When Qiuyue heard the speech, she frowned and immediately yelled: "since you have taken the route of yanmujue, you should be honest and honest to practice yanmujue. You are greedy to chew more than you can chew. This is the taboo of cultivating truth!"

"No, no, I didn't mean it." Qin Tian explained in a hurry, "last time I heard you said that the battle wood must be a cultivation method based on fighting. I want to ask you, can you pass it on to people outside the Qin family?"

"Outsiders!" Qin Yue was shocked when she heard the speech.

As a young lady from a big family, Qin Yue never thought about spreading the family's things, which originated from the concept of bone.

"Who do you want to pass it to?" Qin Yue is full of doubts.

"Just the veterans who just went there!"

Qin Tian's idea is very simple. These veterans are upright and loyal to themselves. When Qin Tian drew them in from the beginning, they were trained according to their own confidants. Now, with this convenient condition, why not try to improve their strength!?

Besides, I am sure that I will find the Qin family in the future, and I can't do it alone. With the participation of these people, I will be more confident even if there is a war in the future!

Then Qin Tian told Qin Yue all his ideas. After listening, Qin Yue frowned and thought.

"Now, we are not the people of the Qin family. They are unkind to us, and we don't have to be righteous." With that, Qin Yue sighed, "to whom do you want to pass this skill! But one thing must be remembered! "

Speaking of this, Qin Yue pauses for a moment, "the person you preach must be upright, and never be a sycophant. Even if you misread the person and the story is inhuman, you must bear the pain to clean up the door and never let it harm the society."

Qin Yue's worries are not unreasonable.

An ordinary person endangers the society is frightening, let alone a practitioner!?

Qin Tian quickly nodded, "don't worry, aunt, I will!"

Finish saying that, Qin Tian tightly picked two mouthfuls of bean curd brain, then got up to go to the hospital.

After Lu Bingqian and Qin Tian's treatment, plus the operation of many doctors in the hospital, at this time, the focus has been restored to more than half.

As soon as he entered the door, Qin Tian saw Wu Xiaoyan, who was feeding Jiaocheng porridge, and Jiao Jie, who was tidying up hospital supplies.

The mother and daughter saw Qin Tian come and stood up in a hurry.

"Sister in law, Jiao Jie, sit down quickly. What are you doing?" Qin Tian smiles awkwardly.

He wanted to come over today and give Jiao Cheng another treatment, so that he would not look so miserable. He would go back and talk to their mother and daughter again, but how could he expect that they would come here early in the morning.

"Brother Qin Tian, you sit here!" Wu Xiaoyan patted the stool she was sitting on and asked Qin Tian to sit down.

In fact, both their mother and daughter understood that Qin Tian was embarrassed because he felt that he had hurt Jiao Cheng. He felt sorry for his injury and was afraid that he and his daughter would blame him.

But Wu Xiaoyan and Jiao Jie are not like that!

Since Jiao Cheng followed Qin Tian, his family's life is getting better and better. Not to mention how much money Qin Tian gave them, just the number of times Qin Tian saved Jiao Cheng and Jiao Jie. This kindness is worth selling Jiao Cheng's life to him!

"Sister in law, I'm sorry." Qin Tian did not sit, but stood at the door, sincerely apologized to Wu Xiaoyan.

"Brother Qin Tian, you are scolding me by saying this!"

Before Wu Xiaoyan opens his mouth, Jiao Cheng shouts to Qin Tian in a hurry. In his impatience, he triggers the wound, and immediately the blood flows out!

When Qin Tian saw it, he hurried forward and gathered his true Qi in his fingers. He suddenly stabbed the acupoints in Jiao Cheng's body!

"Brother Jiao Cheng, don't get excited." Qin Tian pacifies Jiao Cheng as he tries to stop bleeding. "No matter how I say it, it's my fault. I can't get over it."

The target of the killer is himself. If he didn't cause too much trouble, Jiao Cheng would not solve the problem for himself, and he would be in danger of dying.

At this time, Jiao Jie, who was packing things, came over, poured a glass of water and put it beside Qin Tian. He said softly to Qin Tian: "brother Tian, if you want me to say, it's nobody's fault. If you want to blame, blame the person who bought the killer to kill you. These people are so hateful! "

Wu Xiaoyan nodded after hearing the speech," yes, blame them! It's natural that our old Jiao works for you. It's natural that we should blame the person who bribed the killer if we want to blame! If it wasn't for them, neither you nor our old Jiao would be hurt! "

Qin Tian smelled the speech and looked at them gratefully.

