, Shanghai and the Wu family compound!

"What!? Even he failed! " Wu Haitang sat down on the sofa and couldn't believe his eyes widened. His old face turned pale in an instant!

He had seen Ji Haoyuan's ability. It was just like a fairy. He couldn't figure out what Qin Tian could do. Even Ji Haoyuan was not his opponent!

"Master, this is not the time to consider what means Qin Tian has! In my heart, Qin Tian will come to take revenge. At that time, I'm afraid no one in Wu's family can stop him... "

the housekeeper in the long gown has lost his previous calm and calm, so he reminds Wu Haitang to arrange his retreat as soon as possible!

Hearing this, Wu Haitang woke up like a dream, and quickly ordered the bodyguard next to him, "contact the imperial Wu family immediately. I want to ask them to pick up the Kirin!"

Wu Haitang is well aware of the responsibilities of the huhai Wu family. He does not expect his family to allow his whole family to move back to Beijing, but at least he must let his son go back. He must not let the huhai Wu family not even have a descendant left behind!


Qin Tian took a taxi, and soon came to the affiliated hospital. He got to the emergency room on the fourth floor!

"What's going on?"

Qin Tian opened his mouth and asked Li Xinran, who was guarding the operating room. Li Xinran immediately breathed a sigh of relief as soon as Qin Tian arrived.

"All the attending doctors and experts in the surgery have entered. Just now, the news came out that the problem is not serious."

Qin Tian nodded. In this case, he didn't have to rush in. When Jiao Cheng came out and entered the ward, he would give him treatment.

What about Gu Xiaomin Qin Tian looked around and found that he did not see Gu Xiaomin's shadow.

"It's a rare opportunity. I let her follow her in. It's much more useful to observe the operation on the spot than to talk about it on paper." Li Xinran smiles.

Gu Xiaomin's name she has heard of, is a school rare talent, Qin Tian can receive such an apprentice, she is very happy.

"Oh, so..." Qin Tian looked around and felt that there was no meaning in it. He simply pulled Li Xinran and said, "go, take you to a good place!"

"Ah!" Li Xinran was suddenly pulled by Qin Tian and nearly tripped over her high-heeled shoes in panic. "But Jiao Cheng is still in the emergency room..."

"don't worry, he will be OK!"

Qin Tian confidently smiles and pulls Li Xinran down the stairs, then drives to the Songjiang River.

Although it is late at night, but the barbecue stand by the river is still very prosperous.

Qin Tian pulled Li Xinran and quickly found the barbecue stall that had been there before. The boss still lit his cigarette carelessly and sliced mutton with a knife in his hand.

Last time in this scene of trouble is still vivid, the boss seems to recognize Qin Tian.

Li Xinran looked at the bustling appearance here. He could not help showing an excited look on his small face. "How do you know this place?"

"Last time, brother Jiao's comrades in arms just arrived at Songshan and came here to pick up the wind for them!" Qin Tian laughs and excitedly takes a small Maza and sits in front of a blank table.

"It seems that you often come out to eat delicious food without me!" Li Xinran small mouth slightly a toot, murmured a word.

In the past, even if Qin was a beautiful student, he could not even bring his own reputation.

Try to ask, such a husband does not take his wife out to eat supper, which woman can rest assured!?

Qin Tian was stunned for a moment, but fortunately, he responded quickly and said in a hurry: "I ate that time, but I didn't come."

"Oh, you have a good memory. You can remember all the places you visited once!"

Li Xinran curled her lips. She could see clearly that the butcher and Qin Tian looked at each other just now. If she only came here once, how could the boss know you!?

Qin Tian felt that the more he explained, the more confused he was. He simply ignored the problem. He reached out and called, and the guy on the stall came over.

"Oh, brother, it's you, but I haven't been here for a while."

When I saw Qin Tian, I also saw that there were dozens of people who came to eat the barbecue, but it was eight minutes. On that day alone, they made half a month's profit!

Li Xinran a look at the little guy also with Qin Tian so familiar, two white Qin Tian one eye.

"Busy, no time to come..." Qin Tian laughed awkwardly, and quickly pointed to the things on the stall and called out: "ten mutton, ten big flowers, two eggplants, a plate of oysters, and five pairs of pork kidneys!""OK!" The boy quickly wrote down the Qin tiandian things and the table number, and walked to the barbecue stand.

"There are so beautiful mothers who have to eat more oysters and pig waists, otherwise they will not be able to work hard at night!"

"Hahahaha..." br >

just at this time, four men with bare arms on the next table with tattoos on their backs laughed out loud.

Qin Tian turned his head and looked at the past. The person who spoke was not tall, shaved a bald head, and his voice was full of indecency. At this moment, he was looking at Li Xinran with no kindness, while looking at his crotch and making some indecent actions!

The next three people are similar to his image, and several dogs' eyes have been scanning Li Xinran, completely ignoring Qin Tian's existence!

Li Xinran naturally felt the other side of the eye, hurriedly reached out to pull their skirt, covered the exposed calf.

Qin Tian saw this scene, hurriedly took off his coat, covered on Li Xinran's leg, let her more points of security.

"Brother, a little bit of a mean, so beautiful woman you can meet it!? Just take it out. Our brother will help you to meet it! "

And then there was another burst of laughter.

"Yes, I'll help you to meet you!"

"This little girl is so water-catching!"

"I haven't been to this level of women yet!"

The remaining three were full of nonsense.

Qin Tian heard these words, and immediately his face was gloomy, but when he was ready to get up and teach them, Li Xinran suddenly pulled his arm.

"Come on, it's not easy to come out together. Don't be happy because they're lost. Just ignore them." Li Xinran smiled gently and tried to keep himself from being upset by these people.

Qin Tianwen Yan, body slightly Leng, indeed, he did not and Li Xinran alone, do not say alone, even alone with the time are poor.

Nodded, a buttock and sat back on the Mazar, and gave a hard look at the mixed son at the table next door. I said you were lucky!

"Oh, dare to stare at us, boy, toast and not eat free wine!"

Said, that bald head then rose to Qin Tian, the remaining three people also began to pull Li Xinran!

"Get out of here!"

Qin Tian's face was completely gloomy, slapped on the hand of the man who pulled himself, and staggered him. He stood next to Li Xinran years ago and pushed her away.

If Li Xinran didn't want to fight today, just then those two times, Qin Tian could let them regret coming to the world!

"Come on, let's go." Li Xinran pulled Qin Tian, and he really didn't want to stay here.

Qin Tian looked at Li Xinran, nodded and was ready to turn and leave with her.

"Beauty, what do you do so anxious to leave!"!? Brother just want to make you comfortable, and will not eat you, what are you afraid of!? It's hard not to be your husband who can't protect you!? " Bald tone is indecent, reach out and pull two trousers head, his legs between the soft meat of the tight, as if deliberately to Li Xinran to see the general.

The other three mixed men laughed with bad faces, and they were stuck behind them in Qin Tian. "How comfortable and comfortable it is, how good it is to be at such a good age, I can realize it..." br >

I advise you to get out of my husband before he gets angry! " Li Xinran frowned, holding Qin Tian's hand tighter and tighter.

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