I saw a Green Qi and ghost gas are intertwined together, forming a vortex as high as several meters, is falling towards itself!


A light tremor, Qin Tian comfortable shiver!

The real Qi and ghost Qi entered his body and made great progress along the meridians. The running speed was more than ten times as fast as before!


Qin Tian bit his teeth and opened his eyes excitedly!

What he didn't expect was that the spiritual consciousness in his soul would make new cultivation methods according to the changes in his body!

Needless to say, Qin Tian also knows that no matter how the spiritual consciousness is changed, the perfect thing must be the most suitable for him!

However, Qin Tian was excited and worried about it.

"What's the matter with this spiritual consciousness?"!? Why others don't have it, but you own it!? Is it related to the inheritance you have acquired? "

Qin Tian couldn't be sure whether it was good or bad for himself!

For a long time, Qin Tian finally sighed and left the problem behind.

No matter what the spiritual consciousness is, at least this moment is helpful for us. Even if there are problems, they can not be solved by ourselves now.

In this case, simply take it as you come and enjoy the benefits it brings to yourself!

With this in mind, Qin Tian's mind became clear and clear, and even the real Qi became smooth.

After Qin Tian opened his eyes and looked to the East, the sun rose slowly.

"It's incredible that this half night's practice can hold up to the previous week."

Qin Tian can't help sighing about his own physical condition. He meditated all night, but he was more energetic than sleeping.

After a simple wash, Qin Tian went to the breakfast stand of the old couple.

When Qin Tian arrived here, the old couple had already put the stalls in order, and there were already many guests.


Just when Qin Tian is ready to help, a familiar voice rings. Gu Yiming is sitting on the pony, sucking and sucking tofu brain, and greeting himself with his face!

"Xiao Tian, give Yiming a few more sticks."

Seeing Qin Tian coming, Liu Yuelan doesn't want him to reach out and help. She brings a small bowl of fried dough sticks and a bowl of bean curd bean curd to Qin Tian. She waves her hand and asks him to eat with Gu Yiming.

Qin Tian takes over the things and slowly sits opposite Gu Yiming.

Seeing Qin Tian sit down, Gu Yiming quickly pulls out a piece of paper to wipe his mouth. He takes out a delicate green bottle from the bag beside him and puts it in front of Qin Tian.

"Tiange, the finished product has come out. What do you think?" Gu Yiming said excitedly.

Qin Tian took a bite of the fried dough sticks and held up the green bottle. He found that the small bottle was extremely exquisite, with the logo of "jishengtang" printed on it, and the words "Qin's health cream" below.

Qin Tian took a look at Gu Yiming, reached out and unscrewed the bottle cap. He found that it was a kind of transparent white viscous liquid, which was extremely smooth when smeared. It was also full of aroma and refreshing.

Qin Tian as like as two peas, and found that the formula was exactly the same as the ingredients of the medicine he used to paste in his last mask. But after the treatment of Gu Yiming, it was no longer the black appearance.

"yes, but the quantity of this bottle is a little bit less, plus the average person will not rub too much on the face cream, and the efficacy may be a little worse..." Qin Tian simply evaluated the sentence.

"Don't worry, brother Tian, even if the amount is less, the effect is already good, no words!" With all the excitement on his face, Gu Yiming could not wait to tell all of the things to Qin Tian. "When I was ready to handle the cream, I tried someone to try it. The effect of whitening and freckle is very significant. Basically, when you use a bottle, you can see a marked improvement, and you will be sure to come back and buy second bottles!"

Gu Yiming said more excited, if this thing on the market, it can be white money!

"And I have already talked with the person in charge of the major shopping malls. In a few days, they will be officially put on sale, and there will be special counters for us to keep! At that time, together with some publicity means from the shopping mall, it will be a good start! "

"That's all right. You can do it as you like. I don't understand it." Qin Tian then handed the green bottle to Gu Yiming, "in addition, what's the trademark about?"

Qin Tian pointed to the clear words "jishengtang" and "Qin's" on the trademark, and his expression was obviously displeased.

If he remembered correctly, he had already made it clear when he handed the formula to Gu Yiming. He was not prepared to make money by selling drugs.

Even if the hospital loses some money every day, it doesn't matter. After all, by killing those killers, they have gathered a lot of wealth. Even Citibank still has three billion dollars from those famous TCM families. Qin Tian is not short of money at all!

In the view of Qin Tian at this stage, "not making patients rich" is what he needs to carry out and pass on most!"God, are you really not going to ask for shares?"

Gu Yiming is a little embarrassed. When he first designed the trademark, he just wanted to let Qin Tian have a way to get money. He couldn't really take all the money himself!?

That's not a friend's job!

"Since you have decided on the trademark, that's it. If you give it to you, it's yours. I can't take it!" Qin Tian indifferent smile, "for the doctor hanging pot to help the world, can not make this kind of wealth."

"But my God, how can you make me feel better?" Gu Yiming thought, "well, Li Zheng gave you a commission when he was on the air. You can't ask him to leave me!"

"I don't think I'll make money for patients if I earn his commission!" Qin Tian laughs.

Catching ghosts is not the same as seeing a doctor. It is to fight with one's life. What you get is to sell your life. It's not the same as digging up the patient's money to make unjust gains!

"Well." Seeing that Gu Yiming was still able to speak, Qin Tian simply raised his hand and stopped him. "If you really feel bad about it, you can get me another car with A-class, and that spenter was abandoned in the last accident..."

thinking of this, Qin Tian is depressed. The municipal Party committee Zheng Dakang and Zhou Zaiyun are too unkind. The traffic accidents have been going on for such a long time, and they don't pay for their own cars.

"That's easy to do!" Gu Yiming immediately clapped his thigh. "I'll go back and place an order with my partners in Southeast Asia, and let them make another set of war class armor from the warlords of Burma."

Gu Yiming made a decision on the spot, but he didn't tell Qin Tian that the armor and freight costs could not be obtained at all!

But he didn't care about the money at all. Qin Tian was very interested in himself, not to mention one or two million yuan. Even if it was one or two hundred million yuan, he would bite his teeth and handle this matter!

"Oh, by the way, it's better to have an automatic driving function..." Qin Tian said this sentence casually while drinking bean curd.

"My God, I'm so happy." Gu Yiming looks up at Qin Tian, and a trace of "I understand" is hanging in the corner of his mouth.

They continue to eat breakfast. Gu Yiming leaves after a short time. At this time, a team of security guards, dressed in neat clothes, walk past the stall. With strict probability and solemn momentum, they let the residents around buy breakfast pick their thumbs up!

"Since the establishment of the new security team, we haven't made a scene of thieves in our community. Don't worry about it!"

"What's more, the last time Mr. Liu's mother was hit by someone at the gate of the community, and the car hit and run, or our community security guard drove the car to stop it back!"

"These guys are good guys. I'm happy to spend more on the property."

"Yes, that's right."

For a time, Qin Tian was surrounded by praise for the security team!

Qin Tian was eating and listening. He was so happy that he suddenly thought of something and knocked the green jade on his chest.

"Auntie, did you get up?" Qin Tian contacted Qin Yue through his soul.

Qin Tian still respects this aunt.

"Ghosts don't have to sleep." Qin Yue's voice quickly came back, "if you have anything to say directly."

Qin Tian hears Yan can and smiles. He is also ready to stretch out his legs to talk about soft words. He didn't expect Qin Yue to be so direct.

Qin Tian coughed twice, then asked Qin Yue, "Auntie, do you have the cultivation method of zhanmujue?"

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