"Brother Qin Tian, ask who bought the killer!" Jiao Cheng asked Qin Tian very seriously.

Yesterday, the killer's strength is really too strong, he has been boasting of being the king of war, but in the end, he didn't even touch each other, and he nailed him to the wall!

Jiao Cheng can't imagine how Qin Tian defeated the other party!

"Well, I asked." Qin Tian nodded, and a cold chill flashed through his eyes. "I'll wait for you to get rid of the wound and take someone to revenge myself!"

Qin Tian is not joking this time. The Wu family has gone too far. In order to have a little verbal Festival, the killers first followed by the mercenary regiment, and even now even the practitioners are out. He really can't imagine what they will do!Therefore, in order to avoid future trouble, Qin Tian must uproot the Wu family in Shanghai and the sea!

As soon as Jiao Cheng listens to Qin Tian's words, a burst of murderous spirit breaks out in his eyes. "Don't worry. When I'm healed, I'll uproot them!"

"Then I'll wait for you to leave the hospital!" Qin Tian laughs.

After chatting a few more words, Qin Tian asks Wu Xiaoyan and Jiao Jie out of the ward and helps Jiao Cheng take off his clothes.

"The wound is well sewn up!"

Qin Tian looks at the four big holes in Jiao Cheng's body and nods his head and praises them.

"It was made by that little girl in your hospital!" Jiao Cheng smiles. "I asked for it!"

Since Qin Tian accepted the little girl as his apprentice, he naturally took a fancy to her qualification. In this case, Jiao Cheng simply regarded himself as an experimental object and asked Gu Xiaomin to sew his wound on the spot.

Don't say, Jiaocheng is scared after sewing. The sewing is really good!

Qin Tian shook his head helplessly, "you really dare."

With these words, Qin Tian takes out a needle bag and begins to put needles on Jiao Cheng's body. However, with Qin Yue's warning, Qin Tian does not dare to use the five dragon needle rashly any more. He can only use ordinary means to transport the genuine Qi into Jiao Cheng's body and slowly treat his wound.

But don't say, modern medical means and Qin Tian's true Qi make Jiao Cheng's injury recover obviously at this moment!

"In less than a week, brother Jiaocheng will be cured and discharged from hospital!"

After pricking the needle, Qin Tian calls Wu Xiaoyan and Jiao Jie in and tells them the news!

Wu Xiaoyan and Jiao Jie listen, immediately happy smile out of the sound.

In terms of Jiao Cheng's injury, it's not surprising to lie in the hospital for half a year, but I didn't expect to be discharged in a week after Qin Tian's treatment!

"Brother Jiao Cheng, recover quickly. Besides revenge, there is another big thing waiting for you." Qin Tian is about to leave and turns to Jiao Cheng.

This is nothing else. Qin Tian is going to teach Zhan mujue to the security team!

Qin Tianguang is excited to think about a team of more than 80 people!

From Jiao Cheng, Qin Tian goes to the antique street again. While driving, Qin Tian ponders. He has too many things to do every day. If he goes on like this, he can't keep up with his practice!

"You can try to keep practicing in your daily life The voice of Qin Yue rang in time.

"Keep practicing at all times?" Qin Tian was stunned.

"Yes, an excellent warrior will practice all the time!" Qin Yue said.

In fact, Qin Yue didn't tell the truth. There are people who keep practicing all the time. But even in the whole of China, there are very few people who can do it. The reason why she wants to talk to Qin Tian like this is to hope Qin Tian can work hard in that direction!

Qin Tian did not doubt that he had him. While driving, the real Qi and ghost Qi in his body ran quietly!

"GA -"

a sharp brake sound came, and a black Passat suddenly swung its tail, and it was in front of Qin Tian!

"To die! How to drive a car! "

Passat's owner rolled down the window and cursed excitedly.

Qin Tian found that he had just been immersed in the environment of communication between heaven and earth. He actually drove his car into the opposite lane and nearly hit someone else's car.

After a long period of apology, Qin Tiancai set foot on the journey again.

It seems that it is not easy to maintain the state of cultivation at any time!

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